Author Topic: DUmmies do some hatin' on DC Trucker Convoy  (Read 291 times)

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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DUmmies do some hatin' on DC Trucker Convoy
« on: March 07, 2022, 10:53:02 AM »
With nothing but what they assume is nefarious and filled with Q-Anon and Nazi people:

Star Member CBHagman (16,546 posts)

Before you dismiss the People's Convoy as a joke, read Terry Bouton's Twitter thread

Some of us have been joking about the People's Convoy, but it would be a mistake to move on and not pay attention to what was happening on the ground. To make a long story short, this was, among other things, a recruiting and mainstreaming effort. People join in causes, no matter how odious, for a sense of community and purpose. We need to be thinking about how that works, how to counter attempts to soften the image of the right wing, and especially how we proceed to bring people together for the protection of voting rights and democracy itself.


Star Member walkingman (3,851 posts)

1. It's not a joke - they are white nutjobs who have lost their mind.

Star Member CBHagman (16,546 posts)

5. They are (1) people who are (2) trying to control what happens in this country...

...and for those reasons we have to learn about them, counter what they do, and, most important, reach people who are confused about what's going on and those who aren't confused at all but are uninvolved.

Star Member Blues Heron (3,840 posts)

9. I think we know all we need to know about these ****ing Karens over the last 2 years

Spare us the concern

You're calling people for Freedom "Karen's"? :bird:

Star Member llashram (4,189 posts)

62. these jerks know

what resides in their racist wicked hearts. We have been fighting their attempts to turn our democracy into trump-putin's fascist state. More than likely a majority tried to OVERTHROW our form of government to install a dictator on 1-6-21. They are domestic terrorists. They hate Middle Easterners, Mexicans and any non-white skin from that central and S. American area and they hate and FEAR African-Americans. They are not"confused" they are hateful wretches. If any RW country would have those who voted for trump let them leave if they don't like it here. TO HELL WITH THEM!!!   

DUmmies, evidence free since 2000.

Star Member mucifer (20,814 posts)

3. a few years ago it seemed the repub party was dying off. Now they have a lot of younger people


Truly frightening

Star Member doc03 (29,857 posts)

4. It's the start of another astroturf movement even more

dangerous than the Tea Party. We are still suffering from the damage the Tea Party made.

Star Member brush (40,012 posts)

7. Give us an effin' break. Agrieved, white males who have all the benefits...

the society can offer to any demographic in society. The nation has been set up since inception for their benefit before Blacks, Browns, women et al and if they're too stupid to see that's it's on them.

Stop complaining, stop copying Canadian truckers, go the **** home and do your job.

Trucking companies are desperate for drivers.

Star Member Wicked Blue (4,038 posts)

12. Who pays their gas money?

Gas prices are high, and these trucks guzzle gas.

If I might put on my slightly paranoid hat for a moment, I wonder if this convention of nutjobs was indirectly bankrolled by oligarchs. Intended to make a small irritant and distraction to the U.S. during the Ukraine invasion?
Also some kind of smoke and mirrors game to distract from other things they are doing to mess with the mid-term elections?

Star Member ecstatic (29,572 posts)

25. A bunch of batshit crazy individuals who are waiting for instructions

They seem to be leaderless and without a specific focus now that the pandemic is fading. Hopefully law enforcement and others are keeping track of the situation, especially monitoring who, if anyone, steps into their leadership void.

Johonny (17,785 posts)

26. All the media ever does is pay attention to this small subsection of society

Win or lose, these people are projected as "real" Americans, and the heart of America. Frankly, it's time to ignore these people and focus on the 70-80 % of us and what we want and think. I know what these people are like already. They've been covered for 60-70 years now.

See every stupid protest about transgender rights, which impacts an tiny fraction of the population.  And not every American supported BLM, but we wouldn't know that based on the immense media coverage in the past two years.

BradBo (203 posts)

27. The Proud Boys...

… would beat the shit out of every black person there if they had a chance, then tell all the women to go make them a sandwich.
The anti-vaxcers are just ignorant, poorly educated Americans that will never listen to facts.
And the rest are just taking a break from watching NASCAR and yelling “ Lets Go Brandon!”.

Star Member Greybnk48 (9,517 posts)

30. The Ku Klux Klan by any other name.

**** all of them. They want the "freedom" to carve out groups of Americans and persecute them, like blacks, Jews, and LGBTQ, and often, women in general. They want the "freedom" to censor and burn books, and ram their twisted, and deformed brand of Christianity down everyone's throats. Force it on us like the Taliban. **** them.

