Author Topic: crooked tale primitive doesn't get it  (Read 917 times)

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crooked tale primitive doesn't get it
« on: June 03, 2008, 04:10:03 PM »

Oh my.

About halfway through, it turns into a vicious argument (not all of it copied-and-pasted here) between the anti-seat-belt primitives and the pro-seat-belt primitives.

The crooked tale primitive:

The Straight Story  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sat May-31-08 11:32 PM
Original message

OK, I just don't get it anymore when it comes to the left/progressives
I read DU and I hear that I am either a racist or a sexist depending on whom I back for president. I see posts almost daily telling me that fellow dems are either one or the other as well. You know, us folks on the left are either racist, sexists, homophobes, idiots who believe in fairies (religion), and...well the list can go on here.

If you think it is ok for people to own a piece of metal/steel that can throw a projectile further than a slingshot you get labeled as pro death/violence/or at least someone who does not care about it all, if you smoke you are the most evil thing on earth and you make bush look like Jesus, if you shop at walmart because you are too poor to shop anywhere else you are the problem (you is not really defined, you are just a thing to be ridiculed and condemned, not a real person), if you do anything other than live like the Amish (whom we seem to also hate...) you are a selfish person killing the earth and taking funds from my wallet because of your selfish lifestyle.


I drink (affects your health care costs probably), I smoke (same), I drive to work (gas, smog, pollution, increases your cost of gas, etc), I eat out sometimes (not being frugal, health care costs for you going up because of my food intake at such places), I eat really crappy lunches at times (Ramen noodles, PBJ, etc) which means I don't care about the world at all and again adds to the cost of your health care, I ordered out pizza tonight (after a hard night which I might post about later) which means I killed trees for the cardboard for the pizza to be delivered in, gas to get it here, etc and so on.

In short, I am about as guilty as can be of so many things I don't know even where to begin.

I am a smoking, drinking, christian oriented, sex loving, seat belt hating, guy who likes fast food.

And I vote dem.

I don't get why so many dems I have seen want to control the lives of others and then complain about people on the right who want to do the same thing only for different reasons.

Freedom doesn't mean you like what others do, it means you accept the fact that there will be others who do things you don't like while enjoying the ability yourself to do things others may not like.

I thought we all understood that. I thought we all understood that the racists and sexists were not part of this party, and yet I see so often us calling each other those things (and worrying about the female/black vote as though dems of that persuasion would let such things affect them). I thought we understood that the party of fear was the RW and it's terrorist rant, yet we fear each other owning guns and how we can hurt others, I thought that we were the party of freedom and allowing adults to make choices about their own body's and lives, yet we keep telling one another where you can go and what you can do under penalty of law.

It's a big bonfire.

MichiganVote  (1000+ posts) Sat May-31-08 11:38 PM
Response to Original message

1. Basing reality on DU is hazardous to your mental or political health

NCevilDUer  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sat May-31-08 11:48 PM
Response to Original message

4. You've got some really odd ideas of what the left is.
Probably stems from the fact that there IS NO LEFT in this country.

Stop watching Faux. Life will instantly get better.

greyhound1966  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 06:08 PM
Response to Reply #8

37. "authoritarian far left" is an oxymoron.

DutchLiberal  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:23 PM
Response to Reply #37

43. Hell no it isn't.
'Far left' doesn't by far always mean 'progressive' or 'liberal'.

ContraBass Black  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 03:03 AM
Response to Original message

14. What do you have against seatbelts?

sharesunited  (446 posts) Sun Jun-01-08 04:04 AM
Response to Original message

17. Disingenuous rant. Tell us is there ANY conduct you would proscribe?
What therefore is the difference between a Democrat and a Libertarian?

sleebarker  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 04:32 AM
Response to Original message

18. How many threads have you started like this now?
I really think at this point the answer is take a break from DU. I do it all the time when the bigotry and prejudice and elitism here gets to be too much (and the bigotry I see here has very little to do with the primary - I could care less about the primary stuff and stay far far away from GDP).

