Author Topic: McCamy Taylor tells the future  (Read 474 times)

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Offline Vagabond

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McCamy Taylor tells the future
« on: September 15, 2011, 05:22:42 PM »
McCamy Taylor wants them to die

McCamy Taylor  (1000+ posts)        Wed Sep-14-11 05:24 PM
Original message
GOP Health Policy: Let them die, yeah!
 Edited on Wed Sep-14-11 05:29 PM by McCamy Taylor
It is 2013. The Tea Party has swept into power on a tidal wave of Super Pac money. Americans were fooled by the recycled “Bread and Jobs” campaign which the GOP lifted from Adolph Hitler, 1932. Convinced that they will have bright and shiny new jobs and bright and shiny new houses and bright and shiny new kids---if only the government stops giving their hard earn tax dollars to old folks who aren’t much use for anything---they vote for the Republican candidate.

As opposed to standing in front of Greek columns and proclaining that you are the one who will heal the earth and lead humanity in a chorus of "Kumbaya and kill the infidels"?

Among Congress’s first acts: repeal of the health reform legislation that they called “Obamacare”, the law that would have made it illegal for health insurers to refuse to cover those with existing medical problems.

Well, that is on the laundry list of things to do.  Just the shadow of that bill is costing jobs and driving up costs.

Millions of Americans who are more than willing to pay thousands of dollars out of their own pockets each year to insure themselves and their families will be told “Sorry, Bud, you are told old.”

Fear, Fear,Fear.


The above mostly says, "They's gonna kill pregnant wimmenz, old people, and babies.  We'll ignore that we endorse the murder of those same babies."

This is not science fiction. Every one of the policy changes above has been advocated by mainstream Republicans. If you were not paying attention, I will be happy to provide links upon request. But the GOP would prefer that you not ask, because they probably do not want Americans to know their real agenda, which is “Let them die, yeah!”

McCamy, you claim you aren't writing fiction.  Then promptly deliver fiction after fiction of this post, using a name to personalize what you say will happen.  You want to fiction let's say you get your wishes. I'll insert your characters into your world where the government is the first and last benefactor to all and just keeps on spending, in the name of fairness.

In 2013 Obama is sworn into his second term with overwhelming majorities thanks to one McCamy Taylor.  It's 2014, or perhaps a few years hence, the date doesn't matter much.  Not really, anyway.  The government has ratcheted up $23 trillion.  The United States Dollar is worth much less than a Mexican peso, which has also been destroyed.

Ryan's parents have noticed orange in his diaper.  The local doctor agrees to see him in exchange for Ryan's dad doing some work on the doctor's house.  The doctor tells Ryan's parents that he likely has type 1 diabetes, but the cost of even a simple test is more than the doctor and parents will make in a year.  Ryan dies.

Amber is twenty two and pregnant.  Her husband is a decent man, and a roustabout and provides for them the best he can.  He even managed to hide a garden in the woods that maybe no one will find.  They no longer have access to proper nutrition.  Amber goes into premature labor.  Her husband calls for the local midwife, who sees the trouble.  She manages to birth the baby, which lives for a few minutes before it's lungs give out.  Amber lives long enough to see her baby die.

William planned for the future.  He didn't plan on the government borrowing so much money and creating so many regulations that his employer declared bankruptcy when their creditors demanded all debts in cash, immediately.  The cost of his heart medicine had been too much for him to afford for over a year.  He tried diet and excercise, until simple survival needs made even that impossible.  He  suffered another heart attack at night.  His wife called 911, but there was no answer, the service was unaffordable.  The ambulance came the next morning and recovered his body.

Jennifer had built up a small business.  The government raised her taxes citing her as being rich.  She barely hung on after the tax hikes.  Then increasing crime required her to "pay security" to the local gang.  The cops had been cut back because of prohibitive cost.  She somehow held on a little longer.  She was feeling tired all the time.  Then a government bureaucrat entered her business and cited her for a raft of violations for ordinances she didn't even know about and had never been a problem before.  She closed the business after she realized it would be losing money with every transaction.  She died soon after, maybe of leukemia, maybe of a broken heart.  At her grave side a government agent arrives and asks her daughter about how she is going to pay her mother's fine.

And today's liberals would declare, "Screw them,let them die, we will get ours today!"
There comes a time when even good men must run up the black flag of anarchy and slit throats. - H.L. Mencken

Offline JohnnyReb

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Re: McCamy Taylor tells the future
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2011, 06:13:23 PM »

 ...and right after playing a round of golf, Obama left for Europe. He is headed to where the rest of the extended Obama family, consisting of all the halfsiblings, aunts, uncles and cousins, are staying. He is expect to be gone for a long time on a much needed vacation.
“The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.” - Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate 1940, 1944 and 1948

"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within."  Stalin

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Re: McCamy Taylor tells the future
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2011, 07:13:40 PM »
It is 2013. The Tea Party has swept into power on a tidal wave. Since November the economy has been surging. December hiring has surged. Economists are unexpectedly surprised at a .4% drop in unemployment for the month. Trillions of dollars are anticipated to repatriate with sensible off shore tax laws soon to be enacted. Tens of thousands of doctors have decided to continue their practices with the repeal of 0bamacare. Insurance companies are predicting stable premiums for years and will be lowering many rates by 15-18% for the next two years. Trail lawyers are suing the federal government because of the lame duck tort reforms passed but not signed by disgraced president 0bama that have again been passed and sure to be signed.  The CBO anticipate the recent reforms passed regarding public employee unions pension reform will save the country over $300 billion, $1 trillion including state and local savings. CBO estimates a budget deficit of less than $350 billion dollars for FY 2014 and $125 billion FY2015.

In other economic news the price of gasoline continued to drop and is now at a national average of $2.05 per gallon. Core inflation is now at -2% taking out the volatile food and energy component it is at just .8%. As well, the free trade agreements with Columbia, South Korea, and Panama have been submitted by Perry.

Military leaders are now planning for an orderly exit our of Afghanistan leaving a small force for security in the cities. President Perry's promise to cease nation building in that country has bee fullfilled.Iran has opened it nuclear facilities to UN inspection to prove they have no nuclear bomb capability aspirations. The newly elected Egyptian government (along with Turkey, Syria, and Libya) has opened up direct diplomatic ties with Israel under perceived future proposals put forth by the new president and his national security team.

The Justice Department has assigned several special investigators looking into the previous administrations, political fund raising, green energy swindles, and the so called Fast & Furious murder and treason investigations.

Of the two, I find mine eight time more likely to happen.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.