Author Topic: Gas Prices - Dems are getting exactly what they fought for,more taxes !  (Read 716 times)

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Offline megimoo

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Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has a wonderful little snippet up at The Hill's Congress Blog, As Gas Prices Rose, Democrats Ignored Opportunities to Help Production:

Gasoline today at the pump is $1.25 more, on average, than it was when the Democrats took over Congress.

 Why is that a good place to measure?

Because during that period, we've had an opportunity to build more refineries, and the Democratic majority voted it down.

We've had an opportunity to open up additional parts of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Democratic majority voted it down. It's clear that on the production side...

Offline megimoo

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Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has a wonderful little snippet up at The Hill's Congress Blog, As Gas Prices Rose, Democrats Ignored Opportunities to Help Production:

Gasoline today at the pump is $1.25 more, on average, than it was when the Democrats took over Congress.

 Why is that a good place to measure?

Because during that period, we've had an opportunity to build more refineries, and the Democratic majority voted it down.

We've had an opportunity to open up additional parts of the Outer Continental Shelf and the Democratic majority voted it down. It's clear that on the production side...
Congress' ethanol affair is cooling

Members of Congress say they overreached by pushing ethanol on consumers and will move to roll back federal supports for it — the latest sure signal that Congress' appetite for corn-based ethanol has collapsed as food and gas prices have shot up.

House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer said Democrats will use the pending farm bill to reduce the subsidy, while Republicans are looking to go further, rolling back government rules passed just four months ago that require blending ethanol into gasoline.