Author Topic: Horse and the packing houses that arn't going to approved  (Read 2106 times)

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Offline EagleKeeper

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Horse and the packing houses that arn't going to approved
« on: April 19, 2012, 04:58:44 PM »
I spent some time in Sardina and outside of the front gate there was a place that served horse steaks.

I went there everyday that I was on days.

Horse meat is delicious. It seems that the slaughter houses for horse meat may not be approved.

I find that unfourtunate because it is very good.
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Offline rich_t

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Re: Horse and the packing houses that arn't going to approved
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2012, 05:01:38 PM »
I spent some time in Sardina and outside of the front gate there was a place that served horse steaks.

I went there everyday that I was on days.

Horse meat is delicious. It seems that the slaughter houses for horse meat may not be approved.

I find that unfourtunate because it is very good.

I suspect that folks were eating horses long before they were riding them or using them for draft animals.
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Offline EagleKeeper

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Re: Horse and the packing houses that arn't going to approved
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2012, 05:16:18 PM »
That place in Sardinia was the only place I could ever get horse steaks.

They were about an inch thick and had the gristel cut off. Bigger then your hand (big hands)

The meat is well marbeled, the fat marbeled into the meat was like butter, no nead for any steak sause.

A little salt and pepper, and it came with these hugh fries, skin on.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
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If you wait by the river long enough the bodies of your enemies will float by.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: Horse and the packing houses that arn't going to approved
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2012, 08:59:19 AM »
I suspect that folks were eating horses long before they were riding them or using them for draft animals.

I have read a theory that the Americas had large herds of horses long before Europe found us.  All horses long gone for hundreds of years before  the horse was brought back to the Continent with riders on their backs.

Some say the horses were killed for food, society's at that time were hunter gatherers  and few took the time to stay in one place and tame anything for their benefit.   Wolves were not tamed or any idea of the dog except in the far north to help the Eskimo.
 Birds of pray were not taught to be trained to catch pray So as I was told by an American Indian years ago, the society for hundreds of years kept on the move eating what they could find and never thought of taking a food source and using it for anything but food.

When Europe arrived they brought things the natives could not understand, they brought Dogs that worked for them, horses that humans rode upon, milk cows  and these small cats to keep down the vermin in a settled town.   Mules , oxen and donkeys that the invaders did not eat but used for their benefit.   

Then the very idea that these strangers would want to stay in one place and not move about as they did must have been a mind bender for the society that had no idea what these strangers were doing and why.

Didn't take but less then 10 years for the indigenous to figure this out.   Copy the ways of the invaders, steal a horse not to eat but to ride, dogs not to eat but to give a warning of enemy about.    First milk cows came here in the 1700's and I would guess sheep and goats earlier.

Early technology as it was, in animal husbandry and agriculture,  the arts and science of unknown people, the gun with the first knowledge of the Chinese that that were a world away.   

The Indigenous people never had a chance to go from eating horses to riding on them.------Culture, their religion  and tradition . 

So I would like to know about the very first man of America indigenous society  that decided to do the impossible, to jump on the back of a horse and run with the wind.  A feat as big as those that went to the moon, -----History changing.