Author Topic: Bush 7, Terrorists 0  (Read 1120 times)

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Offline TheSarge

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Bush 7, Terrorists 0
« on: September 10, 2008, 10:24:04 PM »
Morose that there hasn't been another terrorist attack on American soil for seven long years, liberals were ecstatic when Hurricane Gustav was headed toward New Orleans during the Republican National Convention last week. The networks gave the hurricane plenty of breaking-news coverage -- but unfortunately it was Hurricane Katrina from 2005 they were covering.

On Keith Olbermann's Aug. 29 show on MSNBC, Michael Moore said the possibility of a Category 3 hurricane hitting the United States "is proof that there is a God in heaven." Olbermann responded: "A supremely good point."

Actually, Olbermann said that a few minutes later to some other idiotic point Moore had made, but that's how Moore would have edited the interview for one of his "documentaries," so I will, too. I would only add that Michael Moore's morbid obesity is proof that there is a Buddha.

Hurricane Gustav came and went without a hitch. What a difference a Republican governor makes!

As many have pointed out, the reason elected officials tend to neglect infrastructure projects, like reinforcing levees in New Orleans and bridges in Minneapolis, is that there's no glory when a bridge doesn't collapse. There are no round-the-clock news specials when the levees hold. You can't even name an overpass retrofitting project after yourself -- it just looks too silly. But everyone's taxes go up to pay for the reinforcements.

Preventing another terrorist attack is like that. There is no media coverage when another 9/11 doesn't happen. We can thank God that President George Bush didn't care about doing the safe thing for himself; he cared about keeping Americans safe. And he has, for seven years.

If Bush's only concern were about his approval ratings, like a certain impeached president I could name, he would not have fought for the Patriot Act and the war in Iraq. He would not have resisted the howling ninnies demanding that we withdraw from Iraq, year after year. By liberals' own standard, Bush's war on terrorism has been a smashing, unimaginable success.
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Offline jinxmchue

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Re: Bush 7, Terrorists 0
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2008, 11:04:48 PM »
The Democrats drooling over the damage Gustav could've potentially done was absolutely sickening.  Their souls are damned.

Offline thundley4

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Re: Bush 7, Terrorists 0
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 04:12:46 AM »
Whoa, Annie is softening her stance on Bush.  I wonder if she has come around on liking McCain, yet.

That's Bush. Name one other person in Washington who would be willing to stand alone if he had to, because someone had to.
OK, there is one, but she's not in Washington yet. Appropriately, at the end of "High Noon," Cooper is surrounded by the last two highwaymen when, suddenly, his wife (Grace Kelly) appears out of nowhere and blows away one of the killers! The aging sheriff is saved by a beautiful, gun-toting woman.

I think Ann is going to be a fan of Sarah.

Offline Baruch Menachem

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Re: Bush 7, Terrorists 0
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 07:43:38 AM »
I remember seeing Ann on a talking head show just before the speech.  If Palin were a drug, the FDA would ban her. 
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Offline Hawkgirl

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Re: Bush 7, Terrorists 0
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2008, 09:04:30 AM »
She makes a very good point. I still find GWBush endearing.  He doesn't care that the liberals have basically damaged him beyond repair.  He did the right thing in Iraq and in Afghanistan, with the patriot act and anything else in regard to our fight with the radical islamists.  Terrorists have taken a beating.  That is undeniable.

Offline Ptarmigan

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Re: Bush 7, Terrorists 0
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2008, 10:30:07 AM »
There are things I diagree with President Bush, but I cannot hate him as a person. He seems like a good person based on knowing Jenna Bush. She is a class act despite what the media tries to portray her as. I cannot believe on the Internet that they rank Bush as more evil than Hitler and Stalin. Clearly shows how ****ed up those moonbats are. Michael Moore, well he is a moron of the lowest kind.
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