Author Topic: I'm getting giddy!  (Read 2889 times)

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Offline PatriotGame

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2010, 05:44:53 PM »
Come on guys give them a break, Few people have dear friends for 20 some odd years, the ones we have we cherish and see perhaps 6 times a year if that.

I have noticed that once the in love period [ LUST] slowly goes away, it is the friendship that holds a marriage together.  No one I know lives with another for 20 years because every night is fantastic.

I would be giddy too if I had lived all those years with a man and he popped the question.   Love is so different from Lust, give the poster a break, they have no idea what they are getting into.

Just because the (liar) fag has been taking it up the ass by "Its" friend for 20 years, does not excuse the disgust of it all. Besides, only one out of 1.8 million fags have a single butt-buddy relationship for more than a year.

20 years taking it up the ass by supposedly the same freak is nothing compared to taking it up the ass by Satan for eternity.
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Offline PatriotGame

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2010, 06:27:23 PM »
Couldn't have said it any better myself! Me an' "Toots" been together 37 years come the 10th. After that many years, you know how to push all the right buttons! Let's just say, niether walks away unsatisfied!!!!!!!!!!! As a matter of fact I would describe it as NASTY!

Of course, you can cut yourself out of the pic and replace it with that of...Morgan Fairchild..yea...that's the ticket...Morgan Fairchild... :-) :evillaugh:
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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2010, 06:54:49 PM »
You do realize he's talking about his "life partner" and not someone he's been friends with in high school and sees only at high school reunions, right? Most likely they already live together. I've been with my husband for almost 30 years and while every day isn't a bed of roses, lust is definitely still there. You can't be too rich or too thin or have too much sex.


You are assuming of course that yon DUmbass is actually stating the truth, you know.  In the vast pantheon of my family, friends and acquaintances, I have a few who have chosen to "flaunt the natural order of things".  Not one of 'em is emotionally stable enough to stay in a relationship longer than 6 months.

I call bullshit.  Unless the faerie can pull out the scrapbook and flip right to the page of him and Bubba winning the tango contest at the Blue Oyster Bar back in 1988, this is no more than more drug-induced DUmmy fantasy.
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Offline vesta111

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2010, 05:24:58 AM »
I'm really on the fence about this.  I have seen family's destroyed by this question.

Example :

A middle aged man I worked with discovered that after 20 years of marriage and two teen age daughters " discovered he liked young boys"

He left his family in a state of shock, Daddy was dating his girls ex-boyfriends----oh YUCK

For some reason this man insisted on coming OUT to everyone including the paper boy.

What kind of mental damage he did to his daughters became clear when BOTH girls turned to drugs, and both were in and out of the mental clinics for years.

As every one is different I believe that goes for the gay comunity also. This one,  "born again "  semi-gay fellow is some different from the gay males that have been drawn to others of their own sex at an early age. 

He seemed to have gone out of his way to punish his family by flaunting his sexuality in front of them and friends of the family.   This guy is a sick puppy, he actually went to court to try to gain custody of a grandson. 

Then a dear friend never married in mid 50's who is gay still lives with his widowed mother who is handy capped and seldom has a social life.

His mom knows her son is different but he has never actually TOLD her so ,when I call his house to invite him to go somewhere with Hubby and I she is thrilled. 

Then there is the true gay male so different from the gay female.  The true gay male is amoral, jumps from one partner to another, no commitment to anyone no ties.

  Most woman are looking for some kind of relationship that will last. from the very few I have met, they have married, had children, been abused by the people they love the most and are looking for a friend/lover that will live in peace with them.

I do not understand why a civil union, a contract between 2 people is not enough for the gay comunity. One can protect their partner with legal documents.

    Heck I have taken trips with friends that take us thousands of miles from home, we both carry notarised papers giving each other the power of attorney in case of emergency --hospital care and access to each others bank account in case of death for the purpose of getting the body home and turned over to the family. 

