Author Topic: Why we must demand that leaders who got COVID wrong admit it and apologize  (Read 456 times)

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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As COVID restrictions end around the country, and Democratic politicians pretend that something about the science has changed instead of their poll numbers being in the dirt, Americans must first demand: apologies.

Here, I’ll even go first. I spent much of 2020 and 2021 writing again and again arguing for the opening of schools throughout the country. But in March 2020, I was one of the leading voices urging schools to close.

It made no sense to me that my husband had stopped going into the office because of the mysterious new virus but my children continued to go to school. People were dying in large numbers in Italy and I was afraid.

I never imagined that “two weeks to slow the spread” would turn into two years, and counting, of pausing the lives of children to accommodate hypochondriac adults.

I was wrong. I’m sorry.

Now you go.

You, leadership in school districts that closed for the entirety of the 2020-2021 school year because American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten told you to — and you were too afraid to counter. Whether school boards, mayors or governors, those in charge who kept schools closed have to be held accountable.

It wasn’t that the teachers unions were strong, it was that you were weak. It was a dereliction of your duty. Apologize.

But, of course, you couldn’t have done it without cover from our politicized health agencies. You, Rochelle Walensky at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, allowed Weingarten to craft absurd, unscientific policies that kept kids out of school.

You let her block the schoolhouse door because you were on the same political team. You broke the trust Americans had in their health agencies and we will all suffer the repercussions of that for a long time.

Apologize to the children whose lives you’ve stunted and who may never recover from the educational loss. Apologize to the kids who received speech therapy through masks because you refused to acknowledge that masking had been pointless in stopping COVID-19 spread.

You may have permanently damaged these children because you refused to admit that you had been wrong for so long. Apologize.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, you fell in love with your own image and could not stay off the TV even as it caused us all harm.

In November 2021, you said that people who were criticizing you were “really criticizing science, because I represent science. That’s dangerous.” What’s dangerous is if you really believe that.

You frequently got things wrong on TV or reversed your previous comments with no explanations. The science hadn’t changed, you made political calculations to support the diktats of the Biden administration.

You actually argued for the passage of the stimulus bill as if you were some kind of lobbyist and not the director of one of our national health agencies.

Worst of all, you shut down dissenting opinions from other scientists because you knew yours could not withstand scrutiny. You have been a disaster for this country in leading us through the pandemic.

Apologize. Then exit stage left and let us never hear from you again.

You fearful, quiet politicians who let extended lockdowns destroy businesses, fray the fabric of our cities and cost us all so much: We saw you maskless, at concerts and parties, while our 2-year-olds stay masked to this day.

We know that you didn’t actually think masking was important like you implored us it was. You loved your power and nothing else mattered. Apologize.

And you, compliant media, the disaster of the last two years is at your feet. You created heroes out of people like Gov. Andrew Cuomo, whose nursing home directive cost thousands of lives, while demonizing Gov. Ron DeSantis, who used all of his political capital to correctly force schools open, a decision everyone now pretends was easy but certainly was not.

You ran stories about high case numbers in Florida “as schools open” to project that schools were somehow unsafe. You were incurious and did not ever challenge the corrupt health care agencies. You let us down.

Don’t apologize, we don’t believe you anyway.
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Offline Eupher

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I have a better idea than to solicit their worthless "apologies."

Vote 'em out of office, then investigate and, where appropriate, indict on criminal and fraudulent behavior. Charge 'em with their crimes and fast-track the court cases. Oh, zero bail after the preliminary hearing. None, zip, nada, zilch. Right into the slammer they go pending trial.

Then, after their convictions, sentence them to the MAXIMUM allowable penalty under the law. Destroy their lives, their livelihood (most of 'em are attorneys, so disbar them), seize their property, sell same at auction, and turn over the proceeds to the victims of their charlatan, criminal behavior.

I would not be averse to tar and feathers. Oh, and public humiliation in the stocks right there in front of the home they used to own.
Adams E2 Euphonium, built in 2017
Boosey & Co. Imperial Euphonium, built in 1941
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Bach Stradivarius 42OG tenor trombone, built 1992
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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Ancients used to force persons who abused their authority to climb high mountains and remain there. 

Spare the people your stinking apology.  Tell it to the elements.

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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I have a better idea than to solicit their worthless "apologies."

Vote 'em out of office, then investigate and, where appropriate, indict on criminal and fraudulent behavior. Charge 'em with their crimes and fast-track the court cases. Oh, zero bail after the preliminary hearing. None, zip, nada, zilch. Right into the slammer they go pending trial.

Then, after their convictions, sentence them to the MAXIMUM allowable penalty under the law. Destroy their lives, their livelihood (most of 'em are attorneys, so disbar them), seize their property, sell same at auction, and turn over the proceeds to the victims of their charlatan, criminal behavior.

I would not be averse to tar and feathers. Oh, and public humiliation in the stocks right there in front of the home they used to own.


What we know is going to happen by the midterm elections is that the Democrat party is going to be begging for votes by claiming that THEY gave you your rights back.  And the lapdog adoring media will carry that water as much as possible.  But that's complete horse hockey, had the "Blue" states simply followed what the "Red" states did successfully much sooner, everyone could have lived with much more freedom.  But lefties enjoy being controlled, especially by the government.

We can't be complacent and just accept apologies, Fauci/Collins/Wolensky/Birx and the whole cabal behind draconian mandates and lockdowns need to be held personally responsible by hopefully a Republican controlled House and Senate.
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Offline Old n Grumpy

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I have a better idea than to solicit their worthless "apologies."

Vote 'em out of office, then investigate and, where appropriate, indict on criminal and fraudulent behavior. Charge 'em with their crimes and fast-track the court cases. Oh, zero bail after the preliminary hearing. None, zip, nada, zilch. Right into the slammer they go pending trial.

Then, after their convictions, sentence them to the MAXIMUM allowable penalty under the law. Destroy their lives, their livelihood (most of 'em are attorneys, so disbar them), seize their property, sell same at auction, and turn over the proceeds to the victims of their charlatan, criminal behavior.

I would not be averse to tar and feathers. Oh, and public humiliation in the stocks right there in front of the home they used to own.

I like how you think.
Politicians and beaurocrats getting away with murder is got to end. they need to be held accountable.
Life is tough and it’s even tougher when you’re stupid

Basking in the glow of my white Privilege, while I water the Begonias with liberal tears!

I will give up my guns when the liberals give up their illegal aliens

We need a Bull Shit tax to make the Democrats go broke!

Offline SSG Snuggle Bunny

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Exile or prison.
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Offline DefiantSix

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Exile or prison.

Rope or bullet. And the bullet is going into the kneecap or intestines...
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-- Capt. John Parker

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-- Capt. Steve Rogers

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-- Ronaldus Magnus