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Offline I_B_Perky

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Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« on: September 01, 2014, 11:34:05 PM »
Can't really call this a bouncy per se. I haven't seen these kind of posts since the horrible Bush economy back in 2004. Funny they are returning now with obumbles large and in charge. Maybe would should call them jobsies?

The Link:

The OP:
Dirty Socialist (632 posts)

I Am Pissed Off Today
I saw a want ad for a chemist. They want someone with a BS degree and the pay is only $14-$16 per hour. Then they have the balls to call it a "fantastic opportunity". For what, qualification for low income housing? How can they bullshit like this with a straight face?

I'm thinking this is going to be good. Let's see what the dummies think...

progressoid (32,152 posts)
1. Yep. That's today's "middle class" wage.

Hate to say it, but that's pretty good wage around here. Of course, not a living wage.

Who is in charge?

brewens (3,625 posts)
2. I work for a blood center and that's about what we pay phlebotomists. I don't think a rookie just

out of the course gets quite that but someone with experience does for sure. I believe that is just like a six or eight week course.

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Response to brewens (Reply #2)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 09:25 PM

Star Member Skittles (95,819 posts)
13. I donate platelets every 3 - 4 weeks

I don't know how long the course is but I can tell you it takes some experience for phelobomists to get really good!

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Response to Skittles (Reply #13)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 09:37 PM

brewens (3,625 posts)
20. I donate platelets too. They make it convenient for employees, sometimes letting us do

it on the clock, but I also come in on mornings when I have the day off. The ones that last always reach an acceptable level of skill. Hard not to doing it all day, every day. Then there are the real pros. You know the difference if you donate enough.

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Response to brewens (Reply #20)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 09:53 PM

Star Member Skittles (95,819 posts)
24. 49 galllons!


I often get the newer folk as they know I will return even if they screw up

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Response to Skittles (Reply #24)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:02 PM

brewens (3,625 posts)
25. Good going. If you're doing platelets, you won't get anyone very green. At least at my center,

they won't train you for that unless you are totally competant at drawing whole blood.

I let the rookies draw me when I was just donating whole blood.

They don't add platelet units up for gallon awards at my center. The keep whole blood, red cells and platelets seperate for any kind of award. I'm a little over two gallons in whole blood but closing in on 400 units in platelets. We're real close in total volume.

Not sure what this has to do with a degree in chemistry?

yeoman6987 (2,690 posts)
3. The Bachelor's degree is the new High School Diploma

Seriously, I have noticed the trend for awhile. A Master's is sorta special still but for how long. I do have a Master's but so does quite a few people now a days. I have no desire for a PHD, but may have to break down and start one soon. I am 45 and still have a lot of work years left so who knows what is in store down the road.

Who is president again?

Curmudgeoness (14,792 posts)
4. Let's hope they get no responses.

My desire is to see shit jobs like this go wanting. It would make them have to offer more money to fill the positions. There is no way that people have put years into college to earn this kind of wage.

Dumbassery studies anyone?

msongs (34,185 posts)
5. yeah its better people should be unemployed instead of taking a "shit" job paying $15 an hour? nt

Dummie stumbles on to what is wrong with welfare. Or maybe dummie is my a mole. You decide.

Curmudgeoness (14,792 posts)
7. I understand that.

And I know that is the catch 22 that we find ourselves in. That is why I say it is my "desire" that no one would take that job. I know the realities.

But this is most certainly a shit job for someone with a BS.

Womyns studies majors... pick up the pink courtesy phone.

jimlup (4,704 posts)
6. Dylan's "20 years of schooling and they put you on the day shift..."

We now have to add "at less than survival wages. "

Who is president now and has been since 2008? Who? Bueller?

L0oniX (25,116 posts)
8. $14-$16 per hour ...fitting for a diploma mill degree'd fake.