But seriously, if you haven't found the answer you're looking for in one of these threads by now you're not going to. What do you want, anyway? To be absolved of being human?

I find that my stress level goes way down when I stop caring about what other people think. You know what's right and good and what works for you. Instead of interpreting other people's opinions as commands directed personally at you, look at them as just other ways of being in the world and if any of it seems better than your current worldview then take it, and if it's not then leave it. And always remember that it's just totally random people posting on a message board - none of us know you personally. None of us have any direct effect on your life. We just come here to share our thoughts, and if those thoughts are annoying you you have the choice to not read them.

DFW  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 09:23 AM
Response to Reply #21

28. Sometimes, it's easier to throw darts than to look in the mirror.

Perry Logan  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:21 AM
Response to Original message

23. Many of the activities you list could be considered public health problems.
I notice that most of the activities you cite are arguably public health problems--smoking, eating junk food, and owning firearms.

These activities cost our society billions of dollars and damage the public health. That may be what your fellow progressives are on about. You're probably just more libertarian than your fellow progressives on public-health matters.

bean fidhleir  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 05:35 PM
Response to Reply #30

31. What about those for whom "freedom" means "I get to do whatever I want whenever and wherever I want to do it"? You know, the ones who want to opt in when it's convenient and opt out when it's not. The ones who, seeing a long line at the coffee urn, cut in at the head of the line saying "I just want a cup of coffee".

I suppose what I'm asking is whether you're not just saying you have a particular place that YOU want to draw the line, and that others should accept your choice. Do you have a more principled basis for your line-drawing?

Snarkturian Clone  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 05:39 PM
Response to Original message

32. I'm with ya brotha. I've noticed it too.
The loons have taken over around here.

Stay away from wheat, it'll kill you. Hate Christians but love small religions. Hate ALL republicans, even your next door neighbor. Only buy super expensive unproven healthy foods. If you have an SUV, you should be killed. Anyone who smokes is a genocidal maniac. Support ALL leftists and democrats, even crazy and corrupt ones. If you've ever disliked a black person for any reason, you're a racist. If you've ever disliked a woman for any reason, you're a sexist. If someone murders someone else, they must be a Republican.

All the statements above have been supported by DUers.

CRF450  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 05:53 PM
Response to Reply #32

35. You hit the nail on the head!

cbc5g  (411 posts) Sun Jun-01-08 06:34 PM
Response to Reply #32

38. Whoa hold on a second, thats a vocal minority (maybe) and expected on anonymous websites
I don't subscribe to any of that and I'm sure most here don't either. I think you are going a little too far in generalizing.

Rosemary2205  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 05:47 PM
Response to Original message

33. Be a NASCAR fan and see what happens! LOL
I am a narcissistic freeper killing the planet with my lift van and TV habits. Even worse, I eat commercially created meat and don't spend the extra for organic veggies.

I am clearly so far beneath contempt that I am not even worthy of the attentions of Dr. Kavorkian.

madmom  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 06:36 PM
Response to Reply #33

39. HA! You think you're beneath contempt...I work at Wal-mart !!!

DutchLiberal  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:20 PM
Response to Original message

41. "Seat belt hating?" That's the single most dumbest thing I'v ever heard.
You like to get your brains smashed to pudding when you get into a an accident???

Rosemary2205  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:26 PM
Response to Reply #41

45. The difference between a seatbelt and not is sometimes.
Seatbelt - you get the joy of living with possibly severe disabilities the rest of your life. If you can call it a life.

Without - you get to die.

Trust me when I tell you - there ARE worse things than death.

Kids don't have a choice and bolting them down isn't a bad thing. An adult can choose and should be able to.

DutchLiberal  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:33 PM
Response to Reply #45

47. 'Severe disabilities'?? From wearing a seatbelt?? I call bullshit!
"An adult can choose and should be able to."

No, in these kind of matters they shouldn't. You simply have no right to be an egoistic ass and not wear a seatbelt and then leave the other party in guilt over your death whenever you get into an accident.

