Author Topic: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.  (Read 499 times)

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Offline dutch508

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A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« on: November 23, 2021, 07:15:58 PM »
Star Member blm (107,897 posts)

A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.

I know the signal is they consider themselves in wartime and there will be no mercy for those they see as the enemy. Democrats, BLM, left organizations, liberal churches, schools, vaccine clinics, etc…are their enemies.

NewHendoLib posted a while ago that he was noticing American flags popping up more in his area. I am in that same area and noticed the uptick in my neighborhood. Also confederate flags and now these black flags.

Madison Cawthorn reps our district. Mark Meadows before him. Cawthorn told these people to be armed and dangerous.

I just warned the Unitarian Church what the black flag means that their neighbor is flying. They get vandalized a lot - every time they put up their rainbow flags and other inclusive signs.

This feels different. This is Trump, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon, and Madison Cawthorn readying the Q Qrazies and far right extremist nutcases for local violence against their own neighbors.


Star Member Elessar Zappa (7,818 posts)

2. Cawthorn should be nowhere near Congress.

He’s the very embodiment of toxic masculinity and should be expelled. Sorry you’re having to deal with crazy neighbors. I’m lucky to live in a Democratic neighborhood but our outer county is red and has a lot of “**** Biden” flags.

Star Member smirkymonkey (61,325 posts)

86. +1000

WTH is happening to this country? It's like the effing Twilight Zone all of a sudden. Well, not really all of a sudden, it has been creeping up on us over the past number of years but it seems to be accelerating and it is now quite alarming.

I am also lucky that I live in a very blue area of a blue city in a blue state in a blue region and do not witness this kind of thing in my daily life, but if I even caught a whiff of it, I would find it very disturbing. I don't know how any concerned liberal/democrat puts up with it. It's really hostile and unacceptable.

If things don't start to turn around in this country soon, we are done. There is no doubt about it. But we keep saying that and nothing happens. Are we just in denial or have we just been stunned into passivity?

Star Member MineralMan (140,319 posts)

4. That would be my cue to clean my shotgun on the porch

when I knew the neighbor was home. Yup.


karynnj (58,613 posts)

5. Incredibly scary

Given the timing, I wonder if the Rittenhouse verdict has given those black flag neighbors further validation that they can act on the anger their leaders engender. Crazy that they have even put a name to the future apocalyptic war they feel will be fought - the Storm. This is NOT the America we grew up in for all its many flaws! Stay safe! It amazes me that - even as they act out - people like Cawthorn, MTG, and others don't seem to face negative approval in their districts.

Star Member yardwork (53,184 posts)

7. What does a black flag mean?

Star Member BlackSkimmer (42,868 posts)

11. Only info I ever hear bout this "flag" is on this site.

Never seen it.

Just came back from that same area this week…saw no Confederate flags or “black” flags.

I see American flags in plenty of places, and if we’re getting offended by them, well, not sure what to say about that.


Star Member PTWB (2,813 posts)

20. I've seen the black flags in Iowa, Michigan and Arkansas.


Star Member blm (107,897 posts)

27. This black flag went up yesterday. 2nd one I've seen near me.

Why is it important to you to express disbelief? Because YOU didn’t see one it can’t be a real thing the extremists are readying.

So, Flynn, Bannon, and Cawthorn are talking to……no one.

Star Member BlackSkimmer (42,868 posts)

39. Lol, still waiting for someone to post a pic of one of these in an actual neighborhood.

People say they’ve seen them in various states, so if they’re that common, one wouldn’t have to take a pic in one’s own neighborhood. But no pictures yet…


Whatthe_Firetruck (206 posts)

183. I found this in google...

What Does An All-Black Flag Mean?
To this day, there does not seem to be one specific symbol behind an all-black American Flag.

In general, black flags are used by enemy forces to signify that enemy combatants are going to be killed rather than taken prisoner—essentially, the opposite of the white flag used to represent surrender. This is also sometimes referred to as “give no quarter.”


This feels like what they're trying to convey.

Star Member blm (107,897 posts)

53. Oh, ya got me.

I just made it all up.

