Author Topic: Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole  (Read 258 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Star Member EarlG (20,241 posts)

Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole the GOP have thrown themselves down

The Republican front-runner for the 2024 presidential election is a twice-impeached one-term loser who is now under criminal indictment for a scandal involving the coverup of hush money payments to a porn star that he cheated on his wife with.

That same front-runner also stands a good chance of facing other criminal charges -- for stealing top secret government documents, trying to coerce state officials into fixing the results of an election, and instigating a violent attack on the U.S. Capitol.

And not only is the entire Republican party NOT denouncing this person, they're rushing out to defend him, and attacking the criminal justice system.

Imagine going back in time 10, 15, 20 years and telling Republicans that this would be the state of their party in 2023. They'd think you were insane.

Yet here we are.

Let's see where we are...

The President was placed into office by twisting the rules so much half the country thinks you cheated your way in, couldn't campaign due to dementia, and is taking millions from the red chinese... among others...

The last person you ran for president paid russian spies for a fake dossier to smear Trump, paid off the media to broadcast it everywhere, everyday, was a disaster as Secretary of state,  destroyed thousands of documental top secret evidence she'd stolen and was storing in a private unsecured server, had the DOJ and FBI paid off to NOT charge her, and covered for her pedo husband's trips to a child abusing sex trafficker's island, then had that ****er killed in a prison cell.

You impeached a setting president twice on no crimes. Staged a 'coup' to try to lock him up as well as anyone you could round up and throw into prison with no trials... Withheld evidence of those persons so jailed proving their innocents and tortured them into guilty pleas. Used the FBI and DOJ to stifle evidence of criminality of the president and his family.

Stoked violence and insurrection by leftist groups to burn cities and kill political enemies while calling it "Mostly Peaceful" and a Summer of Love. Released thousands of criminals out of jails to explode crime in the streets. Allowed millions of illegal aliens to pour across the border. 

... and so much more... I wouldn't have believed it five years ago. Now?  :whatever:

Star Member CaliforniaPeggy (145,050 posts)

2. You're absolutely right, my dear EarlG. And They Did This To Themselves.

Nobody else is responsible for their insanity.

Star Member Cha (284,030 posts)

8. Yes, here we are with the RW being

Insane.. except for a few.. and they're Persona Non Grata with their Lying Gaslit party leaders.

Of course it's the brainwashing at fox & hate radio that gets all the Suckers voting them into power.

Thankful for all our Democratic Leaders who are on The Front Lines Fighting to Save Our Democracy.

It's All Hands On Deck.. No time for Anything else.

Star Member Ligyron (7,044 posts)

9. The only honest they've done is refuse to claim he is innocent.

Yet not one of them has the balls to come out and say, "Of course he's guilty, but we don't care, this country needs strong leadership, that's more important than democracy and the rule of law.We're just going to cancel elections and declare whoever we want the winner from now on".

They haven't been that forthright so far, but they're getting close.

Star Member RocRizzo55 (577 posts)

10. I would go back 43 years

When Ronnie Rat Raygun interfered with the election, and told Iran to hold out to a better deal than what Carter had offered.
This may have been the start, because Raygun got rid of many safeguards, like the Fairness Doctrine, making it easy for people like Crushed Limpballs, and Faux News to become more relevant in the mainstream.
There were other things, some go back to the days of Tricky Dick Nixon, but Raygun’s autrocities stand out more.

Star Member IbogaProject (1,694 posts)

14. I beg to differ

They've been crooks for a century. They funded Hitler, laundered Nazi money and personel. They did all that con-intel-pro. Nixon made a 0deal to keep war going. Nixon admin smuggled heroin. Regan Iran preecelection treason and don't forget the Contra Cocaine wave and the overt terrorism in Latin America. Then Bush 1 pardons and more violence. And we all know W's reign of error. They've been overt fascist criminals for 100 years now.


Star Member yardwork (56,068 posts)

27. I agree, and there's lots more.

It's ironic that the Russians have taken control of the Republican Party in order to wreak havoc on the United States, because the Republicans have been getting our government to do the same to other countries since the 19th century.

The Republicans are a party of criminals.

Star Member EarlG (20,241 posts)

29. All good points

I guess I'd argue that they've not been quite as overt about their criminal fascism in the past -- at least when caught.

Republicans saw the writing on the wall and convinced Nixon to quit before he could be impeached.

Reagan apologized to the nation for Iran-Contra.

Eventually -- much too late mind you -- the GOP realized that invading Iraq was a political mistake.

You can even see this early on in the Trump years, when Republicans still had enough clout to be able to persuade him to apologize for the infamous "grab 'em by the p****" tape.

In the past Republicans have had the ability to recognize political landmines and take a step back from them when necessary. But after years operating inside Trump's reality distortion field, it seems they've lost that ability.

Now the only course of action they know is never admit wrongdoing, never apologize, full speed ahead -- straight down the rabbit hole.

Star Member kentuck (108,851 posts)

15. And they want to sell T-shirts with his mug shot on them... if that is something to be proud of? Vote For Me - I'm A Proud Criminal.

Star Member honest.abe (7,220 posts)

16. I am really a bit surprised how many Republicans are still firmly supporting Trump.

It seems like a total dead end to me. Does Trump really have that much control over the Republican voters that they can't just move on to another candidate. Are they afraid for their personal safety perhaps? If they dump Trump someone will come after them and their families? If so, that is very disturbing situation that will not end well for anyone.

