Author Topic: A question and realization  (Read 384 times)

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Offline FlippyDoo

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A question and realization
« on: October 11, 2011, 05:28:16 PM »
There is something that I've been wondering about for a little while now. As more and more states attempt to get voter identification passed it will be a bit more difficult for the Jackass Party to win elections through people voting multiple times, the dead voting and unqualified folks voting. This means that in order for them to win they likely will need to trick good and decent people into vote for the Jackass Party. Since they need to trick good and decent people wouldn't it be best if they didn't act in a manner that disgusts good and decent people? In order to trick good and decent people they should give some thought toward pretending like they are not disgusting leeches.

The boar hog tits at DU are the self-proclaimed most smartest people in the universe. Surely they can see this. Can't they? Or are they too delusional/insane?

Everyone knows that franksolich is one of the nicest guys that anyone would ever want to meet. Chances are I'm even nicer than he is (no offense to frank.), and I've come to despise the loons at DUnceland. Actually, I've never met a person who was on the fence (or anywhere close to the fence) politically who voted dem after visiting DU.

As I was finishing this I began to realize something. Since the members of DU are causing people to vote against the Jackass Party they are all violating DU rules.
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Re: A question and realization
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 05:56:01 PM »
What annoys me about the primitives is their donkey-like refusal to take our advice; advice offered with none but the most noble, the most sincere, the most compassionate, motives in mind.

When Omaha Steve announced his impending candidacy for public office, the first thing his fellow Nebraskan--me--said was that if he wanted to succeed, he'd better stop hanging around Skins's island and the primitives, and he'd better stop right then and there.

This advice was not offered because of any sympathy with Omaha's Ed Norton's political ideology--no way--and it was not offered as a trick to get Omaha Steve tripped up.  It was merely the counsel of one fellow Nebraskan to another fellow Nebraskan deeply interested in the well-being of a fellow Nebraskan.

To be a candidate, and to openly hang around Skins's island, is political suicide, even in blue areas.

And trust me, Nebraska's no blue area.

Well, Omaha's Ed Norton paid no attention, no attention at all, to franksolich.

So I sharpened my advice.  Omaha Steve could be a viable political candidate, or Omaha Steve could continue hanging around with the other primitives.  He could do one thing or the other thing, but not both things.

And which thing he chose to do, would reveal where his true interests lay.

Well, Omaha's Ed Norton continues to hang around Skins's island, shooting off his mouth, and so it's obvious what he really wants to do, of the two options.

And so now we anxiously await the denouement of what could've been something big, but ended up a farce, a comedy, a parody, a caricature, of a campaign.

And it'll all be Omaha Steve's own fault; he should've listened to franksolich.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline WinOne4TheGipper

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Re: A question and realization
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2011, 07:50:38 PM »
The viable candidacy option has already sailed, before he kisses his first baby.  Hasn't he sent LTTEs to commie/socialist rags?
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Offline FiddyBeowulf

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Re: A question and realization
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2011, 08:33:12 PM »
What annoys me about the primitives is their donkey-like refusal to take our advice; advice offered with none but the most noble, the most sincere, the most compassionate, motives in mind.

To be a candidate, and to openly hang around Skins's island, is political suicide, even in blue areas.

Advice too late help poor Alan Grayson.  :bawl:
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Offline tanstaafl

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Re: A question and realization
« Reply #4 on: October 13, 2011, 03:14:47 PM »
Quoted from franksolich:
When Omaha Steve announced his impending candidacy for public office, the first thing his fellow Nebraskan--me--said was that if he wanted to succeed, he'd better stop hanging around Skins's island and the primitives, and he'd better stop right then and there.
I was specifically impressed when he polled the DU about scraping the bumper stickers off his car so as to not appear, ummm, too radical.
Asking the DUmpmonkies for electioneering advice! Bwahahahahaha! :rotf: