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The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« on: November 27, 2021, 07:50:36 PM »
Star Member babylonsister (168,448 posts)

The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans

The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
by Robert Kuttner
November 24, 2021


But think a little harder. Most Americans do not feel safer with 17-year-old trigger-happy vigilantes patrolling their communities with AR-15s. If Kyle Rittenhouse is the new face of the Republican Party, that’s a win for Democrats.

Most of the white American public is less racist than Republicans would like to believe. The murder convictions in the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery demonstrate that even in the deep south vigilantes are not invariably given impunity. After the police murder of George Floyd, two-thirds of Americans approved of the Movement for Black Lives. That approval has declined some, but has stabilized at around 55 percent. After former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin was convicted of Floyd’s murder in May 2021, three-quarters of Americans approved of the verdict.

Early polls show that a majority of Americans were uneasy about the Ritttenhouse acquittal. A YouGov poll found that a large majority of Democrats and a plurality of independents felt Rittenhouse was guilty of murder.

A Morning Consult poll found that 71 percent of Republicans but only 43 percent of all those polled approved of the verdict. A plurality also said the verdict gave them less confidence in the criminal justice system.

The strategy of lionizing vigilantes like Rittenhouse may deepen Republican support in hard-core Trump country. It will be a gift to Democrats in suburban swing districts where the 2022 midterms will be decided.


Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

1. "Most of the white American public is less racist than Republicans would like to believe"

Lol...yeah... say the same polls that preceded the Hillary Clinton presidency.

White voters overwhelmingly prefer Trump and Trumpism. Period.

While that bothers non-Trumpy white people, it is an undeniable fact that "most of the white American public" ****ing loves his racist ass.

The most reliable Republican voters are white women. Period. Since 1952. The only exceptions have been Johnson and Clinton.

White women vote more like Sarah Palin than Hillary Clinton, and have done so for many decades.

Opinion polls not rooted in "who votes and in what states" are meaningless. Sure, there are large metropolitan populations in states that collectively don't command a clear electoral majority where you can stack up opinion poll numbers all you want, but where the rubber meets the road, white people vote for racism and racist candidates consistently.


Star Member babylonsister (168,448 posts)

2. Got numbers to back that up?

Just because they're loud doesn't make that true. Obama got elected twice. How did that happen?

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

4. Are you serious?

Are you seriously suggesting that Obama carried a majority of white people?

You might want to read some analyses (with numbers) by women authors:

Of Course White Women Voted for Trump Again

Why White Women Continue to Back the GOP

"The Illinois senator won 43 percent of white voters, 4 percentage points below Carter’s performance in 1976 and equal to what Bill Clinton won in the three-man race of 1996. Republican John McCain won 55 percent of the white vote."

You do understand that 55% is a majority, right?

Obama won twice because non-white voters turned out enthusiastically. White people did not elect Obama twice. I'm amazed that anyone believes otherwise. It has been analyzed to death a zillion times.

Star Member CrispyQ (30,810 posts)

9. And you might want to watch your tone with one of our most respected members. -nt

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

14. Facts are facts

It is a basic and well known fact that white people voted against Obama, and against Biden.

Being "well respected" is hardly a license for snarky "got numbers to back that up?" over what is one of the most well-known phenomena of 21st century electoral politics.

BidenRocks (161 posts)

60. Not THIS white person!

Black, woman, gay, old.......

It's the policies. That simple!

Inbred white folk may feel different of course. For them I would like to record their Thanksgiving dinner.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

68. Well, golly

This being Democratic Underground, I wouldn't really think that a whole lot of white Trump voters hang out here.

Yes, one will probably find quite a few of the forty-something percent of white people who didn't vote for Trump, to be posting on DU.

Star Member ms liberty (6,838 posts)

99. I'm white, my husband is white, my mil, my sister, my niece all white

A whole shit ton of other white people I know, and a lot I don't, all voted for Obama. We voted for Obama twice (who won NC in the first election), voted for Hillary and then Joe and (bonus points) we're all southern...and that's not all the white people in America who did.

