Author Topic: Do any of you have friends who are Trump supporters? Or otherwise far right?  (Read 247 times)

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Offline dutch508

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Star Member LAS14 (12,106 posts)

Do any of you have friends who are Trump supporters? Or otherwise far right?

If so, what is the stuff of your friendship made of?

I have literally never known a Trump supporter. Not even as an acquaintance. Living in Massachusetts and being introverted probably goes a long way to account for that. But I'm getting hints that someone I converse with on line, about books and writing and turns of phrase, etc., whom I find very congenial, may be one of those. I find myself carefully staying away from topics that might reveal political liberalism.

If you have such friends, how do you deal with it? I'm also just interested in what parts of life can be kept isolated from political views.



Star Member Bettie (13,006 posts)

1. MAGAt relatives I just avoid

but, I've quietly ended two long friendships, because of it.

Star Member samplegirl (9,244 posts)

2. It ends most friendships.

In my case I haven’t even spoke to my brother years now.

Star Member msfiddlestix (4,201 posts)

3. I have neighbors who are inexplicably "trump" supporters

but otherwise "liberal".

there are no words to describe my confusion regarding their mindset.

can't even come up with an appropriate analogy.

I don't even bother attempting to engage on any meaningful level, beyond a courtesy greeting when passing by.

there just isn't even any point. especially because I've got wind that they are also Qanon believers..

Spiritual quests is a constant theme in their personal lives.

I feel like they're aliens from another galaxy.


Star Member Johnny2X2X (12,799 posts)

4. A couple

Two. Totally opposite spectrums of life.

One, Steve, is mentally ill and disabled, he loves Trump even as he relies on government programs to live and eat. Steve has always played the victim well, even when he was a kid he always felt the world was out to get him and nothing was fair for him. Type of kid who was always out sick from school. His father was a security guard on a college campus and was killed and it really left him lost. He's got a college degree and was substitute teaching, but then he hurt his back about 15 years ago and it prevents him from working. He was couch surfing for a while, almost homeless, when his sister reached out to his friends to take up a collection for him to be able to raise the needed funds to move into an apartment that was good for him. We all threw in a $100 to $150 each, no big deal, and he got his apartment. He never thanked a single one of us, and now he's ghosted everyone. Weird fellow. I suppose Trump's black and white way of looking at the world and blaming everyone else for your own problems appeals to him.

The other is someone I really respect, Jeff. He's an ex officer in the Air Force, a really good person and family man. The type of person who gets involved in helping others whenever he can. He's just been brainwashed by FOX News. But he's curious enough to ask questions every now and then of me because he knows I'm liberal. He asked me about Trump's wall and why the left is against us stopping all the drugs that flow into the country with this wall. I responded of course that the wall will not stop drugs or people, the drugs are coming in in containers, vehicles, planes, and boats, the idea that the cartels are giving backpacks full of drugs to poor people crossing the Southern border is antiquated and silly now. The cartels are as sophisticated as an other major corporations are, they're not going to rely on poor people to carry for them. FOX News sold that Trump was getting wins daily for the country, so while Jeff really wanted Trump to stop "treating people like shit", he thought he was hitting homeruns policy wise on the regular.

Of course both of them now just think the economy is awful and Biden is weak on the world stage. Pointing out facts like this is the best jobs market in US history, GDP growth is the highest in 40 years, and wage growth is the highest in decades falls on deaf ears. Inflation is apparently the only measure of the economy that is meaningful to them now. Pointing out that polls show Biden is universally more respected and trusted globally than Trump by a huge margin is also too far a bridge for them, they are having it drilled into their heads all day every day that Biden's foreign policy weakness is the cause of all conflict in the world.


Star Member Johnny2X2X (12,799 posts)

9. Jeff is a remarkable person

Just can't believe he's a Trumper. Jeff found out that one of our coworkers, a former Marine, had his house burn down and that this Marine lost all of his military medals and patches in the fire. Jeff spent the next year contacting people in the Marines to replace every medal and award that was lost, he then just showed up at this guy's house without fanfare with all of these medals and patches framed nicely. Really is selfless. He's a strong leader at work, he's an accomplished pilot and his goal is to retire early so he can open a flight school that trains pilots to fly missionaries and relief workers to places experience strife and hunger. During his time in the Air Force he learned that there is a shortage of pilots to help these relief organizations and he wants to help.