You get what you pay for in other words? Capitalism in action?

n2doc (33,784 posts)
9. And Yet, I'll bet they toss any applications from those over 40

Depending on the job, I would bet they will get lots of applicants.

I agree for the level of education the pay should be higher. But anything that can be outsourced to India and China has or will be, because their pay is even less. Thanks for nothing, Bubba.

40 year old experienced chemists would more than likely not even apply.

Oh and who is president again?

SmittynMo (1,164 posts)
12. Welcome to the new middle class.

Blame the republicans. And if they get in control, it is sure to get worse. They don't want no stinkin wage increase for anyone.. Especially minimum wage. Real interesting that you reference age 40. 40 is the new 50. It use to be years ago that once you hit 50, no one looks at you if your unemployed. The job market is quite screwed up right now. And here I sit at 60, trying to find a job, and no one is interested.

I'm getting tired of asking this question... WHO IS PRESIDENT AGAIN?

obxhead (7,971 posts)
31. The shit employment we see is an equal opportunity with politicians.

Blame he republicans. Yes we can, but it really is only half of the story.

Dems marched in lock step to drive wages down.

Granite future? You decide. Molling poorly, this one is.

LiberalEsto (20,563 posts)
10. That's practically chump change for a chemist t


SheilaT (15,406 posts)
11. I can't know about that particular job listing,

but sometimes the person putting the listing out there has no clue what the job really ought to pay.

A friend of mine worked for six or seven years for a state employment agency, and he ran into that all the time, and would try to get the companies to understand that they will get what they pay for. Once he received a posting for a French language translator, and they were offering $10/hour. He can do French translation, and would have applied for the job himself except that he already knew that translation jobs more typically pay $25/hour. He explained that to them. They said, No, we think we'll get someone at this rate. No one ever did apply for that job, at least not through my friend's office.

Capitalism in action!

jonjensen (86 posts)
14. Liberal whining

Whining sure does a lot of good doesn't it? I deliver pizzas ;but I don't whine I spend my time when I am not delivering pizzas on commission (not minimum wage as they won't hire old farts like for minimum wage only younger) I register hispanic voters(others too!) that will make change in wages look at what hispanic vote is doing for california and soon in texas arizona!

Dump stay short, I predict. Granite future, guaranteed.

DeadLetterOffice (318 posts)
27. FYI - "liberal" isn't an insult here

Are you sure you're on the right board?

Response to jonjensen (Reply #14)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:24 PM

Star Member NYC_SKP (60,638 posts)
32. You really need to work on your messaging. "Whining" is pretty dismissive.

People are liable to try to have you banned if you don't try to be more considerate and careful in how you reply.

I agree insofar as we need to get out the vote and change things.

Response to jonjensen (Reply #14)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:25 PM

obxhead (7,971 posts)
33. Welcome to DU.

Hope the exit goes smoothly for ya.

Response to jonjensen (Reply #14)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 11:07 PM

Star Member cui bono (12,091 posts)
40. I find it ironic that you deliver pizzas.

Just sayin'.

The tolerance of the liberals shines thru!

aikoaiko (19,331 posts)
15. For a 4-year degree 32,000 isn't so bad. Could have good benefits.

Better than nothing.

The new oconomy.

cui bono (12,091 posts)
41. Depends on where you live.

Plus, people should make that much with a high school diploma. There's no reason why they can't other than corporate greed and a bought and paid for govt.

You cook fries, you get paid a fry cook wage for cooking those fries. If it isn't what you want, then quit and find higher paying job in the wunnerful oconomy.

nikto (1,956 posts)
16. I am 63, and this is not the America I voted for or ever wanted

Last edited Mon Sep 1, 2014, 10:14 PM - Edit history (5)
I was the beneficiary of a great birth year---circa 1950s----A better, fairer (with all its injustices) era of American history,
due to The new Deal and a more liberal era of the country (watch some of the western shows from the
late 50s/early 60s for some of the flavor of that popular liberalism--Fine liberal values on display in many episodes of
Have Gun Will Travel, Bonanza, Gunsmoke, etc etc). Very different from today---because it was a different era.