You were way over generalizing (broad brush) and you got called on it by babylonsister, and she was right. She did not say that all white people voted for Obama, but a lot of us did. He would not have won NC or the first election without white people voting Dem too. We all got our voters out, period.

Finally, asking for links to back up your version of the facts is one of the most DU things anyone can do on this board. babylonsister was doing exactly as DU members have done for twenty years. If that's what you think snark is, no, you're missing the mark entirely. Snark is another of the things DU does and does well. Asking for links is way too simple and straightforward. If you make a claim here, expect to be asked to back it up. We're not going to believe something just because you, "Effete Snob" says it is so. Nor is it up to us to prove your claim. You make the argument, and we'll decide. Nothing personal, but you gotta be willing to back it up.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

140. Numbers are not generalizations

The majority of white women have voted Republican in the last four elections.

The majority of white women are probably not in your extended family.

I am shocked that people on a political forum are not familiar with well-documented demographic analyses of the last four elections, but I have posted links to them in this thread.

Star Member babylonsister (168,448 posts)

89. No, I was suggesting Obama carried the majority of the vote.

I honestly wasn't thinking what groups voted for him; you're the one doing the parsing. I am not going to argue with you but yes, I do understand that 55% is a majority. That was unnecessary.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

138. Obama did not get the majority of the vote among white voters

White voters preferred - by a considerable majority in 2008 and in 2012 - the candidates whose supporters claimed Obama was somehow not really American.

Progressive Jones (5,154 posts)

103. I was thinking Right Wing Nut Jobs, redneck wives, and other such people. nt

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

139. Do you believe that describes the majority of white women?

Because the majority of white women have voted Republican in the last four presidential elections.

Responding to that with "not THIS white woman" is simply silly, because that has nothing to do with the majority of white women.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

6. Ever heard of an outfit called Cornell University?

Here are some numbers from 2012:

White: Obama 39, Romney 59

White people did not elect Obama. Not once and not twice.

Star Member paleotn (11,471 posts)

21. Depends on where you are....

My point being, while relatively small, these are probably the whitest states in the country. Overwhelmingly so. And by a long shot compared to CA, TX, FL and NY. None of the three were carried by Trump in 2016 or 2020.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

26. "these are probably the whitest states in the country. Overwhelmingly so"

Saying that "these small northeast states had white people voting Democratic" does not change the fact that the majority of white people where I am - THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - vote for the racist candidate consistently.

Nobody is running to be "President of Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine".

Star Member Tommymac (5,204 posts)

51. I call bullshit.

I live in Western PA. Lots of racism here, no doubt.

But ****ING NOWHERE NEAR THE MAJORITY. I personally find your statement and pov insulting to my friends, family, myself and the majority of Americans.

I live in a working class neighborhood. The bars do have an good number old white racists, and some younger white racists...but most of the young people laugh at them (us mature folk simply ignore them), as they laugh among their highly diverse group of friends around their tables and talk about their black girlfriend or muslim best friend or asian neighbor. The racists are in the minority by a long margin. And the cliente is largely white.

I'll consider your statements to be entirely wrong unless and until you can pull up recent reputable studies that f'ing PROVE the majority of White Americans are racist. Not applying to one state here or there. in 2012 or 2016 or 1985. THE WHOLE ****ING COUNTRY. NOW. 2021.

You are simply wrong wrong wrong imo.

I'll wait for your reply to see if you can post such a study to back up your ridiculous statements; if not, anything else you may say I'll simply ignore it.

Giving you the respect you gave Babylon Sister.

Happy Thanksgiving.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

57. "studies that f'ing PROVE the majority of White Americans are racist"

Please quote the post where I said that?

I said that the majority of white Americans vote for the more racist-aligned candidate, and I backed it up with several links to reputable studies including Cornell University.

If you are going to claim that either:

(a) Trump did not appeal to racists, or

(b) Trump did not win a majority of white votes.

Then it is bleedingly obvious that both of those statements are wrong.

Trump appealed to naked racism and won a majority of white votes both times. Those are facts, Jack. I am sorry that you find reality insulting.

