Author Topic: Would the U.S. Shoot Down an Israeli Jet? Top Officer Won’t Say  (Read 1569 times)

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Offline thundley4

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MORGANTOWN, West Virginia — I’m not going to make a big deal of this, although some dug deep in the trenches of the Middle East debate might. But America’s top military officer wouldn’t rule the possibility today of U.S. forces firing on Israeli jets, if Israel launched a pre-emptive strike on Iran.

In a town hall on the campus of West Virginia University, a young Air Force ROTC cadet asked Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen to respond to a “rumor.” If Israel decided to attack Iran, the speculation went, those jet would need to fly through Iraqi airspace to reach their targets. That airspace is considered a “no-fly” zone by the American military. So might U.S. troops shoot down the Israeli jets, the airmen asked the chairman, if they breached that airspace?

Mullen tried to sidestep the question. “We have an exceptionally strong relationship with Israel. I’ve spent a lot of time with my counterpart in Israel. So we also have a very clear understanding of where we are. And beyond that, I just wouldn’t get into the speculation of what might happen and who might do what. I don’t think it serves a purpose, frankly,” he said. “I am hopeful that this will be resolved in a way where we never have to answer a question like that.”

The cadet followed-up: “Would an airmen like me ever be ordered to fire on an Israeli – aircraft or personnel?”

Mullen’s second answer was much the same as his first. “Again, I wouldn’t move out into the future very far from here. They’re an extraordinarily close ally, have been for a long time, and will be in the future,” the admiral said.

Does this represent a shift in American policy towards Israel? Some signal that the U.S. would stop an Israeli first strike at the final moment? Probably not. I’d guess this is Mullen trying not to wade further into treacherous waters. But it was interesting to hear America’s top military officer decline to knock down the idea that U.S. troops might fire on America’s closest ally in the Middle East.

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If he could not definitely say no, then the answer must be yes.

Offline The Village Idiot

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Would the US shoot down an Iranian nuclear missile?

probably not

Offline April 19

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With BO in the WH, no doubt he would want the military to shoot down Israeli jets.  Wonder if the military would do what BO tells them.

I read some months ago that the Saudis would allow Israel to use their air space to hit Iran, but can they be trusted?

Offline TheSarge

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With BO in the WH, no doubt he would want the military to shoot down Israeli jets.  Wonder if the military would do what BO tells them.
I read some months ago that the Saudis would allow Israel to use their air space to hit Iran, but can they be trusted?

Military members have the right to refuse to carry out unlawful orders.

But quite frankly I don't see an instance where we would ever HAVE to fire on them.

ANd if I remember correctly...orders like that wouldn't come directly from him anyway...there are 4 Star Generals at the Pentagon or in the area where the two countries would be at to make that kind of call.
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