Author Topic: Liberal Dreams of Tyranny  (Read 1141 times)

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Offline Mr Mannn

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Liberal Dreams of Tyranny
« on: October 30, 2008, 08:12:30 AM »
Gang, tell me I'm wrong about this. Poke holes in my argument.
I trust you guys. I would rather you all tell me I'm high than someone else.

-------My Rant---------
I have been troubled by something for years now. Liberal excuses for terror. It’s a consistent theme with them.

1) Liberals side with murderous Palestinians and Arabs instead of Israelis or US soldiers.

2)  Liberal insistence that terrorists in Gitmo be treated as common criminals instead of prisoners of war. Indeed liberals argue that these people should be released into our free society while they wait for trial.

3) Rising acts of violence against conservatives. The attacks at the GOP headquarters is a good example, but I would also point out reactions against conservative speakers at universities: shouting them down and refusing conservatives to speak, stealing every copy of conservative newspapers, pies in the face of prominent conservatives. Its inching closer and closer to politically based violence.

     3A) The refusal of elected liberals to condemn violent acts against conservatives.

4) Hate speech towards prominent conservatives. From Reagan to Rush, hatred is dramatic. The irrational hatred of  President Bush (and now Sarah Pallin) is displayed for all to see on every liberal website. I monitor liberal sites and I’ve witnessed incitement towards violence (even calls for murder) against a sitting president and his cabinet members.

5) Intolerance towards Christians and Jews. Perhaps I should say outright bigotry. Again, I cannot emphasize enough the sheer hatred and rage on liberal sites towards people of faith. There is a big target on your backs: see 6A below.

6) Liberal denial of freedom of speech. The Fairness Doctrine and associated bills are designed to shut down opposition speech, not liberal bias. Liberals want a monopoly on news. Look what happened to Joe the Plumber for asking ONE tough question: Liberals used their positions in govt to access Joe’s secrets and punish him for daring to stand up. This is a lesson to us all: don’t question your elite masters.

6A) Hate crime laws will stifle freedom of religion. A liberal congress will ram through legislation that will put Christian pastors and believers in jail for quoting parts of the Bible. Gay rights and abortion will be used to outlaw/silence the Christian Right. Persecution is coming.

7) Persistent liberal identification with dictators and communists. Celebrities and elected liberals alike seem to make pilgrimages to Hugo Chavez’s communist regime. Congressional democrats sided with the Sandanista Communists in the 80’s.

     7A) Liberals turn a blind eye to every atrocity committed by a  brutal dictator.
This is very telling. Turning a blind eye/giving excuses or outright justification to terrorists and thugs reveals what liberals are capable of themselves.


1) If Obama gets a  democrat Super Majority, he may very well go the way of Hugo Chavez. Obama already has spoken of an armed “civilian defense force” as well equiped as the military, and his close friend and mentor is Mr Ayers: an unrepentant terrorists who had plans of killing 25 million Americans if he ever gained power. Obama has chosen to surround himself with people espousing the use of violence.

2) Obama may have plans for post election violence if he looses. He will rally with a million supporters in Chicago on Nov 4th. Should he loose, the city may very well burn. Likewise police departments around the country are girding themselves for violence should Obama loose. This another lesson to you the citizen: Fear your elite masters. Do as we say, OR ELSE. My belief is that Farakahn’s Nation of Islam will orchestrate the violence. I expect there will be the same justification of violence that we have seen towards the Palestinians. Violence is a tool for liberals, they will use it.

3) A legion of lawyers has been hired. If Obama may try to take through the courts what he could not gain through votes.

I think the liberals are moving closer to justifying the use of violence. Sure the primitives at DU may be stuck in their basements, but there are real live activists out there who WILL commit acts of terror to further their cause.
No matter who wins, I think we have dark days ahead for us.

Offline franksolich

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Re: Liberal Dreams of Tyranny
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2008, 08:18:30 AM »
Oh yes.

What's scary is the big crowd, the mob, the Big Zero's gathering in Chicago for his "victory" fest.

Once that victory doesn't materialize, I can very well see the Obamaites going beserk and doing some really stupid things, like trying to burn Chicago.

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

I'm really tired of all the Hate the Big Zero's cultivating and building up.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline thundley4

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Re: Liberal Dreams of Tyranny
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2008, 08:47:04 AM »
A million crazed Obamaites in Chicago going MORE insane if their Messiah loses, will touch off an apocalypse in every city with high concentrations of liberals.

Offline DumbAss Tanker

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Re: Liberal Dreams of Tyranny
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2008, 08:52:24 AM »
There won't be a coup or anything of the sort, but a Dem supermajority would result in a 'softer' power play where they simply ram every social control program in their wishlist through, do everything possible to earmark their backers into happyland, and then proceed to fill the courts with Lefty judges and do everything possible to alter the voter registration and election laws in ways that will favor them in the long run.  We'll still have general elections every two years, it will just be a very long time before voting in them would actually matter again.

It's not as bleak if they fall short of the supermajority.  In that case it's entirely possible that they will overreach so badly in two years, and almost certainly in four, that their star would sink...probably not enough to displace a President Obama, but perhaps enough to restore one house of Congress to the GOP.

However, given a President Obama, there is an excellent chance of there being some form of international disaster such as a terrorist or rogue-state nuclear or dirty-bomb attack on a US city during his term, which would completely change the game in an unpredictable direction.   
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Re: Liberal Dreams of Tyranny
« Reply #4 on: October 30, 2008, 09:26:42 AM »
A million crazed Obamaites in Chicago going MORE insane if their Messiah loses, will touch off an apocalypse in every city with high concentrations of liberals.

And this is a bad thing how, exactly?
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Offline thundley4

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Re: Liberal Dreams of Tyranny
« Reply #5 on: October 30, 2008, 09:31:04 AM »
And this is a bad thing how, exactly?

Maybe not a bad thing, it might be a form of post birth population control of Dems/Libs and hippies.

Offline PatriotGame

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Re: Liberal Dreams of Tyranny
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2008, 10:36:25 AM »
A million crazed Obamaites in Chicago going MORE insane if their Messiah loses, will touch off an apocalypse in every city with high concentrations of liberals.

And this is a bad thing how, exactly?

Please let Osama lose then let the games begin!  :popcorn:
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