Author Topic: Thursday--jan 24th  (Read 2445 times)

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Offline jtyangel

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Thursday--jan 24th
« on: January 24, 2008, 07:24:25 AM »
Ok, peeps, what's going on besides work, work, and more work?  I have my last assignment due today before the first test. I dropped a couple of my classes--just been distracted...when bil passed it put me off kilter on my schedule and I just never got back to where I needed to be--no biggie.

It is snowing this morning--looks really lovely. I have a cold--ugh--and am losing my voice so I decided frigg it, I'm turning the heat up to 72. I refuse to be sick and cold.  :-)

We got an estimate on our basement yesterday...7 friggin grand...but that is for the kevlar straps, we can do the old steel pilasters for half that. I dont really care about the space they take--we have a huge basement. And we are getting a couple more quotes so we think when all id said and done we should be able to get it done for about 2900 with a solid contractor and use steel i-beams. From what I've heard this will correct the displacement too instead of just keeping the walls at the deflection they are and not 'resetting' the house. We have to go with the lower cost because we will need the rest of the money to correct both a drainage and tree(the dumb butts before us put a tree that has grown huge about 10 feet from the house :banghead:) issues.  Goodbye bonus.  :banghead:

So deep totd:

If you could ask any question in the world and get a true answer, who and what would you ask? 

Offline LadyLiberty

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2008, 08:01:53 AM »
That sucks, Jetty, it really does  :( I'd be disappointed too.  It sounds like the contractor you got your bid from is trustworthy, so you've at least got that piece of mind.

Things here....well, the baby puked all over the family room last night, which is carpeted, which is also where she predominantly "lives." It also went all over this toy that has a "seem" in it, and I can't get down in there, so I might just throw the thing out (it was a  $65 toy). Then she power puked again this morning...once in the same room, second time on the stairs, which are wood, thank God. I can handle most things, but not vomit. The smell makes me sick. So, I am at a loss as to what to do with her for the day. She's not running a fever or anything, but I'm afraid to take her anywhere in the fear that she'll throw up.


I really don't know.
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Barack Obama

Offline Flame

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2008, 08:10:54 AM »
jty, I hear ya on the bye bye bonus thing!  Sucks when something like that happens.

LL, pukey babies are never fun...and I wouldn't go out anywhere, either, since you never know when she's going to blow again.  Too bad she's still too little to enjoy vegging in mom's bed and watching movies all day!

As for me, my day started at 4, when Mr Flame got up for work.  I never really went back to sleep, and got ou of bed at 6 to get the big kids up and ready, then drove them to school (little guy was NOT happy about having to go along, even if I did let him go in his jammies!).  Then an hour later I took the little guy to school.  I'm already sick of driving around, and it's only 9!!

I may take a nap in while, just because I can. :-)

Mr Flame won't be home until late tonight, so I'm letting the kids have whatever they want for dinner.

TOTD: I guess I'm a pretty trusting person...I don't have a burning desire to wonder if something they told me was true.

Offline Lauri

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2008, 08:12:57 AM »
in laws are coming to town again today... dropping their car off here while they fly down to palm springs and enjoy some sun for a few weeks.

i had a list of things in the house i wanted to get done before they came... but really, will they even notice if the garage is cleaned out again?

i dont think so..

as for the TOTD? Hmmm ... interesting question. I have no idea who or what I'd ask... let me peruse it for a while.

Offline jtyangel

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2008, 08:26:33 AM »
OUch LL about the pukey baby. We just got done with a round of puking and exploding poops here :hammer: with the two youngest children. Geez...I'm still cleaning the sofa cushions... :banghead: Just stay inside and keep warm with the baby.

Flame...get some rest girl!!!

Lauri, I don't think they'll really notice. Get some R&R, socialize later, and just enjoy. I'd just make sure the areas everyone will be in are in really good order.

Offline Lauri

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 08:41:24 AM »
OUch LL about the pukey baby. We just got done with a round of puking and exploding poops here :hammer: with the two youngest children. Geez...I'm still cleaning the sofa cushions... :banghead: Just stay inside and keep warm with the baby.

Flame...get some rest girl!!!