I haven't discussed the 2020 election with him, but I suspect he thinks Biden stole it. I don't know how to reach this person, he's extremely intelligent and has integrity. He's even curious enough to watch Rachel Maddow occasionally. But he's steadfast in his support for Trump and his ideas, doesn't see that Trump is fascist at all.

Have a mother who is a Trumper too, but we don't discuss politics at all. A couple other really conservative coworkers are in the group of guys I meet for lunch most Fridays, I can tell you that inflation and gas prices are all they think about now. Each is making $110K+ a year, an extra $1 a gallon for gas isn't really a noticeable burden for them or me, but that's what they're being told they should be outraged about daily. A couple talked about the bad economy, I responded that it's the best economy we've had in my lifetime, they looked at me like I just told them I was an alien. They have no idea it's the best jobs growth in US history and that GDP growth is the highest in 40 years, they aren't getting that information.

And on Covid, don't even get me started. They are being told that the vaccines are more dangerous than Covid and half of the reported Covid deaths or more are really just reactions to the vaccine.


Star Member dixiechiken1 (1,615 posts)

7. I have two (out of three) brothers that are wingnut Trump supporters...

Neither one of them had ever even voted before the 2020 election. One is a FB junkie and is very much a follower. Easy to see how they got him. The other is really quite intelligent. I never have been able to figure out how or why he got sucked in.

In any case, I'm very close to my brothers. After getting into a HUGE screaming match with the "smart one" over politics - followed by not talking to each other for a few months - we all agreed not to discuss politics with each other anymore. Ever. And we have abided by that.

The way I look at it is, that orange, urine-soaked POS, motherf*cker took enough from all of us when he was in office. I refuse to let him take my family, too.


Efilroft Sul (2,986 posts)

10. I have several friends who are either 1) Anti-Biden/Anti-Democrat or 2) Pro-Trump

There is a difference.

The Anti-Biden/Anti-Democrat types have never supported Democrats. They always pull the R lever in the voting booth because they always assume "Republicans good, Democrats bad." However, these folks don't go out of their way to bash the Dems or Biden, nor do they wear the MAGA merchandise. And even if they don't watch Fox News or listen to talk radio, they'll never change. Supporting the Republicans is a reflexive thing, and they do so without ever giving any thought about what the party has become.

Then there are the MAGAbillies. I am down to speaking with maybe three or four of them now, and most times, the arguments are just short of becoming blood sport. Two of them have said nothing about Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Trump fluffing Putin, one very much believes in Russian superiority, and the remaining guy (probably the Trumpiest of them all) oddly enough has suddenly remembered that Russia is not our friend.

So it's a mixed bag of nuts.

fightforfreedom (871 posts)

13. I lost a couple of friends who were closet Trump voters.

When I learned they were supporting Trump I did what friends are supposed to do. I calmly explained to them who Trump really is and how dangerous he is. When I did this my friends, who I have known for over 40 years, turned into something I have never seen before.

They verbally attacked me, insulted me, my wife, my military service, anything they could think of. I asked them why are so angry. They attacked me again. It was shocking, knowing someone that long and not realizing who they really are.

Needless to say, I will never have anything to do with them ever again.

I have some relatives, no immediate family, who voted for Trump. I have not cut them off because they are not completely out of their minds. When I see them I bust their balls about Trump in a joking sort of way. When they try to defend themselves they don't stand a chance because I am so much more well informed than they are.

sure... you were the calm one...

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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In non-euphemized plain English:

1. Do you have any conservative friends or relatives you haven't cut out of your lives?

2. If yes, why?
« Last Edit: April 04, 2022, 09:07:36 AM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline ADsOutburst

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Pointing out facts like this is the best jobs market in US history, GDP growth is the highest in 40 years, and wage growth is the highest in decades falls on deaf ears.

Because it's an excellent example of how to mislead by leaving out certain information.

Offline jukin

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Do the voices in your head tell you to cut decent and civilized people out of your life?
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline enslaved1

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Star Member msfiddlestix (4,201 posts)

3. I have neighbors who are inexplicably "trump" supporters

but otherwise "liberal".

there are no words to describe my confusion regarding their mindset.

can't even come up with an appropriate analogy.

I don't even bother attempting to engage on any meaningful level, beyond a courtesy greeting when passing by.

there just isn't even any point. especially because I've got wind that they are also Qanon believers..

Spiritual quests is a constant theme in their personal lives.

I feel like they're aliens from another galaxy.

Dude, don't listen to your farts.  They have nothing good to say.  Even if they are the most intelligent thing to come out of you. 
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.