With all it's problems,
It was a far better America, with far more level playing field, than it is today.

Back in the late 70s and 80s I could see cynical change coming, and voted against Reagan both times, and I oppose all corporatists (both Dem and GOP) as should all freedom-loving (and opportunity-loving) Americans.

But in 2014, amazingly, the country is still being re-made by THEM, not by people who feel as I do.

The New Deal is being totally rolled-back, as was forecast and seen by some folks way back in the 80s.

This economy has been partly made by the Clintons, and by Obama's bows to banks and corporations,
as well as by the GOP corporatists themselves. All those in power who made their deal with The Devil of American Big Business (and those who were susceptable to their dishonest sales pitches) were part of the cause of our present troubles.

Progressive political REFORM is the answer.

But America isn't listening.

Instead we are continuing to drive very fast in the opposite direction.

As pitiful as it may seem,
I sincerely, and with an aching heart,
apologize to you for all the members of my generation who voted for
the garbage-America we are getting now.

I am so sorry.

And for the perpe-traitors, I have only...

It's Reagan's fault!!! Who knew? Never mind your generation voted to give free shit to people and elected obumbles. You own it dummies.

warrant46 (2,049 posts)
29. Well you will get more of this if Hillary is

Elected--- but I doubt the Repuke Gerrymandered House will do anything more in 2016 than it is now

Hillary under the DU bus. Who knew?

Dirty Socialist (632 posts)
21. OK I Get It

They are trying to maximize profits by paying a BS degreed Chemist the wage of a typical 2 year degree person right out of school. However, they shouldn't call it a "fantastic opportunity". Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining!

Who is president again dummie?

toby jo (1,180 posts)
23. Get your foot in the door and see what gives.

It's a resume point and a chance to rub elbows.

This dummie might end up with a good career. For a dummie.

brooklynite (16,602 posts)
26. $31,000 a year

You don't indicate if experience is required, or if this is considered a "senior position". For an entry level job with a college degree, that might be marginally low, but I don't see it as a major issue.

Will the truth come out?

Dirty Socialist (632 posts)
28. It calls for one year experience

I hear the average starting salary for someone with a two year degree is $35,000 per year.

Yep. Dummie wants to make great money right out of school I guess.

Thor_MN (6,210 posts)
30. That would be more than double than what I started at about 30 years ago

My first job as a chemist paid $13K per year. I worked there for a year and a half before I found a better job. I did make $18K that first year with overtime.

Slaps dirty socialist in the face.

obxhead (7,971 posts)
34. 30 years ago.

30 years ago you could buy a new sports car for 10k. You could by a nice house for 50k.

Today 32k hardly makes up the 1/3 of gross to rent an apartment.

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Response to obxhead (Reply #34)

Mon Sep 1, 2014, 11:06 PM

Thor_MN (6,210 posts)
39. A Corvette was over $20K in 1985. Same for BMW 3 series

Then again, your idea of a sports car might be different... Maybe a Horizon TC3?

Not sure what you mean by your apartment comment, are you saying an entry level job should allow one to rent an $8K per month apartment? My first apartment now rents for about 60% more then what I paid for it.

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Dummie slaps the other dummie upside the head with a clue bat.

IrishAyes (5,837 posts)
36. Makes me sick too.

Years ago I easily got that much for private duty LPN nursing, which didn't take nearly as much formal education as chemistry, etc. One of these days soon a hard rain's gonna fall.

New flash, dummie!!! That hard falling rain is a damned hurricane thanks to obumbles.

That is it for now. Sure to grow.

Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2014, 11:48:02 PM »
DUmmies are always pissed off. No?  :???: I am surprised a DUmmy wants to work.
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Offline I_B_Perky

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2014, 12:19:02 AM »
DUmmies are always pissed off. No?  :???: I am surprised a DUmmy wants to work.

