I thought this wasn't supposed to happen, with Bo and Shelley in the White House.
The primitives promised us it wouldn't.
supernova (1000+ posts) Fri Jun-04-10 02:54 PM
Original message
Had two interviews last week on the same day.
This week I learned I didn't get either one.
One was a 6 mo contract and they chose someone else.
The other was a perm position, but they did sent me an email saying they are refocusing the position.
At least both parties let me know.
But, I'm really discouraged.
SCRUBDASHRUB (1000+ posts) Tue Jun-08-10 12:12 PM
Response to Original message
1. Glad you had interviews, but I hear what you're saying. I'm really feeling discouraged myself. I have good and bad days. Today is one of my crap ass days.
The above's the whole campfire; primitives avoid the "jobs" forum on Skins's island like the plague.