"and some younger white racists...but most of the young people laugh at them"

Because racism is so funny. You meant to say "young white people", because there are people who probably do not frequent such establishments because they are not in on the joke.

Star Member Tommymac (5,204 posts)

58. You sure did say that in no uncertain terms.

Have a good life. Good bye.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

61. But not anywhere you can quote me

Because I said that the majority of white people voted for the candidate that appealed to racism. That was the entire thrust of the Palin side of the McCain candidacy and the associated birther nonsense that never faded away in both of the Obama elections, and if one wants to argue that Trump didn't appeal to racism, then I don't know what to say about that.

Star Member paleotn (11,471 posts)

73. Interestingly, not in VT, ME or NH. Why is that? Waiting.....

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

76. Well, gee, not in my house either!

100% of the white people in my house voted for Obama and for Biden. Wow!

Surprisingly, not every white person in the United States lives in my house.

What kind of an argument are you trying to make?

41% of white people voted for Biden. Yah, sure, 41% of white people is more white people than in several northeastern states even.

The fact that a minority of white people did vote Democratic doesn't really change the fact that most white people did not.

Absolutely, you can draw a box around a sliver of the electoral vote in the northeast and say "Look, lots of white people voted Democratic" doesn't change the fact that in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - all 50 states and some territories - most white people didn't.

Star Member ShazzieB (4,167 posts)

62. The white voters in my suburban area do seem open to voting Democratic.

At least some of them do. When we moved here in 1994, this place was fire engine red. There are still a lot of Republicans, but it's been steadily getting more and more purple as time goes on.

The two congressional districts that cover my county both elected Dems in 2018 and again in 2020, after having been Republican basically forever. Unfortunately, this county did go for Trump last year, but it was very close (51% for Trump, I think). Not many years ago, the GOP candidate always won by a hefty margin.

It's not as blue here as I would like, but it's getting better all the time.

Star Member Upthevibe (5,050 posts)

18. Effete Snob,,,,

There's no need to be so rude is there?

I mean really...

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

20. Where do I apply for a condescension license?

Obviously, some have them and some don't.

I know it is upsetting to some that white people vote racist, but is a well-demonstrated and documented fact.

Racism works with white voters.

Whistling past the electoral graveyard with "whites won't go for that sort of thing" is electoral doom. White people enthusiastically vote racist by a wide margin.

White people voted against Obama in 2008 and 2012. White people voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020.

I'm just shocked that on a political forum like this, so few seem to have bothered to check every analysis of voter outcomes in the past FOUR presidential elections, but make condescending snarky comments at those who have.

Star Member paleotn (11,471 posts)

23. Some white people vote racist....

please put down the broad brush.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

32. A majority of white people vote for the racist candidate

Is there a rule against posting well-documented facts as well?

MOST white people voted for McCain, Romney, Trump and Trump in the last four elections.

That is a numerical fact.

If facts are bothersome, then one is not prepared to deal with reality or what is needed to change it.

And if truth is against the rules, then that speaks for itself.

Star Member Mossfern (1,444 posts)

63. They may vote for the Republican candidate

but not necessarily because they are racist or are voting for that candidate because they agree with any racist leanings they have.
don't believe that all Republicans are racist.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

67. Okay, I am surprised to learn Trump is not a racist and did not appeal to racism

A majority of white voters voted for Trump.

I am surprised to hear he is no longer a racist.

The Central Park Five thing was just a head fake.

Also surprised to learn that Nixon's "Southern Strategy", which was the basis for an electoral re-alignment throughout the south which has lasted decades, did not happen.

I am petitioning my University for a return of a pro-rata share of my tuition for my political science classes. I was obviously misinformed.

radius777 (3,019 posts)

115. If they voted for Trump, ipso facto they are racist,

or at least don't see racism as a deal breaker.

Progressive Jones (5,154 posts)

122. I don't buy that, and I'm extremely anti-racist. I just don't see racism around every corner.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

146. You don't think white voters generally knew Trump was racist?

Because a majority of them voted for Trump, twice.