Nothing like that could ever happen here in Meadows and Cawthorn’s district. They have no followers here ready to react violently.

I was just funnin’ ya. Now you can move on pleased with yourself for calling me out for my lie.

Skim away.


Star Member KentuckyWoman (5,278 posts)

88. For the record. I've not seen it either.

And due to that fact took the other post as curiosity on what that thing looks like and how prevalent is it getting elsewhere. Not disbelief or doubt. Maybe I took it that way because I too would like to know.

For my own edification, I typed "black flag" into Amazon. Pages and pages pop up.... on prime even. Maybe I could ask why Amazon is promoting murder, hate and treason but that might be a stupid question ....

Star Member mcar (37,503 posts)

78. I've seen some in my very red county

In fact, I just wrote* an LTE to our local daily about the desecrations of the American flag I see in my ruby red, super "patriotic" county.

Brought up the black flag, the black and white flag with the blue stripe, the black and white flag with green and blue stripes, and the combination of the American flag and the Confederate battle flag. I played dumb, like I didn't know what the others stood for and decried the desecration of "Old Glory."

*I'm part of a project with our local Democratic party where some of us ghost-write letters and others sign. It's been very successful and is driving all the Republicans crazy.


Dial H For Hero (1,782 posts)

104. I've never seen one (Denver area). Not expressing skepticism, mind you.

I'm just one data point.

oldsoftie (7,078 posts)

178. me neither. I'm in Ga, so I'll see old confederate flags but no black ones.

The confederate ones have been around forever. My high school had them on the band uniforms back in my day

Star Member tenderfoot (6,470 posts)

15. Black flag: Understanding the Trumpists' latest threatening symbol

In one troubling new development, Trump supporters have begun flying all-black American flags, in an implicit threat to harm or kill their opponents — meaning nonwhite people, "socialist liberals," Muslims, vaccinated people and others deemed to be "enemies" of "real America." As media critic Eric Boehlert recently noted, the liberal opinion site Living Blue in Texas is sounding the alarm about the specific meaning of the black flag and the Republican-fascists support for terrorism and other political violence. That post, "Are Your Republican Neighbors Planning on Killing You?", merits lengthy quotation:

It didn't take long to find hundreds of videos where these Trumpers and so-called patriots were hanging black American flags. ...

Black American flags are the flags that mean "no quarter shall be given." They are the opposite of the white flag of surrender.

According to the people on TikTok and the Sun (British tabloid), the black American flag originated in the civil war and was flown by the Confederates.

It means that they will not surrender, will not take prisoners, and are willing to die for their cause. It means they will execute their enemies.

Who are their enemies? Pretty much any non-Conservative. You know, Democrats, Liberals, LGBTQ, BIPOC, and the vaccinated. ...

So, we're the enemy, and they're openly professing to want to execute us. … So, why are they doing this

Covid vaccinations, mostly. They believe that Joe Biden has declared a civil war on them by mandating that employers with over 100 employees and the military have vaccinations.

Yes, they say civil war, and they say it's already started. But, unfortunately, many of them also live in states where masks and vaccines are required by state governments, healthcare, and law enforcement.

An alarming number of military members have been making Tik Toks talking about how they are being discharged because they refuse the vaccine. It's alarming because there is probably an equal number of guys on there talking about the civil war plans and actively using Tik Tok to recruit these military and ex-military members.

The biggest message they have been sending out is, "it's time" or "the time is now." ...

Although showing guns on Tik Tok is supposed to be against community guidelines, they show lots of videos of their guns, shooting them, wearing them, or sitting on their bed.

They primarily use Tik Tok as a recruiting tool and let others know their willingness to commit violence. Then they tell people to message them or where to find them on Telegram.

However you interpret these videos posted by Trump followers and other neofascists — which could be mainly performative — [link: it is clearly true that the American right is increasingly willing to accept or condone violence as a means of expanding and protecting their social and political power|it is clearly true that the American right is increasingly willing to accept or condone violence as a means of expanding and protecting their social and political power.] (Salon did not find licensed news photographs of these flags, and has made the editorial decision not to reproduce the images mentioned above, which are easy to find on social media.)


