Author Topic: Virginia Man Charged With Indecent Exposure After Making Coffee Naked in Kitchen  (Read 8302 times)

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Offline vesta111

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This entire thread is putty sick, if ya ask me.

This bothers me as I personally know people that have no shades or curtains on the back of their home that faces woods.
With new technology the new homes windows are so air tight there is no need to use them.

The whole point of living in buildings is the expection of privacy and comfort.

I watched a news reporter take his camera to the home and film what could be see through the window at that time of day.  To see the kitchen with the light on and anyone in it, the camera man had to get up within 6 inches of the window and crouch down to get his shot.

What on earth was this woman doing out in the dark walking her dog with a child peeping in windows in the first place.?

Was she creepy crawling to check out  for her friends places with something to steal?

Did she think she had been spotted and called the cops to get the jump in case he reported her first.?

Good grief, if it was anyone else, would we get an accidental glimpse of someone naked in their own home not have felt embarrassed at the sight and feel a twinge of guilt at invading the privacy of that person.?

911-what is the emergency.?

I see naked people in their own homes.

How do you see them.?

I look in their windows after dark.
Oh the horror of it all, a MAN naked as a jay bird in his kitchen drinking coffee, when I pointed him out to my child they became traumatised at the sight, they now wake up with nightmares about naked men drinking coffee.

My question is why the police even after hearing the details she gave bother to do more then give him a phone call and warn him to close his shades as there were people tresspassing on his property after dark and watching his every move.

I usually stick up for our police, in this case I would have to question just how boring and slow crime is in their town.

Another reason to keep a big dog, the neighbors may be more dangerous to us then street crime.

As a protest I shall close the curtains hike up the heat and do my house work wearing only my socks and a smile.  Anyone that peeps through the window  in a small space between the curtains will meet my Rottie and my Peace Maker.  No law about making a citizens arrest in the nude that I know of.

Yup, stuff like this does in fact make me crazy, what if this were my son ---carrears can be ruined by such foolishness.

BTW the unfortunate Man did make a huge mistake, he talked to the police and as been pointed out he opened a can of worms.


Offline Chump

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Offline Thor

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It is very likely that this man's life will be screwed if the DA pursues charges and IF the man is convicted, he will be labelled as a sex offender. That, in itself, can wreck a person's life, regardless of how insignificant the offense was (urinating in public could make one a sex offender in many States). The bigger fact is that this lady and her son WERE trespassing. Let's hope that these charges get dismissed and the lady gets reprimanded.

I suppose that the answer is to post "No Trespassing" signs about one's property. IMO, those are tacky and should not be needed, but in today's world.....

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Offline Chump

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It is very likely that this man's life will be screwed if the DA pursues charges and IF the man is convicted, he will be labelled as a sex offender. That, in itself, can wreck a person's life, regardless of how insignificant the offense was (urinating in public could make one a sex offender in many States). The bigger fact is that this lady and her son WERE trespassing. Let's hope that these charges get dismissed and the lady gets reprimanded.

I suppose that the answer is to post "No Trespassing" signs about one's property. IMO, those are tacky and should not be needed, but in today's world.....


I'm 28 years old and sitting here thinking, "what has the world come to?"  As vesta pointed out, not too long ago, if one were to by happenstance see a naked person in their own home, if one were the decent sort, one would be flushed with embarrassment over acting like a Peeping Tom, even if by accident.

And yet, here we are actually discussing an instance in which a man was arrested, his home and office searched, because he was naked in his house at 5:30AM drinking coffee and a trespassing lunatic saw, and didn't look away ashamedly.

Not to be corny, but my heart goes out to this man.  Were I in his shoes, I would be jailed not for acting as I damn-well pleased in my own ****ing house, but for going on a violent crime spree in response to this outright insanity.  Can you imagine how he must feel?
Political tags - such as royalist, communist, democrat, populist, fascist, liberal, conservative, and so forth - are never basic criteria. The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.   ~Robert A. Heinlein

...let the cannibal who snarls that the freedom of man's mind was needed to create an industrial civilization, but is not needed to maintain it, be given an arrowhead and bearskin, not a university chair of economics.
~Atlas Shrugged, Galt's speech

Offline Chris_

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People who live in glass houses shouldn't grow bones.
I think the women just complained because the guy wasn't double hung.
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Offline debk

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I think the women just complained because the guy wasn't double hung.