If we heterosexuals can do this, why not the gay partners.?

Marriage is for two opposites like the male end of the wire goes into the female end in an electrical line.

Allot of you bring up the who's the bride.  Right on target.

How anyone can adopt the life style of others is no problem, however to mimic their actions altho they do not relate to the tradition is odd.

I often wondered why gays did not wear their wedding rings on the RIGHT hand.  To wear them on the LEFT is to single others they are taken heterosexuals.

Then I wonder why the word Marrage is so important to them.  Few buy an engagement ring for the other, the words fiancee are seldom used.

Very confusing to me, I still have not figured out all the ins and outs of Heterosexual life, lots of head shaking by me about some of the things going on in my life style.

Trying to understand any other lifestyle without understanding my own life style is a no win situation.

To sum up this rambling post, I believe Gays should wear their commitment rings on right hand, for the same reason Heterosexual do.

Admit it, Gays are a different breed from most of us,  They are just part of our society.   So they need to build their own traditions and rites from others.    They are them, we are us, no problem until they try to usurp our  traditions.

Color me confused, I know of hundreds of people that are man and woman who marry with no chance of having children or because of medical problem no commiseration of the marriage.  A marriage with no sex.

Very confusing but I can live with most ideas as long as the ideas are nonviolent.




Offline whiffleball

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2010, 07:08:16 AM »
I have homosexual family members and while I love them I don't want to hear about their love life.

I'm reading a trilogy by Lynn Flewelling, fantasy, right now that's well written and a good read, but the main characters are gay.  If there are any more descriptions of their passionate lovemaking, which adds absolutely nothing to the story, I'm putting the book down.  If she just had to have the characters as gay she could have done so without the spit-swapping scenarios.

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #30 on: February 04, 2010, 07:56:12 AM »
I don't believe I could read that even the first time, Whiffle.  Same reason I won't watch Brokeback Mountain.  Discomfort level is just too much. 

In the vast soap opera that is the family I married into, there is a SIL in a committed lez relationship.  They've been together for years and years.  They never discuss it, don't talk about NY laws, or do any PDA whatsoever.  You'd think they were just gal pals.  Maybe women pull this kind of stuff off better than men. 


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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #31 on: February 04, 2010, 12:11:12 PM »
I don't believe I could read that even the first time, Whiffle.  Same reason I won't watch Brokeback Mountain.  Discomfort level is just too much. 

In the vast soap opera that is the family I married into, there is a SIL in a committed lez relationship.  They've been together for years and years.  They never discuss it, don't talk about NY laws, or do any PDA whatsoever.  You'd think they were just gal pals.  Maybe women pull this kind of stuff off better than men. 
Glad to learn I'm not the only one who's avoided Bareback Mountain due to the nausea factor.
And the carpetmunchers do seem to handle things a lot more discretely. Of course, if they didn't, I'd watch.

Offline whiffleball

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #32 on: February 04, 2010, 01:29:39 PM »
I don't believe I could read that even the first time, Whiffle.  Same reason I won't watch Brokeback Mountain.  Discomfort level is just too much. 

In the vast soap opera that is the family I married into, there is a SIL in a committed lez relationship.  They've been together for years and years.  They never discuss it, don't talk about NY laws, or do any PDA whatsoever.  You'd think they were just gal pals.  Maybe women pull this kind of stuff off better than men. 

I never had any desire to see Brokeback either.  They can do what they want, as unnatural as it is, but I don't want to or be compelled to have to read about it or see it acted out.

I just had an aunt on the husband's side of the family pass away after spending 30 years with her woman 'friend'.  They never put anything on display or forced anyone to have to acknowledge their relationship in all those years.  Most people thought they were either sisters or some other blood relation who just decided to live together for financial reason.

Karin, I want to thank you!  I married into a bizarre and dysfunctional family and hearing you describe yours as somewhat of a soap opera makes me feel less alone.

