Author Topic: Freddie Mac acting CFO found dead in apparent suicide  (Read 788 times)

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Freddie Mac acting CFO found dead in apparent suicide
« on: April 22, 2009, 10:45:26 AM »
Freddie Mac acting CFO found dead in apparent suicide

 -- The acting chief financial officer of Freddie Mac was found dead at his home Wednesday morning in an apparent suicide, according to published reports.
David Kellermann, acting chief financial officer at Freddie, was found dead at his home in Fairfax County, Va., The Wall Street Journal reported.
The Journal quoted a police spokeswoman as saying "there are no signs of foul play." Broadcast reports said Kellerman's wife had told police he committed suicide.
Kellermann was named acting CFO in late September, three weeks after the government took control of Freddie. He was previously senior vice president and corporate controller at the firm.

His death comes as staff from the Securities and Exchange Commission and Justice Department have been probing the finance company about issues including possible accounting violations, paper reported.  disclosed the investigation in March filing, and the firm said it is "cooperating fully in these matters."

According to the Journal, Freddie said in filings that it received a federal grand jury subpoena from the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York in September. The subpoena sought documents related to accounting, disclosure and corporate governance matters, said the paper.

But that subpoena was later withdrawn and the investigation was taken over by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of Virginia, added the Journal, and Freddie said the SEC is also investigating and has told it to preserve documents.
Were his hands tied behind his back?
Grand juries. The closest thing to a lynch mob we have.
What kind of circumstances would leave a man like this with suicide as his only option? He either painted himself into a very dark mental corner (went insane) or he was killed - I think. It's sad. What a waste.
Hey, what's cooking? Smells like Barney's cooking the books.
This should have been titled: "The Man Who Knew too Much". SSS (Sudden Suicide Syndrome) is going to become an epidemic among people who know too much about powerful elected scoundrels. I'm surprised Blagoyovich hasn't been overcome by SSS yet. If they get him incarcerated, just temporarily he will hang himself too.
Some of the scandals at Freddie Mac were reportedly committed while President Obama’s right hand man and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel

was a member of the Board of Directors of the dysfunctional government- private entity. In fact reports indicated that Emanuel was aware of accounting fraud and enhance lobbying for Freddie Mac, which was later detrimental to the organization.

and see

While no one can at the present time connect the past and present players at Freddie, I believe this scandal will grow. Power, Money, greed , Washington D.C. banking, politics are all ingredients for a scandal.

Legally many past and present Board of Directors have seemingly not acted in accordance with the legal duties a board member must subscribe and adhere to. However, one of the duties of Board Members is to hire and fire Corporate Officers.


Who hired Mr. Kellermann his resume is light for a man charged with running the finances of a billion dollar organization?

Open Secrets
gives you a list of the generous contributions Freddie made to politician’s. Talk about conflict of interests.!

Fannie Mae the sister of Freddie in the mortgage debacle hired Barney Franks lover as an official despite his ” light” credentials. See,3566,432501,00.html

God Rest Mr. Kellermann and peace to his family, but I have suspicions, especially because he did not get this job without connections. Baring some domestic or deep medical depression history questions are unanswered.

Interesting read: