Author Topic: State Officials Walk Fine Line (AFAIK Kennedy and Lamb are lying SOBs')  (Read 983 times)

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Offline Boudicca

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Thank God the American people woke the **** up in 2010 and gave us a GOP House, otherwise Rep. Issa's subcommittee hearing would've never happened and the likes of Elijah Cummings in O's mouth would've been able to stifle any peep of an Maladministration coverup.  I was privileged enough to witness the House hearings today; America has been truly blessed with some amazing representatives.  Unfortunately she's been cursed with a Resident who makes Nixon's Watergate and Clinton's Petergate look like the small potatoes they were in comparison to the attempted coverup of Obama's willful contempt for the safety of American soil, and more importantly, her patriotic ambassador and his brave co-workers in Benghazi.

Yeah, yeah, I've got a foul mouth on me sometimes, but **** this resident, **** his minions, **** ANY ****ing moron who can still say they support him.

The House panel looking to get to the bottom of the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was instead confronted Wednesday with officials walking a fine line, as they delivered the State Department's nuanced position on how the initial narrative of events -- resulting in the murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans -- was so off-point.

Administration officials have already acknowledged that initial claims the attack was a spontaneous reaction to protests over an anti-Islam film were wrong, and that the strike was a coordinated act of terror.

But the explanation for why the incorrect narrative made its way to the public in the first place was proving difficult for lawmakers to follow, as they repeatedly pressed witnesses during a hearing Wednesday to explain what, by any objective measure, was a confusing

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« Last Edit: October 10, 2012, 04:40:08 PM by Boudicca »
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
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(Poster bolky from blog discussion)

Offline Dori

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Re: State Officials Walk Fine Line (AFAIK Kennedy and Lamb are lying SOBs')
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2012, 05:00:40 PM »
I watched the first half.  The democrats made it hard to digest lunch.  I don't usually volunteer to listen to them.  Same ol' partisan politics and CYA going on.

What I did come to understand was that Libya is in chaos right now.  I don't understand what benefit it is to have civilians on the ground there if they have to barricade themselves.  There is no security, and too many armed gangs, Gadaffi supporters, and armed militias from who knows where, fighting each other.  It's a mess.
“How fortunate for governments that the people     they administer don't think”  Adolph Hitler

Offline Boudicca

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Re: State Officials Walk Fine Line (AFAIK Kennedy and Lamb are lying SOBs')
« Reply #2 on: October 10, 2012, 08:02:16 PM »
Welcome to CC, Dori.  I had a nice lunch since I didn't tune in until the Republican Congressmen started their questioning of the liars, um, witnesses.  Well, Kennedy and Lamb were certainly liars.  I felt bad for Colonel Wood and the other guy.
As for why we are in shitholes like Libya, beats me.  I know about global projection of power and influence, and ALL about how government mandated dependent we are on oil in the Middle East.  However, really don't give a damn at this point.  We could become energy independent and probably have enough left over to share with our friends.  God knows as many as Obama has ****ed over and pissed off the number has sadly dwindled since 2008.

When I get on rants like this at home my husband tries to get all logical and unemotional on me.   :argh:  Thank goodness I can vent here.
Sneaking into a country doesn't make you an immigrant any
more than breaking into someone's house makes you part of the family.
(Poster bolky from blog discussion)