Author Topic: Report on Glenn Beck at the Villages today  (Read 738 times)

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Report on Glenn Beck at the Villages today
« on: November 21, 2009, 09:05:40 PM »


Well my wife and I went with another couple to the Villages today to hear Glenn Beck speak and lay out his plan for 2010.  

Now the place is 1:55 from where we live and we got there fairly quickly.  We arrived at 2:00 PM and one of our members is handicapped so we dropped him off......of course all the handicapped spots had been claimed long before then.  It literally took us 45 minutes to find a place to park, it was beyond crowded.

We walked into the square and there is like a huge gazebo in the center of a square where George and Jeb Bush, Palin, McCain and many other notables has made appearances in the past.  We took our lawn chairs in and even though it well before Glenn spoke there was no spaces where we could actually see the stage.  We sat on the sidewalk where we had a clear view of the huge TV's they had on all four sides of the gazebo.  I would have no idea how many folks were there but I have been in Wrigley Field which holds 40,000 people and my guess would be we were probably well over 20,000.

There was the usual collection of flags and Tee shirts and I did not see one potential terrorist and I was looking closely.  What impressed me was the guy in front of me mentioned he is raising his 17 year old grandson who watches Beck every day at 5:00 on TV and how many teen agers who where there who are very engaged in what is going on in America.

After much fanfare Glenn appeared and entered right by where we were sitting.  My wife was lined up to get a photo and had a perfect shot where he was smiling and some lady jumped right in front of her so she ended up with the photo of the back of the lady's head.....after waiting for 20 minutes in her spot to take the picture.  

Beck, regrettably was surrounded by some very large State Police with their Smokey Bear hats who basically kept their backs to him and stared into the crowd as he spoke.

Glenn was his usual dynamite self and had a bit of a different message today, one that ignited the crowd.  He started off discussing all the problems we have today and remarked that when he was recovering from his recent surgery he got to watch TV as we do and found himself screaming at the TV "OK I get it, now what can I do about it?"  He said he has been waiting for a leader to emerge and so far no one has stepped forward.  It is time to say OK, we will just have to join arms as Americans and lead together.

He has put together a team of advisors on matters such as health care, economy, defense etc. and he is dividing the country up into seven districts.  They are then going to hold meeting in each district which will be a huge learning experience for most.  First district meeting is in Orlando in March and my wife and I plan on going.

Then, after those meetings he invited us all to meet him at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC on August 28th.  The timing is just before the 2010 election and he figures it would be such to send a message to our elected officials when it means the most.  Once again, this time we plan on going.

The crowd was behind him all the way and we met lots of folks who had been to Washington once and plan on going again.  If I understood him correctly our job is to become educated, educate and mobilize......he was very clear that two can play the community organizer game.  

He used an analogy throughout the talk about being on the deck of the Titanic.  Fundamentally the ship is sinking but those on the deck have to be prepared to do what is right to save themselves and others.  He used that thread very well in his talk and it made perfect sense if you heard it.

Now this is me appears to me that Glenn is becoming our community organizer and wants to organize and educate the electorate before  the next election, as well as give a message to all politicians that fundamentally we are not going to put up with their disregard for the public, reckless spending, and corruption anymore.  I am not doing him justice at all because he lays things out very well and I suspect he will accomplish the goal very well.

I think he plans on laying it all out again Monday on his radio show and likely Monday night on TV also.

We waited well over an hour after he was done speaking and he was still signing books.  I took the chairs back to the vehicle and it would have taken at least another hour to get out of the parking lot, there was as much traffic as one would see leaving a crowded stadium nothing was moving.  We had dinner and left 1-1/2 hours later and got home around 9:00PM.  Glenn has to be one tired puppy about now, I would imagine.

Best regards,


PS:  I do not know about all the rest of you, but I am sure you can see "Count me in" which was the prevelant attitude in the crowd.  Folks are fed up and prepared to take our country back, just that plain and simple.....
« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 09:11:20 PM by 5412 »

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Re: Report on Glenn Beck at the Villages today
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2009, 11:12:51 PM »
He's been alluding to the theme of "let's take our country back" for a couple of weeks ....especially since he came back from his appendectomy.

Somebody needs to be the one to start....then another joins...and another ...and he says...."just like our founding fathers did"....

I will be looking for info in my area...I think there are a lot of people here that are fed up too...but I'm also in an area where the majority of people are conservatives.

Thanks 5412 for making your report tonight...I'm sure you are exhausted. Glad you had a great time!!!
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Re: Report on Glenn Beck at the Villages today
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2009, 03:01:14 AM »
That was a great report thanks, good to hear it from a first hand source and good to hear that lots of people are engaged and determined to become actively involved.

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Re: Report on Glenn Beck at the Villages today
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2009, 06:45:42 PM »
Thanks for the report !  Really enjoyed it  :cheersmate: