Author Topic: Dr. Oz Addresses Dual Citizenship Attacks Head-On, Attacks Fetterman on Crime  (Read 340 times)

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Offline Eupher

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Never having been a fan of Oz in the first place, and lamenting when Trump endorsed him in the primary (and beyond), I was gobsmacked when this cretin Fetterman first, became LT Gov of PA and then, horror of all horrors, ran for senator.

Fetterman, by all accounts, is not only a Democrat, he's a communist. He's also very, very squishy on crime. This article and the videos that accompany it demonstrate the lies that Fetterman puts forward so as to appear less squishy than he is.

He also had a stroke back in May, and he's desperately trying to downplay its significance. But in other videos I've seen elsewhere, he can't hide the fact that he's not only a communist, he's severely impaired by his stroke.

I'm no fan of Oz believing him to be a Democrat that, after reading the tea leaves, decided to change his colors and become a Republican -- but in this race, there's only one outcome that makes sense at all and Fetterman ain't it.

Dr. Mehmet Oz -- the TV star and GOP Senate nominee in Pennsylvania -- holds American and Turkish citizenship, and would be the first-ever Muslim-American elected to Congress' upper chamber (he calls himself a 'secular Muslim').  His ties to the Turkish government have been an issue in the campaign, and Oz has pledged to renounce his Turkish citizenship if he wins his tight race against leftist Lt. Gov. John Fetterman in November.  Questions about Oz's status on this front arose during the bruising Republican primary, and ever since he secured the nomination, some on the Left have also pursued it as a line of attack.  Oz says the Fetterman campaign has also tried to use this element of his biography to sow doubts about his candidacy, so he addressed the issue directly during a town hall-style forum, responding to a woman's question about it.  Framing the controversy in such a personal and sympathetic way is smart:

<Yep, another Twatter video>

Debates have been a major flashpoint in this campaign, which is either really tightening, or not so much, depending on which polls you believe.  Fetterman has sought to limit debates, following his stroke, which has hindered his ability to speak fluidly and fully coherently at times.  He continues to be, shall we say, less than forthcoming about his health status, to the point that even major liberal newspapers have called for more transparency.  The Democrat finally agreed to a single debate, weeks after early voting gets underway, with various demands (closed captioning, practice sessions) to help accommodate his diminished capacity.  The Democrat's focus has been on mocking Oz for not being a real Pennsylvanian and wealthy, and talking endlessly about abortion -- including holding an abortion rally on 9/11.  We showed you this Oz ad in a previous post, but I think it's quite effective in highlighting some of the reasons Fetterman isn't eager to debate, and doesn't give many interviews with non-friendly sources:

<And another one>

Yes, Fetterman failed to pay taxes on multiple occasions, including taxes for his local schools. He'll be a lackey for the teachers unions, selling himself as a big advocate of public schools, but he had to be chased down to address his serial school tax avoidance. He also opposes school choice while sending his own kids to a pricey private school, because of course he does. In addition to his phony populism rooted in longtime mooching deadbeatism -- taking in tens of thousands of dollars a year from his parents, well into his 40's, as he worked as an unsuccessful mayor with no real income to speak of -- Fetterman is a radical on policy.  He's a Bernie Bro and an Elizabeth Warren fan.  He's hostile to Pennsylvania's energy industry, and has extreme views on crime, which Republicans are hammering on a daily basis:

<insert yet another series of Twatter links to videos>

Fox News covered this last month, rightly flaying Democrat-aligned 'fact-checker' Politifact for running embarrassing interference on behalf of Fetterman, helping him disguise his radicalism:

Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. and Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman said he agreed with reducing the state’s prison population by one-third in an unearthed 2020 clip after his campaign recently accused Republican opponent Mehmet Oz of lying in ads citing Fetterman’s beliefs. Earlier this month, Oz’s campaign released an ad saying, "John Fetterman wants to release one-third of prisoners and eliminate life sentences for murderers."  The Fetterman campaign asked TV stations not to run the ad due to "blatant lies and misinformation." ... Despite the campaign’s claims, Fox News Digital has uncovered at least three previously unreported instances of Fetterman expressing support for reducing the prison population by one-third. In a virtual panel discussing the Pennsylvania prison system Oct. 7, 2020, Fetterman stated, "I was on a panel with Secretary Wetzel earlier, before the pandemic hit, and he said something remarkable that I agree with. He said, 'We could reduce our prison population by a third and not make anyone less safe in Pennsylvania.’ And that’s a profound statement."

In July 2020, Fetterman tweeted, "We could reduce our state prison population by 1/3, make us *no* less safe + save $1B a year." In April 2020, PennLive reported that "Fetterman said the state could cut its inmate population by one-third by releasing non-violent offenders and older convicts." PolitiFact tackled Oz’s framing of Fetterman’s views in July, rating it "mostly false." At the time, PolitiFact analyzed a digital ad from the Oz campaign that said, "John Fetterman wants to release one-third of dangerous criminals back into our communities."... The second claim in Oz’s ad, that Fetterman wants to eliminate life sentences for murderers, is also disputed by the Fetterman campaign. PolitiFact rated the claim "mostly false" this month, saying it was "similarly distorted" like the one-third claim.  Fetterman does, in fact, want to eliminate mandatory life-without-parole sentences for inmates convicted of second-degree murder, but PolitiFact said Oz’s claim "contains an element of truth but ignores critical facts that would give a different impression."
Fetterman literally said that the one thing he'd do, if he was handed a magic wand, would be to eliminate life-without-parole sentences (which obviously impacy many murderers), and Politifact determined that it was "mostly false" to mention it.  He also advocated reducing the prison population by 1/3 on numerous occasions, on camera, which Politifact has similarly declared out of bounds to note.  Hackery.  Will Politifact also ding criticisms of this Fetterman position as "false"?

I'll leave you with this
(a bit off-topic, but WTH....):

<insert video of the virtue-signaling WH press secretary in another one of her lies. Psaki was a superior liar when she was press sec -- her successor has a lot to learn about the art of lying with impunity.  :whatever:>
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Offline SVPete

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Dr. Mehmet Oz was born in the US to Turkish immigrant parents, and was raised and educated in the US. He's as eligible to be President as any US citizen whose ancestors have been here since the 1600s. That he has dual citizenship seems to be accident of his birthplace plus Turkish law.

Fetterman and his operatives should be asked why they hate immigrants and immigrants' US-born children.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline sunsettommy

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The very possibility that Fetterman can still win despite the barrage of evidence that he is a pathetic man is because of the stupidity of voters who don't go out of their way to do research on him and other ugly leftists who in it for power and $$$ nothing more instead they run on what they were trained to do vote anyone with that letter D to their names then go back to their phone or computer games.

The most dangerous person in the world is someone who can think for himself or herself.....