Author Topic: 16 Tales Of Frugal Fathers  (Read 480 times)

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16 Tales Of Frugal Fathers
« on: July 05, 2011, 01:37:57 PM »
We got over 226 comments when we asked you, "What's the most frugal thing your dad ever did?" You guys have some really crafty pops. Your stories were humorous, heartfelt, and inspiring. I seriously got misty reading some of them. Others made me fearful for how our generation of young men will ever live up to what these heroes of frugality and grit did on a daily basis. Here are 16 of the best.

1. "My Dad would melt down the last part of the deodorant stick from multiple different deodorants to create a deodorant Frankenstein of sorts..." - PhiTauBill

2. "My dad once received used carpeting from a retail store that was closing and had to be remodeled for the future tenant. This was industrial carpeting about as thick as a mousepad, but it was free and in good condition, so he brought it home and not only did the entire basement with the carpeting, but he actually wrapped it up one wall because it was cheaper than paint or wallpaper." - Costner

3. "I asked my father what to do when my car's check engine light came on. His advice was, "Alright. Go down to the hardware store, and buy yourself a roll of black electrical tape. Now, tear off a piece about about the half the length of your thumb. Get inside your car and turn the engine on. Now, where you see the "check engine" light, you're going to place that electrical tape right over the light. That'll stop it from bothering you". - Ahardy55

4. "We would pull old vacuum cleaners out of other people's garbage and then rebuild them into power tools. We built a belt sander, table saw, grinder, workbench, and a few other odds and ends." - Donke shorts

5. "We had an old 1950's Toastmaster for years - and Dad fixed it a few times. When finally it could be fixed no more, (in the 80's) he tossed it, and bought a new one. and another, and another. Every one of them died within 2 years, and toasted like crap. He finally found an old Toastmaster at an antique shop for not much more than a new toaster. It's still toasting bread to this day. And now, that retro toaster look is in style!" - Cheap Sniveler  ...

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Re: 16 Tales Of Frugal Fathers
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2011, 05:04:42 PM »
Cool ideas!