The post said that they were either racist or didn't see it as a deal breaker.

I'm pretty sure people knew which side the racists were on in the last two elections.

Progressive Jones (5,154 posts)

157. Trump had black and brown voters. Are they white racists, too? nt

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

144. Correct

The majority of white Americans voted for Trump twice.

Anyone voting for Trump KNEW that Trump had the support of racist freaks.

It did not bother them.

Star Member paleotn (11,471 posts)

71. A majority of white people in VT, NH and ME don't vote for racist candidates.

Is there a rule against posting well-documented facts?

That said, your argument doesn't hold up mathematically either. If just 5% of those white voters who do vote Dem switched parties in just a handful of states, Obama would have lost twice and Biden wouldn't have won. So those white voters pushed both Obama and Biden over the top.

Your entire premise is really nonsensical.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

78. "Your entire premise is really nonsensical"

My premise is that a majority of white people in the country voted for Trump, twice.

That is not an opinion. It is a fact.

It is not contradicted by the stats on a handful of individual states.

There are probably plenty of states where the same thing can be said.

And, yes, if my aunt had four wheels and a V8, she'd be a 1957 Chevy. But she doesn't.

Star Member paleotn (11,471 posts)

83. Not a majority evenly across the country.

thus your argument is nonsensical. It makes sense only in certain regions. Completely falls apart in New England and the liberal coasts. My point is, you cannot lump all white people into a single box, nor can you lump all black people, all Latinos or all people of Asian decent, ad nauseam. Certain white people in certain sub demographics vote overwhelmingly racist. Absolutely no doubt about that. But, not all sub groups. You're broad brushing. The fallacy of sweeping generalization.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

145. The region I am talking about is the United States of America

It is neither a generalization nor a broad brush to state that the majority of white voters in the United States of America cast their ballot for Donald Trump twice.

That is a fact.

It is not an opinion. It is not a bias.

It is a numerical fact that the majority of white voters in the United States of America cast their ballot for Donald Trump twice.

Nixon used the "Southern Strategy" because it worked.

Bush used the "Willie Horton Ad" because it worked.

There was no secret, in 2016 or 2020 that Trump was on the side of racists. People who voted for him - i.e. the numerically confirmed majority of white people - knew that and, at a minimum, did not care.

Zeitghost (698 posts)

158. The non-latino white population in the US is 200M

Even if every one of his 74M voters were white, and we know they were not, it doesn't reach the definition of majority. 74/200=.37

Star Member uponit7771 (79,774 posts)

42. +1, instead of going after the 77 million where racism isn't a deal breaker we need to go after

and reach communities of color like Stacy Abrams did.

The racist vote is expensive and harder to get and a lower net vote too.

I just read in 2020 dems didn't go after CoC radio stations in places like Miami Dade and South Texas like we were supposed to, we need to flood those avenues

there are too many people blaming dem messaging mechanics on everything but us and the first thing we need to do is change priority of who we're talking to. South Texas and Miami Dade was a travesty and there's no way we have a union if that ever repeats and that was just underusing radio !!

Only 64% of DEMOCRATS believe voter suppression is a problem .. like WTF ?! 35% of democrats aren't on fire with the voter suppression bullshit the GQP is pulling ?!

That's messaging and who we're trying to win

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

59. It's kind of amazing

People decry Nixon's "Southern Strategy" and lay the blame at the feet of Nixon and his campaign managers, but gloss over the fact that IT WORKED AND IT STILL DOES.

When a majority of white voters go for a naked racist like Trump two times, the problem is not that Trump appeals to racism. The problem is that appeals to racism WORK WITH WHITE VOTERS.

That simple fact really seems to piss folks off.

druidity33 (5,676 posts)

91. Actually, the clue is in the name...

I have a very good friend who will tell anyone who will listen, "I am an asshole". And honestly he is. He is really rude (but funny), sometimes spends much time needling individuals (to their great consternation) and undeniably scoffs at emotional responses (but is totally a teddy bear). As long as you accept his assholishness, he's actually pretty cool. So maybe taking "Effete Snob" at their word (or name as the case may be) and expecting rudeness might be your best course of action? Because it's true you know... the majority of white people voted for the other guy.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

148. "Unfortunately"

Unfortunately, there were people who did not support Spiro Agnew? Is that it?


