Author Topic: subway cat trusts the authorities  (Read 1360 times)

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Offline franksolich

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subway cat trusts the authorities
« on: December 23, 2008, 06:40:16 PM »

Oh my.

lovuian (1000+ posts)      Sun Dec-21-08 08:53 PM
Original message
The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank

In April of 2008, President Bush signed into law S.1858 which allows the federal government to screen the DNA of all newborn babies in the U.S. This was to be implemented within 6 months meaning that this collection is now being carried out. Congressman Ron Paul states that this bill is the first step towards the establishment of a national DNA database.

S.1858, known as The Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007, is justified as a "national contingency plan" in that it represents preparation for any sort of public health emergency. The bill states that the federal government should "continue to carry out, coordinate, and expand research in newborn screening" and "maintain a central clearinghouse of current information on newborn screening... ensuring that the clearinghouse is available on the Internet and is updated at least quarterly". Sections of the bill also make it clear that DNA may be used in genetic experiments and tests. Read the full bill: ...


This needs to be stopped or parents allowed to refuse

Aren't the primitives the same barbarians who laugh, sneer, and mock parents who don't want their kids vaccinated or tested, usually on religious grounds?

I scent much hypocrisy here.

madeline_con  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:09 PM
Response to Reply #12
14. What if ti's done as amatter of course, like silver nitrate in the eyes?

Maybe new parents should ask. It could be a good thing. donors would be found more easily, cancer clusters, all kinds of info that isn't for sinister purposes.

The subway cat rumbles in, about halfway through the bonfire:

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:44 PM
Response to Reply #14
31. You trust the "authorities" In this country,filled with greedy pigs and manipulating con men and sociopaths to have any sense of right or wrong, holding the DNA map of your kid in their grubby hands you are a fool.

DNA is much more serious of an infringement of a child's person hood than a few drops of silver nitrate.Don't believe for one minute the"authorities" will use that information to help people, because they won't use it that way, they'll use it to discriminate and they'll find a way to get more control over people through that information.They will not use it in a good way,they never have used personal information for improving anyone's life and,they never will...

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:39 PM
Response to Original message
27. Racially targeted bioweapons..

The control freak right wingers fantasy come true, now with the DNA database they can finally target the attacks,use the drugs and see the awful and evil results on a DNA level.WonDerFul..NOT!

FDA approved a Racially targeted drug..

links not copied-and-pasted, because they're really stupid

Racially targeted bioweapons have been attempted before..

links not copied-and-pasted, because they're really stupid

In 2003 it is admitted it is's 2008 now.

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more ethnically targeted evilness...

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jberryhill  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:43 PM
Response to Reply #27
30. Or just maybe...
It would be nice if public health services had funding to screen for Tay Sachs, sickle cell, and other inheritable diseases....


undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:50 PM
Response to Reply #30
35. It would be nice

Have you tried to get insurance with a "pre-existing" condition? Have you been turned down as an adult or adult with a sick child because of a "pre-existing condition"? Already insurance discriminates against sickness.What makes you think babies with faulty DNA won't be discriminated against too?

Howabout insurance companies discriminating against your child because DNA analysis proves it has a "pre-existing" condition?

You know this DNA shit is a dual edged sword. And in this country where money speaks louder than human lives do you really trust the ones with power to care? Well they don't care about anyone else's well being .Never did.

lovuian (1000+ posts)      Sun Dec-21-08 10:54 PM
Response to Reply #35
36. and then it gets more and more elaborate who is prone to heart disease cancer ... Like I said the patriot act was signed by many congressman and it is a Horrible horrible bill ... it says Protect when it really means take away all your defenses

Hitler would have loved a DNA database

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:59 PM
Response to Reply #36
41. You bet.

He would have been able to'screen' out undesireables with surgical precision.No mixed babies that looked in every way white would be escaping his killing camps. His fantasy of aryan purity would have been enforced on the molecular level.If Hitler could have he would have, done it ,and sadly there are people in our government that share and like hitler's evil cruel and twisted beliefs.