Offline delilahmused

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #33 on: February 04, 2010, 01:43:45 PM »
I never had any desire to see Brokeback either.  They can do what they want, as unnatural as it is, but I don't want to or be compelled to have to read about it or see it acted out.

I just had an aunt on the husband's side of the family pass away after spending 30 years with her woman 'friend'.  They never put anything on display or forced anyone to have to acknowledge their relationship in all those years.  Most people thought they were either sisters or some other blood relation who just decided to live together for financial reason.

Karin, I want to thank you!  I married into a bizarre and dysfunctional family and hearing you describe yours as somewhat of a soap opera makes me feel less alone.

My husband feels the same way about my family, which is normal to me because it's all I know. He grew up in a Donna Reed world and married into a situation that's Zombie Strippers and Romper Room meets Jerry Springer Show. One of my college roommates was gay and my best friend is gay so I don't really think about the kissy-face stuff anymore but for whatever reason gay men do feel the need to flaunt it more than others.

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #34 on: February 04, 2010, 01:49:36 PM »
My husband feels the same way about my family, which is normal to me because it's all I know. He grew up in a Donna Reed world and married into a situation that's Zombie Strippers and Romper Room meets Jerry Springer Show. One of my college roommates was gay and my best friend is gay so I don't really think about the kissy-face stuff anymore but for whatever reason gay men do feel the need to flaunt it more than others.


Got you beat.  My mom is gay, and my Uncle was.  And yes, gay men do flaunt it more than gay women. 
R.I.P. LC and Crockspot.  Miss you guys.

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Offline vesta111

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #35 on: February 04, 2010, 04:26:52 PM »
Got you beat.  My mom is gay, and my Uncle was.  And yes, gay men do flaunt it more than gay women. 

In my family we had a few great aunts that were Spinsters. They never married and all ways showed up at family reunions with some gorgeous male.  Then the life long bachelors in the family that were oh so attentive to the older woman and flirted his heads off with the younger ones.

My generation never gave this a second thought thank heavens, I was well into my 20's before I began to wonder, to become curious about those in the life style.

Very difficult for the over 80 people to accept this life style in their lives, some how as long as the family member does not tell them they are able to find excuses for what is going on under their nose.

Got to admit I have had some wonderful times in school with gay male nurses, the few woman I knew about were friendly but definitely standoffish to me, got to remember this was the 80's and people lost jobs for being gay.

Perhaps I am a prude in some ways, I understand the men that feel weird about that Broke Back Mountain, I skip the sex parts in the books I read as I feel like a voyeur, like I am watching them through a window and feel I really don't need to see, read, this.

There has to be a physical thing going on here for the men, Barney Frank for instance, his speech patterns and the slight lisp.  Capote the author had an odd lisp some what like Franks.  Why, Rock Hudson spoke without the lisp, as did the former Governor of N.J. .?

I cannot understand woman like Chez who has their body altered publicly, in your face, telling us stuff we don't want to know.

Then the Gay Parades, one of my favorite entertainments.   

Darn they are interesting, like the old time freak shows, the time and money put into them, the floats that make your jaw drop, almost like the men need to feel like a man and they do this by shocking the heck out of us.

So this cannot be a choice, this for men seems to be more of a statement that as they cannot be what society says is normal, so they make the most of what they are.  Perhaps a subconscious rebellion against the way they were born.

Heck I am an old lady trying to understand human nature.

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #36 on: February 04, 2010, 04:28:48 PM »
So did Vesta numbers just come out?

Offline Chris_

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #37 on: February 04, 2010, 04:40:28 PM »
So did Vesta numbers just come out?

I think Vesta's waaaaaay out.......just not in the way that you surmise......

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Offline vesta111

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #38 on: February 04, 2010, 04:59:41 PM »
I think Vesta's waaaaaay out.......just not in the way that you surmise......


I think I am falling in love with Doc.    No, not that way, just that he makes me laugh and that is something I really need now.