Rosemary2205  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:39 PM
Response to Reply #47

49. You are so grandstanding to the wrong person.
I really suggest you come spend 1 day at my house and then shoot your mouth off.

DutchLiberal  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Mon Jun-02-08 08:14 PM
Response to Reply #49

58. If you are as arrogant in RL as you are on this board: no, thanks.

Rosemary2205  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-03-08 02:50 PM
Response to Reply #58

59. Fine - here's another suggestion.
Go cruise the specialized long term rehab facility near you that keeps the folks who'll spend what life they have left in that bed hooked up to machines that were "lucky" to survive a 70 plus MPH car accident because they were wearing a seatbelt.

There's no doubt about it, seatbelts do save lives. Sometimes it keeps people from being disabled at all that may have been killed and that is most certainly a good thing. Sometimes it keeps people severely disabled that would otherwise have died. Whether that is a good thing is very much open to interpretation.

You are wrong. Calling me names doesn't make it less wrong.

DutchLiberal  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-03-08 04:08 PM
Response to Reply #59

62. There are no such things. And I most certainly didn't call you any names.
"There's no doubt about it, seatbelts do save lives. Sometimes it keeps people from being disabled at all that may have been killed and that is most certainly a good thing."

Well, then, turns out I'm right after all. Glad we cleared that up.

Oh oh my.

TheGoldenRule  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-03-08 04:35 PM
Response to Original message

65. The intolerance around here is of MAMMOTH proportions.
So much of DU reminds me of freeperville and the freepers I used to debate on a mixed left/right board that I'm positive DU has been infiltrated with them.

The EXTREME Hillary hate, combined with the whacked out Obama support is all the evidence I need. Don't forget, freepers hate Hillary with a passion but like Obama because Obama a closet republican.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: crooked tale primitive doesn't get it
« Reply #1 on: June 03, 2008, 05:03:13 PM »
I'm a seldom-drinking, heavy smoking, junk food devouring, homophobic, islamaphobic, biggotted, racist, sexist, rightwing, ultra conservative, republican ........and a few other things that have slipped my mind for the moment. Now I ask you, wouldn't you rather know what a person is, or thinks, or would you rather they be a decietful sugar sweet democrat that harbors all those things in their heart but hides it? I believe I'd rather be at a KKK meeting than a democratic convention, at least I'd be surrounded by some honest people.

....and I don't always wear a seatbelt.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: crooked tale primitive doesn't get it
« Reply #2 on: June 03, 2008, 05:59:42 PM »
Rosemary2205  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:26 PM
Response to Reply #41

Trust me when I tell you - there ARE worse things than death.


Being dead would really piss me off.  :banghead:

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Re: crooked tale primitive doesn't get it
« Reply #3 on: June 03, 2008, 06:00:47 PM »
Rosemary2205  Donating Member  (1000+ posts) Sun Jun-01-08 08:26 PM
Response to Reply #41

Trust me when I tell you - there ARE worse things than death.

A liberal for one....
           ►☼Liberals Are THE Root of ALL Evil!☼◄

Offline Carl

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Re: crooked tale primitive doesn't get it
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2008, 07:03:44 PM »
Pretty much sums up the fact that DUmmies have no core beliefs or values but will use anything to attack anybody that disagrees with them on any one issue.

Called relativism and shows how dangerous it is to have judges appointed by their ilk.

Offline Chris_

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Re: crooked tale primitive doesn't get it
« Reply #5 on: June 03, 2008, 07:52:47 PM »
Some of the DUers got it. The rest are as stupid as ever.

old mark  (313 posts)      Sun Jun-01-08 07:14 AM
Response to Reply #19
20. TSS- you can't control
 what others think, despite the number of people here who wish they could.
I find very little difference between the extreme right and the extreme left-they both want to be Stalin, both have no tollerance for other opinions, both are seriously full of shit.
Fortunately, both are very much in the minority.They are so offensive to most others here, they get ignored a lot, I guess.

Vacation for a few days from this forum helps me a lot and I've only been here for a month.


Agreed, but a TS coming.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2008, 08:02:08 PM by blitzkrieg_17 »
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.