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Offline Peter_Suciu

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America's Road to Fascism Available as Free Download
« on: June 02, 2012, 01:18:23 PM »
Please help me spread the word that the book America's Road to Fascism: From the Progressives to the Era of Hope and Change is now online for free.

It is available now at:

The Preface:

The Long and Winding Road

There is an irony in the “popularity” of President Barack Obama.
Supporters like to point out that he won an overwhelming majority,
and that he is among the most respected presidents in recent history.
How can it be then that demonstrators began protesting against the
POTUS soon after he took office?

Could it be that he isn’t as popular as his supporters make out,
and that perhaps this “support” throughout America and the world
is really just a smokescreen? Of course those demonstrators, often
called “tea baggers” or far worse, are dismissed as being racists,
angry that a “black man” is in the White House.

Ironic say the critics of the tea baggers is that Mr. Obama has
been compared to Adolf Hitler by these demonstrators, because
according to his supporters the POTUS is a man of peace (he won
the Nobel Peace Prize) and is a man who wants to reshape America.
No, we say the irony is that the demonstrators are more on the
mark than it appears. While it would be easy to criticize any politician
and label him or her to be like “Hitler” if you don’t agree with their
policies, in the case of our 44th President of the United States, it is
the policies that speak loudest. Mr. Obama, his supporters and those
in government who follow him are taking America down a road to

Hitler and his ilk didn’t seize power. They were duly elected and
slowly dismantled the fl edging German democracy into a totalitarian
state with a charismatic supreme leader ruling, not by fear but by a
cult of personality. The Nazis in Germany controlled all aspects of
life in Germany, but it wasn’t taken by force, the people of Germany
happily gave it away to their Fürhrer or “leader.”

So today we stand at a crossroads. One road leads back to the
freedoms our founders knew were important for a great nation to
grow. The other leads to a fascist dictatorship that strips individual
freedom in return for government-subsidized cradle to grave care.
Patriots, the Republic is in danger! Rally to Old Glory with the
authors and persuade relatives, friends and neighbors that the road
back to freedom is the only choice worth making.
Author of America's Road to Fascism: From the Progressives to the Era of Hope and Change
FirearmsTruth - Exposing the bias against the Second Amendment

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Re: America's Road to Fascism Available as Free Download
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 03:09:04 PM »
Reviewing your posts, it looks to me like you have done some good work in the forum. However, I don't see an introduction thread. If you started one, I should like to be the first to welcome you properly to the forum !
There were only two options for gender. At last count there are at least 12, according to libs. By that standard, I'm a male lesbian.