Yeah, and they're usually liberals and primitives.

lovuian (1000+ posts)      Sun Dec-21-08 11:08 PM
Response to Reply #41
46. with this information they will be able to genetically see which races will be proned to certain hereditable diseases

and they can be incite on Bioweapons

and we have many facilities working on Bioweapons

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 11:51 PM
Response to Reply #46
68. YEP

Some are working on BOTH.

Ever hear of Gene tracking?

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Mini Me's for Parents

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And alot of people died..

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Cleita  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:46 PM
Response to Original message
32. Eugenics seems to be raising it's ugly head again. 

And everyone said we couldn't call them Nazis!

Who said we couldn't call the primitives Nazis?

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:57 PM
Response to Reply #32

39. Yes it is

It has been the dream of every right wing fascist pig.Just so happens fascist pigs call the shots in this country,and racists exist at the pentagon ,gaggle and deny what they are in think tanks and skulk at country clubs exclusive and whites only,(there is one full of right wingers in North Carolina for instance),racists still swarm around places of power like flies on shit.And they still believe in "orders and classes"...

jberryhill  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 10:58 PM
Response to Reply #39
40. Yeah.. that's why Hillary Clinton and Ted Kennedy co-sponsored this bill
My goodness, people, this is a bill to provide funding to public health services in order to test for diseases which can KILL KIDS if left undiagnosed and treated early.

Unbelievable. I had no idea the March of Dimes was part of some fascist conspiracy.

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 11:25 PM
Response to Reply #40
58. Hillary has her bigot side.
How Hillary Clinton Betrayed the Children's Defense Fund for Political Gain

links not copied-and-pasted, because they're really stupid

The McKinney Act

And..a few comparisons..

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DutchLiberal (1000+ posts)      Sun Dec-21-08 11:21 PM
Response to Reply #52
55. Watched 'V for Vendetta' yesterday... Am getting paranoid...

...Or AM I?

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 11:32 PM
Response to Reply #55
62. You are not paranoid

You are looking at things as they are.If it is causing you cognitive dissonance.FYI.. (a paranoid person is UNAWARE of being paranoid) So by questioning yourself,it means you have insight and therefore you are NOT paranoid.. BTW..Instead consider yourself courageous. The anxiety will wear off over time as you step out of the mainstream and stop fearing leaving it sometimes.

You know you are on the right track if others try to shut you up or shame you for saying what you think is happening,especially when they cannot handle the discomfort of their own cognitive dissonance yet..Especially when faced with things they cannot deal with as reality(despite it is really happening) because it is too threatening to even consider it.So they yell conspiracy to try to write off what you say that they can't handle..

lovuian (1000+ posts)      Sun Dec-21-08 11:52 PM
Response to Reply #62
71. We are discussing and debating the issue and seeing all sides

they typical tactic to shut someone or bully or make them shut up is call them names
tinfoiler conspiracy theorist Socialist Liberal all those bad names

thats the first tip off

Lets face it folks the people in Congress have funded the Iraq War for 8 years now and we are still looking for WMD

and they passed the Patriot Act

Torture and a 700 billion bailout to rich CEO's is bankrupting our nation

are these Senators and Congressman protecting us??? No impeachment for Bush who is a criminal in everyway

and now McConnel dies in a plane crash which OMG us conspiracy theorist don't believe that one

this Government has NO CREDIBILITY

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Mon Dec-22-08 12:13 AM
Response to Reply #71
78. and I for one DO NOT TRUST THEM

Uh oh.  A Fat Che in the punchbowl perturbs the subway cat:

[SanchoPanza (155 posts)      Mon Dec-22-08 12:06 AM
Response to Reply #62
74. So I understand clearly

If someone disagrees with you, it's not because their objections have any logical or evidentiary merit. It's just that there is something profoundly wrong with them, because any sign of doubt toward what you profess cannot be formed, in any way, through rational means.

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Mon Dec-22-08 12:16 AM
Response to Reply #74
80. No that is NOT what I am saying

You like putting words in other peoples mouths?