Nah.....she was traumatized because she had never seen double hung....she was used to the pane of single.
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Offline Chris_

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Nah.....she was traumatized because she had never seen double hung....she was used to the pane of single.
I doubt she'll have much of a casement against him.
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Offline IassaFTots

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  • Oh well, I wasn't using my civil liberties anyway.
I doubt she'll have much of a casement against him.

You think justice will turn a blind eye?
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Offline vesta111

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You think justice will turn a blind eye?

The more I think about this the stranger the actions of the police become.

If indeed this man drank his coffee and went back to bed to awaken to find the police in his bed room, did they have a warrent to search his home for a naked man ?

How did they get into the house in the first place, break down the door.?

Did they announce themselves as police before entering or while in the home before waking him up. 

I smell a big very fat rat here. Could this be a set up to sue the police and city.?

Could one of the cops have been in on the scam making sure to violate enough laws to enable the Man to get a law suit going for any number of reasons.?

Who is the woman who complained, at that point it was a he said she said complaint.

The whole story seems all too pat to me, one of those story's that rill us up because if it happend to him it could happen to us. Almost like a Urban Legation.

Offline RightCoast

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The more I think about this the stranger the actions of the police become.

If indeed this man drank his coffee and went back to bed to awaken to find the police in his bed room, did they have a warrent to search his home for a naked man ?

How did they get into the house in the first place, break down the door.?

Did they announce themselves as police before entering or while in the home before waking him up. 

I smell a big very fat rat here. Could this be a set up to sue the police and city.?

Could one of the cops have been in on the scam making sure to violate enough laws to enable the Man to get a law suit going for any number of reasons.?

Who is the woman who complained, at that point it was a he said she said complaint.

The whole story seems all too pat to me, one of those story's that rill us up because if it happend to him it could happen to us. Almost like a Urban Legation.

What he hell are you talking about?
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Offline vesta111

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What he hell are you talking about?

I am trying to say that I cannot believe the police would have acted the way it was reported.

With the stuff going on today most anything is possible I guess but there is just something about this story that is hard to believe as told to reporters.

Then there is the question of if he has a lawyer or not.  No Lawyer would allow a client to re enact anything on tape for the news, internet, and to say NOTHING to the police.

Did you follow the link for the Virginia Beach police and the Professor at law school a couple of days ago.?  They admitted that they the cops can use anything you say and twist it to be found guilty.

Very odd behavior by everyone, all kinds of scenarios could be playing out here.

Offline RightCoast

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Maybe the woman was an illegal alien that was dropped into the guys yard by helicopter and a satellite in geosync orbit disintegrated all the cloths and curtains in the guys house so he would be seen naked and the woman would become a citizen.
nine eleven is a car
nine one one is an emergency service
September 11, 2001 was an attack
Never Forget, or Minimize.

Offline vesta111

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Maybe the woman was an illegal alien that was dropped into the guys yard by helicopter and a satellite in geosync orbit disintegrated all the cloths and curtains in the guys house so he would be seen naked and the woman would become a citizen.

No way Right, you are wrong.

This is an everyday woman who lives a couple blocks over from him.  One morning at 5 AM she gets her kid out of bed, dressed and they walk the dog through the woods on a path in the dark.    She sees the only house with lights on so she decides to cross their lawn as a short cut home.  She kid and dog get close enough to the house to look inside and observe the homeowner going about his business in the buff.

She kid and dog freak out and she runs home to call the police.  Police arrive and enter the home uninvited, arrest a man who was sleeping.-----He is charged with a sex crime.

 Give me a break, I like your scenario but I think my story, as was reported is even more implausible then anything I have yet to hear.

Oxygen narcoses ---perhaps all this is his dream, he may still be in a decompress chamber----He is a Diver you Know.

Offline Chris_

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What on earth was this woman doing out in the dark walking her dog with a child peeping in windows in the first place.?

I second that...and at 5:30 in the AM!?!

Who gets up and pulls their kid out of bed to go for a walk at 5:00 AM.  :yawn:
In addition to tresspass and peeping tomage, I'd charge her with child abuse.

I suppose he will also be charged with sleeping in the nude.
I'm sure that's been made illegal now too.  :whatever:
Stories like this get my blood pressure up.
If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.