Author Topic: Sorry to be pessimistic here [I don't see the GLBT community getting anything..]  (Read 1388 times)

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Offline CactusCarlos

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Sorry to be pessimistic here.
Posted by terrya on Fri Feb-01-08 01:37 PM

But if either Obama or Clinton gets elected next November...I don't see the GLBT community getting anything from either an Obama Administration or a Clinton Administration in terms of other words, no ENDA, no federal hate crimes legislation, no overturning of DOMA or DADT. There might be a couple of appointments of gay or lesbian people...but that's it. I sense them not being wildly enthusiastic about expending any political capital for us.

We've been down this path before. I'm dialing my expectations down to zero in terms of doing anything substantive for GLBT Americans.

It's not pessimism, it's realism
Posted by Tyo on Fri Feb-01-08 04:29 PM

We are an embarrassment to the Dems, but we also tend to be politically active and they see us as a good source of foot soldiers and campaign contributions. It is only this that gets us any recognition at all from them, and mainly during elections. The rest of the time they devoutly wish that we'd go away. Seen in this light their actions over the past two decades have been entirely consistent.

There are a lot of great people here at DU and in our communities who stand with us and support us but unfortunately they are not representative of the party as a whole. The attitude of the Democratic leadership and I believe most Democratic voters is summed up by those here who tell us we are a liability, that we lose elections, and while it's unfortunate that we don't have the same rights as other Americans we need to suck it up for the good of the party.

Essentially we are told that every other issue facing the country is more important than ours and only when every other issue facing the country has been successfully addressed will there be time for us. If we're lucky. That's the reality. As to what do do about this reality other than kissing it good-bye at the border and getting on with our lives in a better place, I don't know. 
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Offline Duke Nukum

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I still remember when the BSA were booed at the Democrat convention in 2000.  That really warmed the Democratics to the cause.
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Offline RedTail

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Oh, they finally figured that out? But that epiphany won't last long. The carrot will be dangled, he $20 offered, and after the screwing, they'll walk over to find out the bastard only left $5 on the dresser.

<snerk> Dumbasses.


Offline Chris_

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Sorry to be pessimistic here.
Posted by terrya on Fri Feb-01-08 01:37 PM

But if either Obama or Clinton gets elected next November...I don't see the GLBT community getting anything from either an Obama Administration or a Clinton Administration in terms of other words, no ENDA, no federal hate crimes legislation, no overturning of DOMA or DADT. There might be a couple of appointments of gay or lesbian people...but that's it. I sense them not being wildly enthusiastic about expending any political capital for us.

We've been down this path before. I'm dialing my expectations down to zero in terms of doing anything substantive for GLBT Americans.

Note the 2 year old mentality: they expect to "get" something. "I whined and cried and stomped my pink tap shoes, where's my unicorn?" Don't all businesses (including those owned by gays) "discriminate" based on the needs of that particular industry? I mean, it's not like owner of a gay bar is going to hire someone  in Divinity Studies...well, with the possible exception of Algore.

The hate crime legislation thing really bothers me though because it's so typical of the liberal victim, entitlement mentality. Isn't every violent crime a hate crime? If a couple of the kids killed at Virginia Tech were gay should their lives count for more than the straight students killed? If 2 women are raped and one is a lesbian why is more "hate" exhibited when it happens to her? Why the heck does who they sleep with make their lives more precious?

As for DADT, I agree there. I'd like it to be DO ASK DO TELL and then keep them out. On this I can't compromise, though I think women would have less of a problem than men. I've met a lot of young Marines the past few years...I thought teenage boys could clean out a refrigerator in record time, but they're amateurs compared to Marines. These are all really, really good young men but they're also not comfortable with the idea of sharing a rack with a guy whose definition of "watch your back" isn't the same as most guys.

If gays are so anxious to fight for their country they can start their own brigade. It worked for Teddy Roosevelt (granted it was sanctioned by the Army, but they were still volunteers). Instead of Rough Riders they could call themselves Barebackers or something.

If you want to worship an orange pile of garbage with a reckless disregard for everything, get on down to Arbys & try our loaded curly fries.

Offline Bondai

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This may sound a bit harse here but I think all gays should be rounded up. All the pole smokers, the carpet munchers, especially the NAMBLA members. They should all be evalauted for mental stability. If found to be unstable, which they will,they could possibly be re-educated, if not....see ya. Child molestors and NAMBLA members would be executed.

No more anti constitutional hate crime legislation, no more sex ed classes in grade schools, no more condoms being passed out, no more gay pride parades in San Francisco, the mayor of which should have been arrested long ago.No more gay teachers...PERIOD. No gays in the military, no gays in any governemnt position.

"It's mercy, compassion, and forgiveness I lack; not rationality".