Star Member peppertree (18,940 posts)

18. Having grown up in Mi'ssippi, I categorically say that it's NO surprise they are where they are now

With exceptions, many Deep South Republicans, 30/40 years ago, were where the party as a whole is today:

An openly fascist, authoritarian vehicle driven around by whatever mad-man who could best speak to that very worldview of theirs.

The GOP that it hit the jackpot by absorbing Jim Crow and John Birch in the '60s and '70s - but they have since devoured the GOP itself.

The "Tea Party" (Gadsden) flag really is their banner: a snake eating its own tail.

groundloop (10,945 posts)

31. It sounds as though this indictment is far worse than just "hush money"

"More than 30 counts related to business fraud" seems pretty serious. I sure hope the media start calling it what it is and not just say that it's related to his extramarital activities


WestMichRad (667 posts)

63. It IS MUCH MORE than hush money

30+ counts of business fraud, some which almost surely are felonies, will paint quite the picture of how utterly corrupt the T family business is. Bragg has got to feel confident he has a slam dunk case, or he wouldn’t have risked bring the indictment case forward. They have the documents and can’t be relying only on the testimony of a convicted co-conspirator.

TFG will of course delay and obfuscate at every opportunity, as always. He can be counted on to blab, can’t he?

Just A Box Of Rain (4,063 posts)

49. Reagan's crimes were arguably more serious than those committed by Trump.

And Trump is a criminal to his core.

TrollBuster9090 (5,908 posts)

48. Here are a couple of other rabbits to add to the list.

It's looking more and more like a SPIDER HOLE than a rabbit hole. But we'll know that for sure when they pull a bearded Trump out from underneath a fake storm drain in Waco.

--The 2023 GOP now hates police and law enforcement, and wants to DEFUND the FBI.

--Thanks to Trump, the GOP now trusts VLADIMIR PUTIN more than the U.S. intelligence agencies.

--The GOP now supports PUTIN (as a fellow white nationalist), and when Putin murders journalists and other critics, they shrug and say "you think WE'RE so innocent?"

--The GOP now supported a MEETING with Little Rocket Man Kim Jong Un, WITH NO PRE-CONDITIONS. (Something they blasted Obama for SAYING he MIGHT do.)

--The GOP now hates the military industrial complex, and wants to DISMANTLE NATO.

--The GOP now backs DOMESTIC TERRORISTS. It's okay to attack the United States Capitol, as long as you're wearing a goofy red hat.

--About face on Clinton's sex scandals. They now believe it's none of our business how many porn stars the President is screwing, as long as he hates liberals, and keeps those tax cuts for billionaires coming.

--Screw the 'small government' thing. They now want women's bodies to be controlled by "women, doctors, and LOCAL POLITICAL LEADERS." (Thank you for saying that out loud, Dr. Bong.)

--The GOP now supports TRADE TARIFFS. No more free trade. That's definitely a switch.

Am I forgetting any others?


The reason for the Second Amendment... good thing those hick rednecks only had shotguns...
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DUmpDiver

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Re: Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2023, 10:39:16 PM »
WestMichRad (667 posts)

63. It IS MUCH MORE than hush money

30+ counts of business fraud, some which almost surely are felonies, will paint quite the picture of how utterly corrupt the T family business is. Bragg has got to feel confident he has a slam dunk case, or he wouldn’t have risked bring the indictment case forward. They have the documents and can’t be relying only on the testimony of a convicted co-conspirator.

TFG will of course delay and obfuscate at every opportunity, as always. He can be counted on to blab, can’t he?

30+ counts tells me that Bragg is throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something might stick.

Offline franksolich

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Re: Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2023, 11:31:24 PM »
I'm curious exactly what Lord Marblehead EarlG thinks what is going to happen to Trump and Republicans.

Remember franksolich's 1st Rule of Everything: anything can happen, and usually does.

<<<have not lost any sleep worrying about this.
apres moi, le deluge

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: Let's take a step back and really get a good look at the rabbit hole
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2023, 08:39:36 AM »
And not only is the entire Republican party NOT denouncing this person, they're rushing out to defend him, and attacking the criminal justice system.

They're not attacking the criminal justice system; they're attacking an obviously corrupt process and a DA obviously intent on indicting Trump, no matter whether his case has any merit. Or is this another "If you criticize Fauci, you criticize science" thing?

Of course it's the brainwashing at fox & hate radio that gets all the Suckers voting them into power.

Thankful for all our Democratic Leaders who are on The Front Lines Fighting to Save Our Democracy.

You incurious little shit****s cannot even be honest about why people support Trump (in short, it'sthe persistent failure of mainstream politicians to govern).

And if we're counting on democrats to save the country, well...

The only honest they've done is refuse to claim he is innocent.

We are claiming he is innocent. Claiming the hush money thing isn't a crime is saying he's innocent.

It sounds as though this indictment is far worse than just "hush money"

"More than 30 counts related to business fraud" seems pretty serious. I sure hope the media start calling it what it is and not just say that it's related to his extramarital activities

That sounds like Bragg is throwing a lot of shit at the wall.

This sounds very much like a child's understanding of the law. "Oh, 30+ charges? That sounds like so much!!"

It IS MUCH MORE than hush money

30+ counts of business fraud, some which almost surely are felonies, will paint quite the picture of how utterly corrupt the T family business is. Bragg has got to feel confident he has a slam dunk case, or he wouldn’t have risked bring the indictment case forward. They have the documents and can’t be relying only on the testimony of a convicted co-conspirator.

Wrong. Bragg (and establishment politicians in general) are terrified of Trump. That is why they're bringing a case they twice chose not to pursue previously.