Author Topic: I Believe That Tr**p Is Deluding Himself To Think He'll Be Inciting  (Read 302 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Star Member global1 (24,432 posts)

I Believe That Tr**p Is Deluding Himself To Think He'll Be Inciting Another Insurrection Type Event.

I believe both sides: 1. Law enforcement and 2. Tr**p supporters - learned a lot after the J6 Capitol insurrection.

Law enforcement will be prepared for whatever transpires on Tuesday. They will be out in force. They will be armed. They will be isolating any protesters and not letting them roam free. There will be plenty of cameras photographing the crowd. They will be confiscating any carried item's that protesters could use as a weapon. They will not tolerate any violence of any kind.

Trump supporters watched the aftermath of the J6 insurrection. They learned that they shouldn't be wearing any clothes that could identify them after the fact - because cameras will be present and will give them away. They know that they shouldn't be carrying any weapons or items that could be used as weapons. They know that they should protect their face so they can't be recognized (again awareness of cameras photographing their every move). They know that if arrested they will be prosecuted. They know that if arrested or even recognized that they could lose their jobs/livelihoods.

All and all -- both sides learned a lot from the J6 insurrection and will be taking precautions.

Bottom line - I think they've learned a lot that will inhibit any kind of violence that Tr**p would like to incite or expects to happen.

The biggest loser on Tuesday will be Tr**p because he will find out that he doesn't have the support that he thinks he has. He's deluding himself.

What's the old say - Fool me once........

everyone should show up in blackblock uniform...

Star Member Deuxcents (10,017 posts)

1. And..if n when it happens..this is NYC. Highly trained for this kind of thing.

Star Member gratuitous (80,439 posts)

4. A couple of things

The former guy is no longer in a position to order law enforcement around, like he was on Jan. 6. Also, a three-day lead time isn't nearly long enough for his supporters to wheedle Mom for money to go to New York to stir up shit.

Star Member Samrob (4,066 posts)

6. My prediction for 2024. Both Trump and Putin will be relegated to the dust bin of history. nt

Star Member Hotler (10,140 posts)

14. A part of me thinks that they should be encouraged to show up and take their president back.

They all talk tough shit when they stand up to women in their state capitals with all their guns and gear. Show us you MF'ers. Come get him. Who you going to shout about hanging this time?

Star Member Chainfire (12,695 posts)

19. Announcing, in advance of the event is an invitation to the nuts to rise up.

If there is to be an arrest, it should have come as a surprise, especially to Trump, and been presented as a fait accompli. Sometimes I wonder about the judgement of folks in power.

RockRaven (12,294 posts)

22. I think the cameras -- both news and general public -- will have a bigger impact than the cops.

TFG's "cannon fodder" are still getting ID'd and arrested two years after Jan 6, and they know this.

Every single cop and counterprotester (or dancer-in-the-street) will have a camera on their person, plus security/CCTV, plus traffic/redlight, plus news crews...

A lot of the shit-talking wannabe bullies are really rather cowardly when it comes to facing consequences. They'd rather stay home and complain that their rights are being denied to them than go out there and get arrested for what they supposedly believe in.

There's no escaping the cameras (and other digital forensic stuff). Hiding in a crowd is no protection.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline RuralNc

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Re: I Believe That Tr**p Is Deluding Himself To Think He'll Be Inciting
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2023, 06:36:37 PM »
RockRaven (12,294 posts)

There's no escaping the cameras (and other digital forensic stuff). Hiding in a crowd is no protection.

Except for that Ray Eppes fellow, and the Pipe Bomber, and a few others that, gee golly, they can't seem to locate. Imagine that. :whatever:

Offline ABC-2

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Re: I Believe That Tr**p Is Deluding Himself To Think He'll Be Inciting
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2023, 06:53:21 PM »

Yes again!   my fave  cat image!  :-) 

The following  rubbish is not even worth reading ... It isn't!  It isn't!

They are all such fools!!!  Let them live in their own little bubble & suffer the consequences of their stupidity when reality  comes crashing down upon them!!!

« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 06:56:52 PM by ABC-2 »
Please pray for our country in these turbulent times ...
It really is the best in the world & I can't stand the thought of losing it.

Freedom, Truth, and the USA!!! 
~ American By Choice (aka ABC-2)

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: I Believe That Tr**p Is Deluding Himself To Think He'll Be Inciting
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2023, 07:07:41 PM »
Sometimes I wonder about the judgement of folks in power.

Ha ha ha ha ha... "Sometimes". :lmao:

Offline ABC-2

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Re: I Believe That Tr**p Is Deluding Himself To Think He'll Be Inciting
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2023, 07:15:04 PM »
Rats!  Forgot to include this particular piece of complete nonsense ...

"The biggest loser on Tuesday will be Tr**p because he will find out that he doesn't have the support that he thinks he has. He's deluding himself."

^^^ Wanna bet he doesn't have the support that he thinks he has?  MORON! 

Not that for one minute even, is he trying to start an "insurrection" of any kind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go away, you are a waste of space!

~ ABC  :lmao:
« Last Edit: March 18, 2023, 07:35:54 PM by ABC-2 »
Please pray for our country in these turbulent times ...
It really is the best in the world & I can't stand the thought of losing it.

Freedom, Truth, and the USA!!! 
~ American By Choice (aka ABC-2)