I was saying there are people that think in little boxes and if you shake their little boxes they'll get upset and take it out on you.A person reacting like that is not logical or making good arguments either and they are name calling and being a jerk.

So,what does name calling and acting like an ass have to do with thinking through an idea or argument?


DutchLiberal (1000+ posts)      Sun Dec-21-08 11:12 PM
Response to Original message
49. This is serious shit! Why didn't I know about this?

Where were the media on this?... Oh... yeah... Well, where were Stewart, Maher, Olbermann and Maddow on this? This is sick!

It's not an American phenomenon. It's happening in The Netherlands, too. One of our Ministers has already proposed a DNA database for policemen (supposedly to 'clear them' when their fingerprints are found on a crime scene), and an 'electronic child file' is being kept of all newborns from 2009 on, with all information regarding the child about education, health et cetera. It's scary, but it's true.

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 11:52 PM
Response to Reply #49
70. It's like the"permanent record" you were threatened with in school

That never existed,well now it exists!

undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Mon Dec-22-08 12:09 AM
Response to Original message
76. Eugenics was invented HERE in the Us of A.

This one scared me..Why because I witnessed it! (see my story below the article I linked to here)

For example, Norplant, a drug approved by the FDA in 1990, provides an alternative to permanent sterilization for women by preventing pregnancy for up to five years. A popular proposal to reduce the birthrate among welfare recipients and unwed teens is to induce them, through monetary incentives of the threat of a loss of benefits, to have Norplant surgically implanted in their upper arm.

In 1991, Kansas representative Kerry Patrick defended a proposal to offer $500 to any welfare mother who accepted Norplant, saying the program "has the potential to save the taxpayers millions of their hard-earned dollars. Something must be done to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies..." (The New York Times, Feb. 9, 1991).

In 1994, legislators in Connecticut and Florida introduced bills that would provide cash bonuses for welfare recipients who accepted Norplant

links not copied-and-pasted, because they're really stupid

I have seen with my own eyes eugenics programs in psych rehab residential housing.
My roommate was black I look white. I wanted my tubes tied I fought my psychiatrist tooth and nail to get it done.Insurance was not the issue.It was strange to me that this resistance was even an issue.The doctors never came out and told me WHY they wanted me to remain fertile.I asked many times and they'd not answer me.

Meanwhile while I was fighting my shrinks for a tube tie...My roommate showed me a little cylinder embedded in her arm.I felt it under her skin..She said she had norplant put in.I asked her if she asked for it.She said no, she didn't want it..than she told me that the program staff said if she did not accept the norplant they would kick her out on the street and refuse her treatment!!(this was a threat and by law nobody could be discharged without a treatment plan so it was fishy as hell)

She was not sexually active for she was so heavily drugged the minute she got home she slept until she got up to go to the day program where staff watched everyone..This was really useless for her and intrusive on her reproductive rights and had risks to her health.

Curious,I asked other clients around the program about Norplant.It was strange the whites had no clue about it and did not get offered or pushed into taking norplant ..but the black women in the program had it put in under coercion.
This really pissed me off.

This happened in a state run psych residential program that housed residents to get them into the community by placing them in private apartments that the state would 1995-96.

I got attacked by staff(choked unconscious) for trying to report this.

You bet the pro eugenics pieces of shit are out there in jails and hospitals, psych wards and programs,still waging the war on the weak and different..I really HATE these asshole people that think it's ok to force and coerce over medicated black women in psych housing to take norplant!.

About Norplant..

links not copied-and-pasted, because they're really stupid

Who was paying for this shit!!!

That was my post #51 in this thread: 

Oh my. 

One is left wondering why the state of Maryland wished to keep the subway cat fertile.

