Author Topic: Little-known fact: Obama's failed stimulus program cost more than the Iraq war  (Read 2325 times)

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...But there is much more to be said of this data and Hoven does an admirable job of summarizing the highlights of such an analysis:

* Obama's stimulus, passed in his first month in office, will cost more than the entire Iraq War -- more than $100 billion (15%) more.

* Just the first two years of Obama's stimulus cost more than the entire cost of the Iraq War under President Bush, or six years of that war.

* Iraq War spending accounted for just 3.2% of all federal spending while it lasted.

* Iraq War spending was not even one quarter of what we spent on Medicare in the same time frame.

* Iraq War spending was not even 15% of the total deficit spending in that time frame. The cumulative deficit, 2003-2010, would have been four-point-something trillion dollars with or without the Iraq War.

* The Iraq War accounts for less than 8% of the federal debt held by the public at the end of 2010 ($9.031 trillion).

* During Bush's Iraq years, 2003-2008, the federal government spent more on education that it did on the Iraq War. (State and local governments spent about ten times more.)
Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Offline Chris_

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* Iraq War spending accounted for just 3.2% of all federal spending while it lasted.
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Offline thundley4

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Wow, that sure is some big jump starting in 2008. I wonder what happened? :innocent:

Offline Chris_

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Wow, that sure is some big jump starting in 2008. I wonder what happened? :innocent:

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline bijou

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Wow, that sure is some big jump starting in 2008. I wonder what happened? :innocent:
I can't imagine, it's as if you'd elected some insane, fiscally incontinent socialist as President.  :uhsure:

Offline JohnnyReb

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There's the reason for the jump....the children were turned loose in the toy store.
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Offline IassaFTots

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  • Oh well, I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway.
I can't imagine, it's as if you'd elected some insane, fiscally incontinent socialist as President.  :uhsure:

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


Good Burn!

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My God!! Someone get those kids away from Skeletor!!! lol