Author Topic: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:  (Read 2705 times)

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Offline Chris_

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #25 on: January 25, 2009, 02:51:28 PM »
No Redstone it's YOU that doesn't get it. My love for my country and pride in being an American have nothing to do with who the president is. America is so much more than one man, especially one who has yet to do anything. I was even proud of my country when we had a president whose idea of covert ops was hide the cigar in the skank. Because all you see when you look at President Obama is a "clean and articulate" black man. As if somehow your vote for a democrat who just happens to be half black (because let's face it, you would've voted for Hillary had she been the nominee) overnight we've risen above whatever racism we've harbored for over 200 years.

But what about those countrymen who fought and died to free slaves. They were, by and large, white Christian men. And even after shedding American blood and treasure we still had a ways to go. It's been a process, which if you're truly honest will admit was hindered mostly by democrats. Even in the glory days of the 60's. While my party was working with President Johnson to pass the Civil Rights Act, people in YOUR party (Robert Byrd), were wearing white sheets, burning crosses on people's lawns, and meting out threats and even beatings for blacks who got too uppity. Your party didn't embrace the whole racial equality thing until you figured out you could move the plantation to the inner city and still keep the black man beholden to you. That disgusts me and I hope they figure it out someday.

I'm proud to be citizen of a nation that has been a beacon of hope for people all over the world long before "hope" became a platitude. I'm proud of our independent spirit, our ideas about self determination...that whole life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness thing that our founders had the wisdom to keep foremost in their minds. I'm proud to have a constitution that determines our laws and defines our rights so that our allegiance to this nation doesn't hinge on who occupies the Oval Office. Those stories whether some are true or all are true or all are untrue are meant to illustrate the spirit that is uniquely American regardless of race, creed, or gender.  Perhaps, if YOU can't be look beyond President Obama's race and see that it's YOU who is the racist. I'd tell you to bite me but I'm afraid I'd get rabies so I'll just say **** off, you racist prick.


I doubt anyone could have said it better, Cindie! H5 (of course)
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Offline franksolich

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #26 on: January 25, 2009, 03:21:36 PM »
Chief S itting Bull, the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive, is one of the easiest primitives to "psychoanalyze" (quotation marks intentional; I am not a professional in the field); that he has anger management problems is of course obvious even to the blind.

The bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive, now entering his late 50s, is self-allegedly afflicted with a progressively worsening neuro-muscular ailment, which of course is very sad, very melancholy, especially Chief S itting Bull having always been pretty active in things, including smashing the screens of televisions, clubbing innorcent birds, and ripping down GARAGE SALE signs posted on telephone poles.

And it probably took a lot of strength and stamina to endure the now-mausoleumed bug-eyed lying titty primitive in real life.

However, it mystifies me that the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive obviously thinks that his out-of-control rage and anger and Hate ameliorates his physical condition, making it easier to bear.  Generally it appears the perception of mental health and psychiatric professionals that making peace with others, maintaining tranquil serenity, accepting one's fate, makes such a terrible thing easier to bear.

It must be Hell, being Chief S itting Bull's wife; the heart goes out to her.

Probably the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive actually wishes to be a "victim," so as to excuse his failures.  He couldn't do what needed to get done because of "other people" or the "system," rather than his own individual flaws in character.  It's always easier to blame someone else.

Chief S itting Bull wants so badly to be a "victim" that he makes up things, such as his alleged heritage, half-Native American, half-Irish, two of the biggest "victim classes" in all of American history, although only the first is justifiable; there were many other cultural and ethnic groups that suffered much more in America, than the Irish.

Not to diminish the suffering of the Irish, but others had it worse.

Odd, how that works out with the primitives, always alleging to be descended from one of the "oppressed" classes, never one of the "oppressor" classes.

My own mild dislike (it had been simply sort-of distaste until that time) of the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive dates back to December 2007, when Chief S itting Bull and Playboy Pedro treated my fellow alum Skins so contemptuously, because Skins wouldn't hop at their command.

It was obvious at that bonfire, that the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive and Playboy Pedro actually really think of themselves as better people, superior people, than Skins.  Talk about pure brazen effrontery of Delusions of Grandeur; many have been institutionalized and lobotomized for lesser fantasies.

Alas! poor Chief S itting Bull! alas!

How much better it would be for him, and for those around him, if he simply accepted that he has great many reasons for feeling less than modest, and even embarrassed.

Alas! poor bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive! alas!

Honest humility about oneself and doubt about one's virtues is what eases one's road through life, but obviously that's a road Chief S itting Bull isn't taking.

apres moi, le deluge

Offline Chris_

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2009, 04:17:49 PM »
He reminds me of a man that once posted he threw his wife's vacuum cleaner into the frozen garden because she had the nerve to vacuum while he was tired.

He too claims to be half Native American with anger issues claiming victim status.

I wonder if they're related ?

He may still be drinking.  He keeps giving out cold cures involving Jack Daniels.

« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 04:24:02 PM by shadeaux »
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Offline franksolich

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2009, 04:23:45 PM »
He reminds me of a man that once posted he threw his wife's vacuum cleaner into the frozen garden because she had the nerve to vacuum while he was tired.

He too claims to be half Native American with anger issues claiming victim status.

I wonder if they're related ?

Actually, if that was posted on Skins's island (you didn't tell where you saw it posted, thus the confusion), that could very well have been Chief S itting Bull himself.

I wish I had kept a catalogue of the bird-smacking stoned red-faced primitive's ordeals with anger management; it would be pretty big by now, the size of the old Sears, Roebuck mail-order catalogues in small print.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Chris_

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2009, 04:26:29 PM »
The one I speak of frequents newpaper forums.

If it's not Redstone, it's his brother.

The anger over the years from this guy is unreal and very much like Redstone.
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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #30 on: January 25, 2009, 04:26:39 PM »
I would like to find out what happened with his 'Idea' that was supposed to be copyrighted or patented or whatever.  Never heard about it again.  Maybe the white man took his idea.

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Offline Traveshamockery

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #31 on: January 25, 2009, 04:27:06 PM »
I know who Shadeaux is talking about.  I've asked about him here before - the ass from the forum at the newspaper in Biloxi whose posting name is Maxx.  Maxx is an ass and Maxx is the one with the vacuum cleaner problem.  

Do you think it's the same person?  Could be.  

Offline crockspot

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2009, 04:31:04 PM »
My ex was (well.. I guess she still is) a half Haitian French Canadian socialist. One thing she would not tolerate was black people playing the race card without very good justification. But she also believed that Americans as a whole were so inherently racist that a black person would never get elected to the White House any time soon. We had these discussions way back when I was advocating Condi as the next president, and we haven't spoken in almost a year, but one small bit of satisfaction I got from Obama's victory was that it proved her ass wrong about Americans.  :evillaugh:

Offline franksolich

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Re: Those rightwingers just do NOT get it:
« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2009, 04:31:33 PM »
I would like to find out what happened with his 'Idea' that was supposed to be copyrighted or patented or whatever.  Never heard about it again.  Maybe the white man took his idea.

I've always wondered about that, too.

Well, not "always," but whenever I see Chief S itting Bull on Skins's island, I wonder.
apres moi, le deluge