Ah, the world, so full of unanswered questions, the world.....
apres moi, le deluge

Offline Carl

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Re: subway cat trusts the authorities
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2008, 06:55:01 PM »
undergroundpanther  (1000+ posts)        Sun Dec-21-08 11:32 PM
Response to Reply #55
62. You are not paranoid

You are looking at things as they are.If it is causing you cognitive dissonance.FYI.. (a paranoid person is UNAWARE of being paranoid) So by questioning yourself,it means you have insight and therefore you are NOT paranoid.. BTW..Instead consider yourself courageous. The anxiety will wear off over time as you step out of the mainstream and stop fearing leaving it sometimes.

You know you are on the right track if others try to shut you up or shame you for saying what you think is happening,especially when they cannot handle the discomfort of their own cognitive dissonance yet..Especially when faced with things they cannot deal with as reality(despite it is really happening) because it is too threatening to even consider it.So they yell conspiracy to try to write off what you say that they can't handle..

Pretty much boils down to someone saying that the indisputable proof that UFOs,Bigfoot,Nessie...exist is that we haven`t actually caught one yet.

You cannot have a rational discussion with an irrational person.
It doesn`t even qualify as that much.

Offline thundley4

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Re: subway cat trusts the authorities
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2008, 07:17:37 PM »
"According to congressional records, S.1858, sponsored by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., was approved in the Senate Dec. 13, in the House April 8 and signed by Bush April 24."

Wait !  It was sponsored by Dems and approved by a Dem controlled congress. They have to have our best interests at heart right?

Offline Lord Undies

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Re: subway cat trusts the authorities
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2008, 08:51:25 PM »
I thought the Little Goons were the enlightened ones who LOVE science.  Where the hell did they think DNA research was going?   It was never about preserving privacy, for sure.

I can't wait until the day comes when we have the ability to detect the Homosexual Disease in an unborn child.  Abortion will be outlawed in about thirty days afterwards. 

The unquenchable desire to know everything is a two-edge sword.  Sometimes too much knowledge leads to unpleasant things. 

Offline Airwolf

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Re: subway cat trusts the authorities
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2008, 09:25:12 PM »
FWIW The military has been collecting blood samples for DNA testing in case your remains have been scattered to the four winds and they only find bits and parts of you. So here you go UGP .Bush has been creating his own clone army to wipe out you lefties starting the 31st of December after he declares martial law.

Oh and BTW say hello to my clones when they get to your place and start kicking your fat ass into the back of the 5 ton trucks hauling you off to the glue factory you stupid cow.

"Someday, when all your civilization and science are likewise swept away, your kind will pray for a man with a sword."-- Conan the Barbarian

Clint Eastwood - Because God wanted Chuck Norris to have nightmares.

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Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: subway cat trusts the authorities
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2008, 01:04:34 PM »
FWIW The military has been collecting blood samples for DNA testing in case your remains have been scattered to the four winds and they only find bits and parts of you. So here you go UGP .Bush has been creating his own clone army to wipe out you lefties starting the 31st of December after he declares martial law.

Oh and BTW say hello to my clones when they get to your place and start kicking your fat ass into the back of the 5 ton trucks hauling you off to the glue factory you stupid cow.

Indeed, to be deployable all military personnel have to have a DNA sample on file, i.e. anyone who's been in uniform since the mid-90s is already in there.  It is also SOP in correctional systems.  Frankly it's difficult to envision a way it could actually harm a person or invade privacy any more than having a birth certificate or Social Security number does.
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Offline jukin

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Re: subway cat trusts the authorities
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2008, 01:45:41 PM »
"According to congressional records, S.1858, sponsored by Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., was approved in the Senate Dec. 13, in the House April 8 and signed by Bush April 24."

Wait !  It was sponsored by Dems and approved by a Dem controlled congress. They have to have our best interests at heart right?

The DUchebags are Obama voters and Obama voters still think that the republicans control congress.
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Offline USA4ME

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Re: subway cat trusts the authorities
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2008, 02:00:04 PM »
Quote from:

You know this DNA shit is a dual edged sword. And in this country where money speaks louder than human lives do you really trust the ones with power to care?

Is the subway cat nut the biggest opponent of universal/single payer healthcare at the DUmp now?  If not, why not?

« Last Edit: December 24, 2008, 04:19:25 PM by USA4ME »
Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.