Star Member BlackSkimmer (42,868 posts)

18. Lol, tik tok and The Sun?

“According to the people on TikTok and the Sun (British tabloid), the black American flag originated in the civil war and was flown by the Confederates.”

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Star Member HUAJIAO (1,453 posts)

55. I have also seen solid black flags.. no strips or bars-- just BLACK....

which is an anarchist symbol

Also, the black american flags with the one blue line supporting cops is just as bad...


Star Member Hekate (72,299 posts)

89. Amazon will take down racist and antisemitic items if notified...ON EDIT

Occasionally DUers let the rest of us know to make alerts, and it works.

I was pretty stunned by the presence of the black flags, but left without reporting abuse at that time. I should go back — I hope others will.

ON EDIT: I can no longer locate a place to complain about a product or vendor. I hope others can.

radius777 (2,985 posts)

176. +1. The black flag has always been the anarchist flag,

also associated with punk rock... most of which has usually stood against the RW/conservatism/fascism/racism etc.

As you stated, the Trumpers are flying blackened American flags as some type of 'declaration of war' against the left/PoC/BLM etc - iow it has the opposite meaning of the anarchist flag, which was about upending the traditional order.

bhikkhu (10,548 posts)

77. "No Quarter"

Though it's possible it means different things to different people, but I'm not an optimist. No Quarter in wartime means no prisoners, only corpses.

You think that when it comes down to it, we're all people, we're all Americans, we're neighbors, etc. You feel safe because that's always been how it is. If I'm in any kind of confrontation I can find a way out because I don't want to hurt anyone and I recognize our common humanity, there's no reason for anyone to harm me.

The black flag means someone on the other side would probably just kill me, and is probably actively fantasizing about scenarios where they could do that.

Maggiemayhem (702 posts)

115. It is flown in place of the confederate flag

or along with it to signify no quarter. If they don’t like your views, they will fight you to the death. They are everywhere and some are hidden behind American flags and you won’t see them if the wind is not blowing.

Star Member ZonkerHarris (20,101 posts)

16. It's cute how these fascists think they can take us without a fight. I know a lot of liberals

just waiting for a chance to defend themselves against some of these assholes.
A lot of Trumpers are going to be very surprised that all these "peacenik hippies" will gladly plant them in in the ground. in self defense.

Star Member bluestarone (12,850 posts)

25. I do worry more as each day goes by that GUNS will be used more and more

WE will be forced to decide what OUR answer will be, if they steal the elections through ILLEGAL State legislatures move to deny Americans their VOTE COUNTS! Truly SCARY times ahead. WE are getting plenty of WARNINGS of what they intend to do! Be READY! VOTE like our life depends on it, Then if they steal it look out!

Star Member Texaswitchy (1,789 posts)

50. Well this may upset some people here but our side needs to arm themselves.

The right wants blood.

A lot of us on the left guns but not enough.

The rightwing crowd are cowards.

If they knew bullets would fly the other way they would think about it.

We are dangerous time now.

The right wing crazies are ready to roll

Still time to visit a gun shop.

I do not expect the police or military protect me.

Star Member Kid Berwyn (7,548 posts)

61. The police will write down names, phone numbers and addresses...

…of those who call to complain.

White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement

A little-read FBI report from 2006...

Star Member Marthe48 (7,659 posts)

62. Do we have recourse?

Will police officers protect us from that implicit threat? Do we have a militia that will protect loyal Americans from the armed rebellion?

I feel like the bullies have more protection than their victims.

I never thought my views on civilized conduct would be threatened by sludge who want to kill off the U.S.

LaMouffette (1,016 posts)

75. I just googled "Where can I buy a black American flag?" Frickin' Walmart sells them!

They're all over Amazon, too, of course.

I thought defiling the American flag was illegal. And it pisses me off, too, that the reich-wing was co-opted the American flag. I think we should all display one and take back the flag.

