Author Topic: Be very careful walking through the Audobon Society. The paths are Bidenous  (Read 541 times)

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Offline Baruch Menachem

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I finished Clarence Thomas' memoirs.  Very entertaining and very scary.  That is one very angry man.  He focuses very hard on channeling his anger to productive use. A very interesting portrait of Biden in the book too.  For those who have forgotten, Biden was chairman of the Judiciary committee back during the Anita Hill fiasco.

This evening I joined my hiking group.  We walk about 5 or 6 miles over two hours most of the times we hike, but tonight we did seven, because most of the folks wanted to run part of the way.  We walked all the way into the Audoban society's bird sanctuary on Cornell, then did the loop in there.   The paths are steep and kind of tricky.  The put duck boards over the wet spots, but they are subject to flipping if you step on them wrong, and since they are laying in water, the also get dry rot.   I gave my ankle a nasty twist on one that flipped up  on me.  The path all the way was pretty bidenous.

I think Bidenous is a good new adjective describing something slippery, rotten and treacherous.  Just like Biden was to Thomas back then, and what he seems to be like now.

Anyway, we ran a lot, and I  biked there and back, so my legs are pretty sore from all that exercise.  I also carried my laptop through the whole trip, so my back is kind of sore too, as is my ankle.  I should be ok by tomorrow though.
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