Author Topic: DUmmies Discuss A Blue Pill For The Parents  (Read 392 times)

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DUmmies Discuss A Blue Pill For The Parents
« on: August 14, 2009, 01:10:43 PM »
DUmmy SoCalDem is mad as hell. She had her heart set on that inheritance, but then her
husband helped his mother with a nursing home, after those bastards at the hospital revived her:

SoCalDem  (1000+ posts)        Fri Aug-14-09 01:28 PM
Original message

Forfeit 80% of your income  THIS is why the insurance companies, Big-Rx & Hospitals-for-profit Co ,Inc are fearful, and why they are pulling out all the stops.
and about the Death Panels...

Don't forget that Nursing Homes, "Convalescent" Centers, and rehab places that specialize in aged-care are BIG BUCKS enterprises, paid for in TWO main ways..

.....1......medicaid (after personal "wealth" has been sucked dry)

.....2......wealthy , guilt-ridden folks who had no time for Mom when she was healthy, and now pay through the nose to show their friends what a good son/daughter they are

the facilities that are primarily medicaid-supported are notorious for fraudulent billing, and for horrible care..

Legislation that gives elderly patients more incentive to take control over their passing, could mean that millions of them will not choose to be artificially kept alive, only to be relegated to the bowels of some sub-standard nursing home, to spend years dying, mostly of neglect.

DUmmy The_Casual_Observer brags about how quickly and economically the folks checked out:
The_Casual_Observer  (1000+ posts)        Fri Aug-14-09 01:40 PM
1. Thankfully, by the time my elderly parents/inlaws needed nursing 
home care their time was very short, so the financial problems due to it were minimal. It can be so much worse if one ends up in there while the body still has a long has a way to go. 

DUmmy SoCalDem is furious that the old bat survived for seven years, reducing her husband's
inheritance. If the DUmmy had just been there at the hospital, a single well-placed pillow
could have made all the difference in the world:
SoCalDem  (1000+ posts)        Fri Aug-14-09 01:45 PM

3. My mother-in-law had a devastating stroke, and was flatlined 
when she arrived at the hospital (she was 82). They "revived" her, but she never recovered her speech, was unable to read or to even walk. She spent SEVEN years "dying", miserable, frustrated and angry.

We were able to communicate with her, and she refused to come to california with us, and actually insisted on going to a "home" there so her friends could visit her.

My husband agonized over this, but did find her a very nice place, but it cost us dearly, and of course as her friends passed on, she was far away from her only child (my husband).
I am SURE that , given a choice, she would have preferred to NOT be resuscitated
The old lady is just lucky that SoCalDem wasn't able to get to the hospital quickly enough
from California.

SoCalDem  (1000+ posts)        Fri Aug-14-09 01:47 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. AND it's the last stop on the "money train" for corporate ghouls 
as they "take" whatever assets it took a lifetime to accumulate.

As soon as she heard about the stroke, DUmmy SoCalDem started looking at beach houses.
Damn that resuscitation!

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Re: DUmmies Discuss A Blue Pill For The Parents
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 03:32:28 PM »
They're starting to get frank about the death panels.  We had a troll over at Moonbattery who called us evil thugs because now these end-of-life services won't be available in hospitals.  The trolls are bad there, today.  We need some D-Con.

Offline jukin

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Re: DUmmies Discuss A Blue Pill For The Parents
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2009, 04:02:38 PM »
The DUchebags appear to forget that the government takes it's cut, a rather large on upon one's demise.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.