Author Topic: Castaway Sex  (Read 1007 times)

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Offline CG6468

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Castaway Sex
« on: February 23, 2013, 09:19:06 AM »
A preteen boy falls off of a yacht cruising in the ocean, but his fall is not noticed.

He sees a tiny uninhabited island in the distance, and with great effort swims to it.

He then spends 10 years there, growing into a man, and he survives by climbing the palm trees for coconuts to eat, fishing, and squatting on the beach digging delicious clams.

Suddenly he spots a young woman struggling in the surf and he rushes out to bring her to shore, and thus saves her life.

She looks at him, smiles and says: "Thank You, you saved my life. What is your name?" He tells her, and then she asks: "How long have you been here?" "Ten years." comes the reply.

"What do you do here?"

"I eat coconuts, I fish, and I dig clams to eat."

She then smiles sweetly, blinks her eyes, and says: "What do you do for sex?"

He looks puzzled and says: "What is sex???" She says: "I will show you," and she commences to do so.

After they finish and she is smiling contentedly, she looks over at him and sees that he is staring down at his crotch, and softly sobbing.

"What is the matter", she says, "Didn't you like the sex?"

He replies: "Oh yes, I liked that very much, but I am afraid that you have ruined my clam digger."
Illinois, south of the gun controllers in Chi town