Only until the dummie can get on disability.   :cheersmate:
Living in the Dummies minds rent free since 2009!

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2014, 12:55:30 AM »
Geez... will ya listen to them squelch! Didn't their Ol' Man tell 'em when they were young that sometimes you have to pull the plow yourself to get the beans in. We all started out at the low end of pay scales in our chosen fields of endeavor. It's what you make of the opportunities along the way that will make you or break you.

Offline RayRaytheSBS

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2014, 04:25:29 AM »
Geez... will ya listen to them squelch! Didn't their Ol' Man tell 'em when they were young that sometimes you have to pull the plow yourself to get the beans in. We all started out at the low end of pay scales in our chosen fields of endeavor. It's what you make of the opportunities along the way that will make you or break you.

That implies these DUches had a father and not merely a sperm donor. I think most of them fall in the latter category.
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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2014, 05:32:25 AM »
That implies these DUches had a father and not merely a sperm donor. I think most of them fall in the latter category.

I'm sure that someone has told them to get up on their own.  Said person giving such advice has probably been shown the middle finger, too.
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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2014, 05:40:22 AM »
Actually, it DOES sound like a great opportunity...for someone like the OP, with a blank professional history and just out of school, looking to get a job where they won't be competing for the hire with guys and gals with years of experience that hopelessly outclass them, and where they can get the two years or so worth of working time in the field to make themselves competitive for better jobs.

BTW, DUmmie, in any technical profession, a BA or BS is just the minimum basic bare-bones qualification for an entry-level job, to progress beyond that you'll need to start eyeballing an MA, MS, or MBA program within a few years after getting that starter job.
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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2014, 07:38:24 AM »
Quote from:

3. The Bachelor's degree is the new High School Diploma

Seriously, I have noticed the trend for awhile. A Master's is sorta special still but for how long. I do have a Master's but so does quite a few people now a days. I have no desire for a PHD, but may have to break down and start one soon. I am 45 and still have a lot of work years left so who knows what is in store down the road.

A college degree is a good thing (I have one), but minus a work ethic your degree has no meaning. You could have a PhD and it wouldn't matter; lousy work ethic trumps PhD.

Liberals are so stupid.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2014, 07:53:29 AM »
Star Member Skittles (95,819 posts)
13. I donate platelets every 3 - 4 weeks

brewens (3,625 posts)
20. I donate platelets too.

Both of these DUmmies looked behind the Dumpster in the alley at the plasma center, trying to find Amber Hoyt for a quick blowjob.
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Offline BlueStateSaint

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2014, 08:21:18 AM »
A college degree is a good thing (I have one), but minus a work ethic your degree has no meaning. You could have a PhD and it wouldn't matter; lousy work ethic trumps PhD.

Liberals are so stupid.


Should a certain member of the Klams be taking the hint? :whistling: :confused:
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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #10 on: September 03, 2014, 06:04:43 PM »
If you're bitching about the wage levels, why do you want the borders wide open? 

Offline Chris_

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #11 on: September 03, 2014, 06:46:50 PM »
If you're bitching about the wage levels, why do you want the borders wide open?
You're not supposed to point that out.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline franksolich

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2014, 07:33:12 PM »
A college degree is a good thing (I have one), but minus a work ethic your degree has no meaning.

Liberals are so stupid.

Ain't that the truth.

I got both, but the work ethic's gotten me further along in life than the college diploma ever did.
apres moi, le deluge

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Re: Dirty Socialist is PO'ed today
« Reply #13 on: September 03, 2014, 08:01:59 PM »
Pharmacists here, even at your local Rite Aid, if they have a college degree and have worked their way up to run the pharmacy at the store, are earning comfortably into the 6 figures.  My husband has mentioned general information (obviously not specifics) about certain professions in which he has clients but, of course, the relevant point to this is "work your way up", something DUmmies have no idea about.
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