They need to be driven back under ground like they have been in the past. They need to be treated like the aberration they are. They're the descendants of traitors, and are themselves traitors to everything this country was created to stand for. They burn the books and alter history in an attempt to hide this ****ing fact.

They get a much stronger voice than they should, and always have and are treated with kid gloves it seems. Their cults and compounds and crazy shit has been a part of American life as long as I can remember. **** them. We need to stop allowing these ****heads to divide our country. How? I don't know. But punishing them for breaking the law and vandalism like we would anyone else would be a great start.

How about we treat them like we treat Americans who protest the wars? Clear them out with armed National Guardsmen (Nixon). Lock them up for months (Nixon). Bring in water tankers filled with pepper spray and spray them in the face until they go home (Dubya). Arrest them (Dubya). But DON'T treat them like they have something "important" to say, or concern troll us that "we better listen" to these racist scum. They have nothing important to say.

Rant over.

And then, a very rare moment of sanity from the DUMp:

Star Member Hortensis (51,020 posts)

36. OTOH. Most of the participants would not recognize themselves in

descriptions here AT ALL and feel grave injustice was being done to them. They'd think those who posted them were delusional and batshit crazy.

We know that most of them are sure they're patriotic Americans who are serving their country by demonstrating for a righteous cause. The civic engagement, and the way most of this group have carried it out so far, are admirable.

Maybe we should be on the overpasses, but yelling warnings. Wrong way!

Yeah, I know. We could drop refrigerators on their heads without making a dent. With all their blessings and education to be filled with grievances and Fox lies, to participate in turning themselves into people who can be fooled all the time and weaponized against their nation...!

But just sayin': Those who aren't honest with themselves are those who can be fooled. Those who can be fooled AND who serve themselves up to social media (!) are at severe risk of being weaponized and turned on themselves.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2022, 11:24:59 AM by Ralph Wiggum »
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Re: DUmmies do some hatin' on DC Trucker Convoy
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2022, 11:18:43 AM »
DU has perfected the art of mental gymnastics. Trucker convoy being peaceful? That's just them trying to soften the image of the right wing.

Oh, and I often see posts at DU that refer to "people who are confused", but for the life of me I can't figure who the "people who are confused" are.

Offline Karin

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Re: DUmmies do some hatin' on DC Trucker Convoy
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2022, 11:31:54 AM »
Star Member Blues Heron (3,842 posts)

14. They are just well funded Karens - about as effective

Most Karens end up going away in shame, or get busted and hauled away by the cops.

Star Member wnylib (10,918 posts)

67. I wouldn't take it that lightly.

This is a RW rally for a RW movement with RW goals.

I remember when people thought the Tea Party was just a joke. Then they took over Congress.

We flipped over 1000 seats nationwide. 

I really dislike that Blues Heron DUmmie.  And she's using the word Karen incorrectly. 

Offline SVPete

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Re: DUmmies do some hatin' on DC Trucker Convoy
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2022, 12:02:56 PM »
 :blah:  :blah:  :blah:  :blah:  :blah:  :runaway: People might be persuaded to accept ideas I don't! :runaway:  :blah:  :blah:  :blah:  :blah:  :blah:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline 67 Rover

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Re: DUmmies do some hatin' on DC Trucker Convoy
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2022, 04:21:20 PM »
BradBo (203 posts)

27. The Proud Boys...

… would beat the shit out of every black person there if they had a chance, then tell all the women to go make them a sandwich.
The anti-vaxcers are just ignorant, poorly educated Americans that will never listen to facts.
And the rest are just taking a break from watching NASCAR and yelling “ Lets Go Brandon!”.

Moley! Moley!  :-)
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Re: DUmmies do some hatin' on DC Trucker Convoy
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2022, 05:23:15 PM »
BradBo (203 posts)

27. The Proud Boys...

… would beat the shit out of every black person there if they had a chance,

I'll be sure to let Enrique Tarrio know to watch himself.
NAMBLA is a left-wing organization.

There's a reason why patriotism is considered a conservative value. Watch a Tea Party rally and you'll see people proudly raising the American flag and showing pride in U.S. heroes such as Thomas Jefferson. Watch an OWS rally and you'll see people burning the American flag while showing pride in communist heroes such as Che Guevera. --Bob, from some news site