Author Topic: New Film Alleges 2020 Was Stolen, 2000 Felonies Prove It  (Read 354 times)

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New Film Alleges 2020 Was Stolen, 2000 Felonies Prove It
« on: May 02, 2022, 06:23:14 AM »
I've never seen any of Dinesh D'Souza's films - full stop. But I've been reading his stuff and watching his podcasts for a year or more and in my mind, there's no doubt he's a very smart guy.

If I can, I will see this film. (Getting to the web site is spotty as hell right now, probably because it's being bombarded right now with traffic.)

After May 7, 2022 there will exist a dynamic in the nation that has not since America woke up on the morning after the election in 2020.

Simply put, we were right.

By “we” I’m referring to everyone from the harshest critic of the “vote fraud” crowds but who in the back of their mind couldn’t have confidence in the oft repeated lie “most secure election in history,” to people just like you and me who had the audacity to ask about it and were told to shut up, sit down, or we’d be cancelled.

The premiere of Dinesh D’Souza’s brand new film 2000 Mules will this week provide the basis for that validation (as most people still believe it) and also provide the basis for law enforcement to begin arresting people.

“What’s the basis for these claims McCullough?”

Again put simply enough for Joe Biden to read correctly on a note card: Geo-Tracking & 4.3 million minutes from state-owned surveillance footage.

So for the skeptics think about this level of proof, the property of the state the crimes took place in demonstrating hundreds of thousands of felonies. No explanation needed the evidence exists and literally speaks for itself.

Now add to that the same Geo Tracking techniques used by law enforcement in recent years to be able to solve unsolved murder cold cases. But instead of murderers True The Vote has utilized the same technology by one of the leading investigators on the planet to prove—not a theory—but the facts of who did it but also how it was done.

As I regularly am asked to do, I was given access to screen the film. It came the day after the producers screened it for President Trump. And as someone who has heard every theory, heard about every possible anomaly and publicly and openly asked questions—there are no more questions. Case closed.

Quick note on that too. Those other theories, from Chinese hacking, to episodic fraud, to anomalies like Trump losing his race up ballot while his coattails swept record numbers into lower offices—none of these are invalidated by this film. They may or may not find their day in the sun.

What I am saying without reservation and with absolute science and evidence supporting it—using the evidence in the film from only a handful of regional locations from only some of the states in question—Biden clearly lost.

And just to make sure that the possibility for false positives didn’t ping as evidence, True The Vote, raised the standard of proof—ten times—beyond what they would be required to prove in a court of law. In other words they voluntarily made proving the guilt ten times as hard as is necessary to prove the criminality. Ten times the standard, ten times harder to prove, ten times less likely to find that proof. Yet they found enough to prove Biden’s loss. (By the way, when you lower the bar from ten times the legal standard to merely five times the standard and again only in the five regions and not the entire states—Biden loses the popular vote, and every swing state in question. Hmm just like some map I saw somewhere once upon a time.)

On May 2nd and May 4th you may witness this film in select theaters nationwide. On May 7th (for the less brave) you can view a virtual premiere live, with an assembled roundtable of the scientists involved following the screening proper.

Tickets aren’t being sold at the individual box offices and you won’t be able to know which theater it’s at in the movie complex until you show up on the 2nd and 4th to protect innocent theater workers from the harassment they would have to endure leading up to the debut. Tickets and information for the virtual debut are only available at

The genuine bottom line comes on May 8.

How many state’s boards of elections will receive calls from citizens demanding answers? How many states’ Attorneys General will be opening investigations to bring the 2000 individual mules to justice? And the non-profits who supplied them with what they needed? Will charges be brought against Zuckerberg for dreaming up this outlandishly illegal scheme to put dropboxes in heavily theft friendly districts to begin with?

A scheme, I might add, that judges in multiple states have already deemed unconstitutional.

Geo Tracking is as reliable as finger prints or DNA. The millions of minutes of footage comes from the state’s own cameras. The bar to prove was set impossibly high. And even still, the evidence has been found, and is able to be proven.

So what now? What comes next?

We are in unchartered territory and the Constitution gives little resource except to punish those involved. As D’Souza told my radio audience last night, Lance Armstrong was forced to give up the fruits of his cheating—he lost his championships.

In American history we’ve never faced this moment before.

It’s unreasonable to believe that a partisan guided Justice Department would get involved to oust the boss who appointed all of them.

I’ve never believed the wild haired rumors that Biden was going to be removed and Trump installed. Certainly however those involved should be punished harshly. This was an attempt to undo the will of the people. State leaders who weakened safe guards on vote integrity in every state MUST pay!

And we the people must—as the good people of the commonwealth of Virginia showed to us in 2021—resolutely take our sovereignty back.

And now we have the irrefutable proof to do so!

Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
Edwards B454 bass trombone, built 2012
Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
Kanstul 33-T BBb tuba, built 2011
Fender Precision Bass Guitar, built ?
Mouthpiece data provided on request.