“Effete snobs” was a phrase used by Vice President Spiro Agnew to denounce anti-war protesters, and young intellectuals in general, during the Vietnam era. The phrase quickly caught on and was adopted as a slogan by the anti-war movement.

Unfortunately, there were people who did not support Spiro Agnew? Is that it?

“Effete snobs” was a phrase used by Vice President Spiro Agnew to denounce anti-war protesters, and young intellectuals in general, during the Vietnam era. The phrase quickly caught on and was adopted as a slogan by the anti-war movement.

It was a badge of honor among liberals. Now, "Democrats" don't even recognize it.


Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

147. You should learn something about Democratic politics and history

It figures that someone on DU would put down the anti-Vietnam war movement...

Bengus81 (6,181 posts)

34. 12% more whites voting for Trump than Biden doesn't constitute "most" IMO

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

37. White fragility is not going to beat Merriam Webster


most adjective

1 : greatest in quantity, extent, or degree the most ability
2 : the majority

most adverb (1)

1 : to the greatest or highest degree

2 : to a very great degree

most noun

: the greatest amount

most pronoun, singular or plural in construction

: the greatest number or part


I regret to inform you that 12% more is, indeed, "most".

Star Member PatrickforB (12,982 posts)

110. Well, I did read an editorial about how Rittenhouse did actually kill

those people in self-defense...but I do not buy this and I will tell you why.

Rittenhouse open-carried an assault weapon which is illegal. Since self-defense cannot be invoked by someone who kills someone else in in the commission of a crime, self-defense was not a valid reason for aquittal.

It is ironic to me that in Wisconsin we had this jury that acquitted this idiot, but in the deep south, in GA, the three guys who killed Arbury were convicted.

As the editorial says, people like me are disgused with Wisconsin justice, and the racism it shows, and not feeling too sanguine about this right wing crowing about how they can now show up armed at any demonstration.


LiberatedUSA (859 posts)

124. The weapon charge was dropped.

So no, it wasn’t illegal for him to be carrying that length of rifle. Change the law, if you don’t like it.

Star Member PatrickforB (12,982 posts)

132. It was an assault rifle. He carried an assault rifle into a demonstration

against racism. He was on the side of the white supremacists. He got in trouble and ended up shooting three people.

Yeah, the jury declared him not guilty. The trouble is that now, when people are demonstrating against future racist acts or wars yet to be, that these heavily armed white supremacist 'militias' will crawl out of the woodwork and take the law into their own hands.

I don't know about you, but that is NOT what I want, because it is NOT good for this republic.

At all.

 :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental: :mental:

Star Member Mr. Scorpio (73,203 posts)

119. As a Black man living in America...

I have a hard time believing that the majority of white voters in this country will stop voting for the Republicans, especially since the GOP is operating as the party of white grievance.

All of this “Not all white people” mess is disregarding the basic demographic that that has always been significant with the majority white vote, in that it rarely votes against the promotion of its own whiteness.

Sure, you can cite the margins that would do that, but it’s never been the majority.

The only way this is going to change is by a demographic shift of fewer and fewer white voters and by non-GOP voters physically moving into mostly white districts. Concentrated pockets of non-white/non-GOP voting whites, even when we’re statistically the majority, will only cede power to a mostly white minority that’s spread all over the place. That’s why gerrymandering is such a problem. That’s why the marginal white vote is so significant in national elections.

Kyle Rittenhouse will barely change anything. This isn’t about him. It’s about the inordinate amount of influence that white supremacy has always had in America.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

142. Bang on

I'm amazed that people find the simple fact to be personally offensive somehow.

Like, it is more offensive to them to hear that the majority of white Americans voted Trump twice, than it is troublesome that it in fact happened.

Star Member WhiskeyGrinder (14,505 posts)

130. "Most of the white American public is less racist than Republicans would like to believe."