Lauri, I don't think they'll really notice. Get some R&R, socialize later, and just enjoy. I'd just make sure the areas everyone will be in are in really good order.

so... i should mop the hardwoods then?


Offline jtyangel

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2008, 08:45:48 AM »
OUch LL about the pukey baby. We just got done with a round of puking and exploding poops here :hammer: with the two youngest children. Geez...I'm still cleaning the sofa cushions... :banghead: Just stay inside and keep warm with the baby.

Flame...get some rest girl!!!

Lauri, I don't think they'll really notice. Get some R&R, socialize later, and just enjoy. I'd just make sure the areas everyone will be in are in really good order.

so... i should mop the hardwoods then?


Meh, you do what you have to do :-)

Offline Celtic Rose

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2008, 08:55:49 AM »
What do I have in my life except work :p

I had my first ever review yesterday, and it went really well  :-) 

I've decided against going to night school to take the prerequisite classes for the the nursing program I was considering.  I've decided that I'm content enough in my job to make the stress of going back to school not worth it at this time.  I know that it will be possible for me to get a much higher paying job in the field that I'm in without the stress of going to school part time for two years and then back to school full time for 4.  I would like to get married some time in the future, and making myself so busy that I can't go on dates isn't conducive for that, and I really don't want thousands and thousands of dollars in debt when I get married :p


I can't think of anything

Offline jtyangel

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2008, 08:59:42 AM »
What do I have in my life except work :p

I had my first ever review yesterday, and it went really well  :-) 

I've decided against going to night school to take the prerequisite classes for the the nursing program I was considering.  I've decided that I'm content enough in my job to make the stress of going back to school not worth it at this time.  I know that it will be possible for me to get a much higher paying job in the field that I'm in without the stress of going to school part time for two years and then back to school full time for 4.  I would like to get married some time in the future, and making myself so busy that I can't go on dates isn't conducive for that, and I really don't want thousands and thousands of dollars in debt when I get married :p


I can't think of anything
Rose, you are going to do well no matter what. I think the review was just what you need to really perk you back up in your field. You can always look at other jobs in your field too..sometimes it is the company that is not a fit and not the job itself. I understand about the debt thing. The wild card is when you have children...sometimes even those of us who said we'd work on through stay home and that's a tough decision to make if you are piled on with debt.

I'll answer the totd with a general statement...There are people who have disappointed me and I've never been content with the why or what was going on in their head at the time or just before they disappointed me. Sometimes I'd just like to know if they were genuine leading up to the disappointment.

Offline asdf2231

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2008, 10:01:21 AM »
I spent a good chunk of last night managing a canteen effort for 11 fire companies at a dairy facility fire in 20 below temps. (Wind Chill is a harsh mistress.)

Wow. What a good time. lol!

We managed to get coffee and hot food to all and sundry and it went pretty good.

Even managed to get a solid 7 hours of sleep after getting an agregate 4-6 in the preceding 48 hours.  This week has sucked.


Truth is over rated.  If I asked one of the huge Mystery Of Life questions, I would be dissapointed in the answer and no one would believe me if I tried to spread the word.

Build a man a fire and he will be warm for awhile.
Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life...

Offline Lauri

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Re: Thursday--jan 24th
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2008, 12:47:46 PM »
OUch LL about the pukey baby. We just got done with a round of puking and exploding poops here :hammer: with the two youngest children. Geez...I'm still cleaning the sofa cushions... :banghead: Just stay inside and keep warm with the baby.

Flame...get some rest girl!!!

Lauri, I don't think they'll really notice. Get some R&R, socialize later, and just enjoy. I'd just make sure the areas everyone will be in are in really good order.

so... i should mop the hardwoods then?


Meh, you do what you have to do :-)

well, here's my logic... its slightly sunny out today, and full sun tomorrow (or it could be snow, who knows??) and when there is a lot of sunlight, you can see any little spot on the floors.

so, after doing the entire upstairs already, i feel committed to doing the downstairs floors now. otherwise, its picked up and neat.

and we will start the weekend with no laundry and no housework. i let the hubby off the hook for the garage... cause really, who cares? we can park both cars out there and have a third bay for the Man Lounge... its all good.