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Re: Another newbie here
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2009, 10:28:23 PM »
Welcome!   :cheersmate:
“A man who has been through bitter experiences and travelled far enjoys even his sufferings after a time”
― Homer, The Odyssey

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Re: Another newbie here
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2009, 07:18:41 PM »
Woot!  I love baseball...planning on seeing the Cubbies when the play the Nationals this summer.  My boys are signed up, draft/tryouts are in a couple weeks, then practices frie up the first week in love love it!


I love your graphic.

I had a guy I worked with many years ago that was from southern Alabama.  When he would get into a debate, one of his favorite sayings was "Don't let your hippopotamus mouth overload your hummingbird ass."

I saw your graphic and was immediately reminded of him.  Good Lord, he would probably be in his late 80's by now.

One more cute story.  We were in a classroom and someone brought up the fact that Ted Kennedy was thinking about running for president.  My friend stopped, spit into his spit cup and blurted out, "Hell we are trying to get a man on the moon and he can't get a whore over a bridge!"  We had to take a fifteen minute break we couldn't stop laughing.


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Re: Another newbie here
« Reply #27 on: February 20, 2009, 11:48:27 AM »

Thanks.  I thought I started the thread under breaking news but it is in general discussions, I must have screwed up.

Probably should tell you that I am almost 70, former Marine, grew up in Illinois, now live in FL with a summer home in IL.....and have married grandchildren.

I am very active on the Cub website and get tangled up in the political threads in the non-babeball discussions.  Arguing with some of those clowns is as frustrating as trying to put toothpaste back into a tube. 

In the last two weeks my guess is a dozen of my peers have expressed to me that they are truly afraid.........afraid of our government.  This is not the America I grew up in at all. 

In a letter to my children and grandchildren on inaguration day I predicted that when it came to domestic issues BO's lack of experience and leadership will show quickly as the inmates will be in charge of the asylum.  My guess was the libs in congress will feel like they hit the jackpot.  If the republicans do not do their job as a minority party....keep the majority party honest, they may very well have indeed hit the jackpot. 

Never did I think that he would violate the public trust so quickly.  Hell even Jimmie Carter and Clinton took a few years, BO has established an entirely new record, one that will stand for years to come. 


What a coincidence. I grew up in Florida and now live in Illinois. I to am afraid of what will become of our country with Obama as its leader. I can hear the socialist boot stepping already. This man is an out right communist! Howerver, thankfully he only got less than 1% more votes that GWB, which means our country can still be diverted from this nightmare path of socialist revolution.