Yep, and a lot of the white American public is more racist than some Democrats like to pretend.

Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

143. I had not realized how right you are

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2021, 07:58:38 PM »
Belief in Rittenhouse's guilt tends to correlate with sheer ignorance of the facts of what happened, thanks in no small part to media lies.

Rittenhouse open-carried an assault weapon which is illegal. Since self-defense cannot be invoked by someone who kills someone else in in the commission of a crime, self-defense was not a valid reason for aquittal.

Hey genius, did you pass along your masterful legal analysis to the prosecutors? They could have used the help.  :whatever:

It is ironic to me that in Wisconsin we had this jury that acquitted this idiot, but in the deep south, in GA, the three guys who killed Arbury were convicted.

It's not ironic. The jury in each case heard the facts. In Rittenhouse's case, the facts showed self-defense. In the Arbery case, they showed murder. When viewed through the perspective of racial injustice, the verdicts seem ironic. When viewed through the lens of the law and facts, thy make complete sense. See how that works?

The strategy of lionizing vigilantes like Rittenhouse may deepen Republican support in hard-core Trump country. It will be a gift to Democrats in suburban swing districts where the 2022 midterms will be decided.

Something tells me that most people will have other things to worry about.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2021, 08:17:03 PM by ADsOutburst »

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2021, 08:16:50 PM »
The rampant hurts to even read. :mental: :mental: :mental:
Voted hottest "chick" at CU - My hotness transcends gender

Offline thundley4

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2021, 10:16:11 PM »
Effete Snob (1,388 posts)

4. Are you serious?

Are you seriously suggesting that Obama carried a majority of white people?

A funny thing happened during the exit polling during Obama's first win. There were a lot of white republicans crossing over to vote for Obama and there were quite a few white Democrats that voted republican. The real racists have always been Democrats.

Offline SVPete

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2021, 08:12:33 AM »
Sorry for posting this in three different thread, but, day-yum :mental: !

 :mental: Those DUmmies have reached and swum past the Second Cataract! :mental:
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2021, 08:15:19 AM »
What Americans will see in Kenosha and Waukesha is the consequences of police not being allowed to do their duties and DAs declining to prosecute significant crimes. Look for the Prog Democrat label.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2021, 08:22:33 AM »
Coddling rioters will backfire on the democrats.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline Mr Mannn

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2021, 08:36:31 AM »
Most Americans do not feel safer with 17-year-old trigger-happy vigilantes patrolling their communities with AR-15s.
I have yet to see a vigilante in my neighborhood.

But police continue to stand down, vigilantes are a natural replacement. Coddle rioters at your own risk.
~~That said we will not see a Blue Wave in 22 because Kyle was found innocent.

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2021, 08:54:33 AM »
Most Americans do not feel safer with 17-year-old trigger-happy vigilantes patrolling their communities with AR-15s.

Ah yes, of course. Americans feel much safer with indiscriminate arson and beatings in their communities.  :whatever:

And calling Rittenhouse "trigger-happy" is just ignorant.

But police continue to stand down, vigilantes are a natural replacement. Coddle rioters at your own risk.

In the wake of the shooting, the left cried "Let the police do their job!". It might have been the biggest political about-face in recent memory.

Offline jukin

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2021, 02:27:44 PM »
In the wake of the shooting, the left cried "Let the police do their job!". It might have been the biggest political about-face in recent memory.

There have been so many. #metoo did a 180 as fast or faster.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Mary Ann

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2021, 02:49:49 PM »
It will be a gift to Democrats in suburban swing districts where the 2022 midterms will be decided.
Because suburbanites love arson and looting? :confused:

Offline Aristotelian

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Re: The Rittenhouse Verdict Will Backfire on Republicans
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2021, 11:30:02 AM »
Quote from: Star Member babylonsister (168,448 posts)
Most of the white American public is less racist than Republicans would like to believe.

Can we get MIRT to have a look at this? I thought that being white was ipso facto racism - do we have somebody posting anti-C.R.T., surely this can't be allowed to stand.