Author Topic: A word of caution to both Trumpists and members of the Wet Blanket Brigade...  (Read 315 times)

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Offline CC27

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Tommy Carcetti (41,977 posts)

A word of caution to both Trumpists and members of the Wet Blanket Brigade...

...if there is in fact no indictment announced of Donald Trump today--March 21, 2023--as Trump himself claimed there would be.

Trumpists might somehow take the opportunity to rub it in our faces, claiming--without evidence--that the expected indictments never panned out, and that their hero has once again emerged victorious over his persecutors.

Meanwhile, the contingent of ever-pessimistic people on the left (i.e. the Wet Blanket Brigade) might take the lack of indictment news today as just one more kick to the groin, one more Lucy-pulls-the-football-away moment, and rue in an Eeyore voice, "Looks like it's Fitzmas all over again."

Let's not forget just a little over a year ago in Winter 2022, when US and NATO intelligence saw evidence of a massive buildup of Russian troops along the Ukrainian border, and believed there was substantial evidence of an imminent full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia (beyond the ongoing proxy conflict it had been waging in Eastern Ukraine since 2014). It was believed that the invasion would most likely take place after the close of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.

The Olympics ended on February 20, 2022; there was no full-scale invasion by Russia on that day.

Nor was there any full scale invasion by Russia on February 21, 2022.

By that point, certain pseudo-leftists on Twitter (e.g., Michael Tracey, Aaron Mate, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, etc.) began to laugh and crow, claiming there was never going to be any invasion of Ukraine by Russia and it was all just fear-mongering on the part of the US and the West, who just wanted nothing more than to impose their will and influence in that part of the world to the detriment of poor Russia.

And they continued to laugh and crow, for three more days...until February 24, 2022, when Russia began a massive, full-frontal invasion of Ukraine.

Bottom line is that it's foolish to get hung up on any one tree when you fail to realize you're in the middle of the forest.

Nobody cares what you say Tommy DUmmie

Offline ADsOutburst

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For a second, I thought "Wet Blanket Brigade" referred to people wetting their beds.

Offline jukin

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Too Long, Too DUmb, Didn't Read.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline RuralNc

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Too Long, Too DUmb, Didn't Read.

Orange man still bad /DUmp

That basically covers it.

Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Nobody cares what you say Tommy DUmmie

He started-out so committed to leading his people from the forest... but they ended-up in an equally unfamiliar hillbilly-junkyard.