Author Topic: Data horribilia: the HARRY_READ_ME.txt file  (Read 1142 times)

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Data horribilia: the HARRY_READ_ME.txt file
« on: November 23, 2009, 04:47:34 AM »

Be warned Devil's Kitchen is a bit of a sweary blog, but has a great collation of the AGW email and data info and associated links

With the CRU emails having been examined, it seems that some people—mainly techies—are really starting to dig into the data files. These files are, as far as we can tell, temperature data, modelling results and other such useful files, i.e. these are the files produced and worked on by the CRU teams, as well as considerable amounts of information on—and code from—the actual computer modelling programmes themselves.

In other words, these are the guts of CRU's actual computer models—the data, the code and the applications.

And they are, by all accounts, a total bloody mess.

++++ START INSERT ++++

So, come with me on a wonderful journey as the CRU team realise that not only have they lost great chunks of data but also that their application suites and algorithms are total crap; join your humble Devil and Asimov as we dive into the HARRY_READ_ME.txt file and follow the trials and tribulations of Ian "Harry" Harris as he tries to recreate the published data because he has nothing else to go on!

Thrill as he "glosses over" anomalies; let your heart sing as he gets some results to within 0.5 degrees; rejoice as Harry points out that everything is undocumented and that, generally speaking, he hasn't got the first clue as to what's going on with the data!

Chuckle as one of CRU's own admits that much of the centre's data and applications are undocumented, bug-ridden, riddled with holes, missing, uncatalogued and, in short, utterly worthless.

And wonder as you realise that this was v2.10 and that, after this utter fiasco, CRU used the synthetic data and wonky algorithms to produce v3.0!

You'll laugh! You'll cry! You won't wonder why CRU never wanted to release the data! You will wonder why we are even contemplating restructuring the world economy and wasting trillions of dollars on the say-so of data this bad.

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Re: Data horribilia: the HARRY_READ_ME.txt file
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2009, 07:25:54 AM »
By all the empirical data I have gathered over an extended length of time (2 or less seconds of observation out the front door) it is raining and that is indicative of global warming crisis because if we didn't have global warming it would be coming done in the form of ice or snow......right?....right? or should I change my data?
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