Thanks DOC, you make me feel much better after a good belly laugh.


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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2010, 05:00:14 PM »
I skip the sex parts in the books I read

What are Archie and Jughead up to now?

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #40 on: February 04, 2010, 05:09:53 PM »

What are Archie and Jughead up to now?

Archie and Veronica are engaged. Its been so long even the Pope wants them to get it over with.

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #41 on: February 04, 2010, 06:36:21 PM »
Archie and Veronica are engaged. Its been so long even the Pope wants them to get it over with.


Archie got Betty pregnant, He was moving in on Veronica's family figured he could marry into wealth.

What to do Archie, well there was Jug Head still a bit addled.  So Archie spent hours putting weird ideas into Jugs head about Betty being a vampire etc.   Archie convinces Jug that he needed to kill her.

So Archie goes to Richie Rich to borrow money to buy a gun. but Richie Rich decides to lend him one of his own.   You see Richie was Gay and had no need to marry into a wealthy family.

    [ for some reason I keep getting Dobie Gillis mixed up in my mind with Archie]

Poor Archie, he had just had to read    An American Tragedy  in school and was now totally confused.   Darn reading assinments.

So he heads out for Jug's house but he is gone, then he runs to Betty's house but she too is gone.

As he walks off despairing he sees across the street Veronica arm and arm with a man at least 25 years old.  He has the money, the clothing and automobile, looks like he is a big shot.       They go into a restaurant that would cost Archie 3 months pay for side jobs.

To make matters worse as he now begins to worry about Betty, here she comes up the walk, arm and arm with Jug.

As they approach Jug holds out the gun to Archie, tells him"  I dont need this you take it  Betty is nothing but pure woman.  Damn we is going to get married, she says she has started the baby all ready  just waiting for me to be the Dad."

Next week--------What will Archie do now, he has lost both girlfriends and one best friend.   He is in hock to that rich class mate Richie Rich.

Tune in, turn on and drop out.

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #42 on: February 05, 2010, 11:23:13 AM »

Archie got Betty pregnant, He was moving in on Veronica's family figured he could marry into wealth.

[snip for sanity]

Thorazine is your friend, Vesta.......give it a try.........

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #43 on: February 06, 2010, 12:53:03 AM »
Glad to learn I'm not the only one who's avoided Bareback Mountain due to the nausea factor.
And the carpetmunchers do seem to handle things a lot more discretely. Of course, if they didn't, I'd watch.

I never even considered wathchin' that POS! I mean, c'mon, how many cowboys had a tendency to pork the guy in the saddle next door? It's a damn insult!!!!!!!!!1 I'll kick the ass of the first loser who even suggests the thought ever crossed their mind! My Dad was a cowboy for cripes sake!!!!!!!111111111111
I'm the guy your mother warned you about!

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #44 on: February 06, 2010, 01:10:12 AM »
I never even considered wathchin' that POS! I mean, c'mon, how many cowboys had a tendency to pork the guy in the saddle next door? It's a damn insult!!!!!!!!!1 I'll kick the ass of the first loser who even suggests the thought ever crossed their mind! My Dad was a cowboy for cripes sake!!!!!!!111111111111

No shit. I accidentally ran into a particularly nauseating scene while channel surfing. WTF? I yelled  :censored:, dogs started barking, kids all ran out of their rooms. Cowboys my ass.
Same thing happened with that dang dildo channel. I gotta quit reading with the tv on.
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Offline delilahmused

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Re: I'm getting giddy!
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2010, 04:38:47 AM »
I never even considered wathchin' that POS! I mean, c'mon, how many cowboys had a tendency to pork the guy in the saddle next door? It's a damn insult!!!!!!!!!1 I'll kick the ass of the first loser who even suggests the thought ever crossed their mind! My Dad was a cowboy for cripes sake!!!!!!!111111111111

Technically they're sheep herders, not cowboys. Still, it is kinda funny the way life imitates Cartman.

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