Author Topic: Biden Shames America, Insults the Crown With His Behavior at the Queen's Funeral  (Read 473 times)

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Offline Eupher

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SharterJoe belongs in a cage. He's that crass. He was late for the funeral because his entourage got caught in traffic. Which was the purpose of scheduling buses. Talk about "optics." He's 30 minutes late for the funeral and has to sit in the 14th row. Shit for brains. Barry was habitually late for stuff too. Maybe that's where SharterJoe developed his bad habit.

I would've ejected his ass out of Westminster Abbey for failure to be on time. "Get back in The Beast, Mr. President, and go back to the airport. You're done here."

And turn around and walk away.


The passing of Queen Elizabeth II has filled the news for a couple of weeks, and one of the parlor discussions regarding her funeral ceremony involved whether former President Donald Trump was snubbed from attending, either by the Royal family or by current President Joe Biden. As it turns out, there was no backroom drama concerning the appearance, as a US embassy official has clarified that the heavy interest and select seating meant that only Biden and his wife would be in attendance.

This, of course, did not prevent speculation in the press, both regarding Trump being allegedly blocked and what political maneuvering Biden might have employed with regard to inviting his predecessor to the affair.

Look, nobody is going to argue that Donald Trump is the very model of social decency. He may, in fact, be the polar opposite of a contemporary David Niven, for example. But even while he is not thought of as being the picture of a Modern Major Gentleman, Trump could be told what not to do and to comport himself at least in an acceptable fashion.

And as we then saw during the lengthy proceedings of the burial ceremony, Trump could hardly have been more embarrassing than President Biden on this solemn day. The first issue was that Biden felt the need to buck the Royal directives regarding the ceremony. Almost all of the world leaders and foreign dignitaries in attendance followed the delivered protocols and rode to the church in the assigned motor coaches set up for their arrival.

This was not a debasement of authority. Leaders of foreign lands and royalty were carried in on the buses, including Prime Ministers and Kings. Biden, however, filed for and received a dispensation. He was later granted permission to arrive in his presidential limousine and motorcade; the reason for this was not given, but the appearance was notably gauche and crass in contrast.

Then Biden managed to pull off his usual crudeness and arrived at the chapel 30 minutes late. This has become a trademark of this president. Whether it be a planned event, social appearance, or scheduled press conference, Biden is consistently extremely late for proscribed start times. He even was notably tardy at a global conference and was chastised over this by the very unrefined Boris Johnson, of all people. For Biden to do this at a Royal funeral ceremony is beyond embarrassing on an international scale; boorish behavior on the world stage.

When it came time to sign the official condolence guest book, again, Biden managed to turn heads – in the same manner as a dog twitching its head when presented with something unforeseen. As he sat to fill in his solemn respects, he did so while working off one of his now infamous note sheets. He could not somehow deliver genuine feelings – he had to work off a prepared statement.

Due to their late arrival, the president and first lady were seen awkwardly standing in wait at the back of the church for a period of time, prevented from immediately taking their place in the pews as the ceremony was already commenced. Eventually came the time for their seating, and they were placed some 14 rows back, away from many of the other leaders who managed to make their arrival at the appointed time.

Then, just to add to his glaring insensitivities, upon his arrival, President Biden acted in his traditional imbalance behavior. As he and Jill were striding to the church steps, Joe decided to give one of the church patrons a poke in the stomach.

The action itself is just bizarre and disrespectful, but it is also a violation of church decorum. As the press has roundly insisted that Joe Biden is a devout and serious practitioner of Catholic structure, he should be well advised that you do not touch any members of the clergy. Aside from an offered handshake, it is understood that touching the individuals or their vestments is not done. Why a grown man would see the need to prod another adult in the belly is beyond understanding.

This entire display by our president was a shameful gaffe-fest, and it was noticed by many others abroad. Recall that we were told repeatedly that Trump was bringing shame to the U.S. in the eyes of other nations – where are those same global social critics when it comes to Biden repeatedly displaying odd behavior? It is a convenient dodge as they see him displaying all the behavior they promised Trump would enact.
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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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If it's any consolation, the shouts of " F**k Joe Biden " resounded with crystal-clear clarity from the lines of mourners as his motorcade passed.

" Over here, it's not censored.  Back to you, Martha... "

Offline DefiantSix

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#JoeThePedophile is so deeply embedded in his late-stage dementia-addled hell that he can no longer be held accountable for the shame being brought upon America by the actions/inactions and words put out by the regime bearing his name.

That condemnation should more specifically be directed at the puppeteers with their hands up his arse.
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Offline Texacon

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That was painful reading.

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