 :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright:

Star Member Silent3 (11,639 posts)

76. That means you feel threatened, right?

You should, as I understand it now, be able to shoot your neighbors because you feel threatened by them. Especially if you happen to be white.

Star Member cilla4progress (17,531 posts)

79. They are forming militias.

Just like the Proud Boys cutting through the emergency exit on the NYC subway yesterday.

Law enforcement is on their side. Not all of them.

I am expecting it. I am still putting out my Dem signs next year. **** it. I'm old. If I can't put out campaign signs for my candidates it's not worth going on...

Star Member Generic Brad (13,467 posts)

98. My neighbor displays one

And he's a cop. It flies next to his thin blue line flag.

consider_this (1,747 posts)

114. I've viewed that thin blue line flag as also offensive.

It is not a RWNJ trump humper symbol?

Star Member JaneQPublic (7,113 posts)

192. My neighbor put up a black flag, too.

At least I thought it was solid black until I saw it in brighter light and noticed it's the American Flag, only in slightly different shades of black.

This neighbor installed multiple flags on her front yard soon after moving in:
> A Gadsden (Don't Tread On Me) flag
> A thin-blue line "Cops Lives Matter" flag
> A "Spirit of 76" flag
> An American flag

Then she installed the all-black American flag a few months ago. I joke that her yard looks like she found a sale at an Insurrection Surplus Store. But it really pisses me off. `Just glad she doesn't fly a Confederate flag.

Dixc (51 posts)

193. I do not walk my dogs in my neighborhood, anymore

I live in central WY. Many new people moving into the area from out of state. Saw a black flag hung about a month ago...sent chills through me and had to look it up to see what it meant. No, I will not go take a picture to prove to anyone what I saw. Now, we have F Biden, Impeach Biden and Tfg is my president flags from hanging from houses. Sunday afternoon in the park there were a group of young boys hanging around. One was a big kid with what I think was a play gun that might shoot nerf balls, but he was carrying it like Rittenhouse carried his rifle at the protest. The visual was upsetting to me and came directly home. I do not feel safe in my small town. I am mad as hell at what has happened to uour country. Happy Holidays, everyone Peace

Buckeyeblue (3,744 posts)

194. Yesterday the guy parked next to me had a "**** Biden" sticker

And a "**** you if you voted for Biden." I had not seen that one yet. I'll be honest that for a brief minute I considered committing an act of vandalism. But there are too many cameras at in the store parking lot. Besides, I think that's what they want. So I just headed on my way.

But I'm happy that people are being so honest about their hate. It makes it easy for me to keep track of them, avoid them and if they own a business, to boycott them.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2021, 07:22:08 PM »
#BFM  Black Flags Matter
Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline SVPete

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2021, 07:45:25 PM »
 :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:  :runaway:  :gay:

Does this mean "black flags" will replace the "white power sign" as DUpipo's bogey-thingy?
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline ChuckJ

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #3 on: November 23, 2021, 09:13:26 PM »
With all of the stuff you’ve got to be scared of and paranoid about it must be tough to be a leftist dem. No wonder they try to avoid independent thought and just do what their rulers tell them to do.
“Don’t vote for the person who tells you you deserve something. Just don’t do it if it’s something other than life, liberty, or the pursuit of possible happiness. If everyone is telling you you deserve something, vote for the one who is promising you the least. Be suspicious of the man or woman who tell you deserve everything. Because you don’t.” ---Mike Rowe

Offline USA4ME

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2021, 10:10:03 PM »
I’ve lived in Western NC for over 30 years. That’s where blm is claiming to live now. She used to live in the Charlotte area, so she must have moved. Her reference to the Unitarian church makes me think she’s in the Asheville area since their beliefs are something you would really only find in a LW area.

Believe me, if someone wanted her dead, it would have happened already and they’d never find the body. Too many hiding places in the mountains.

She’s always been a drama queen. Fun to watch her panic.  :loser: :rotf: :mental:

OTOH, I saw a bumper sticker today that read:

“I offered Joe Biden a penny for his thoughts. I received change back.”

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Wineslob

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2021, 12:33:47 AM »
"Cool story bro."
“The national budget must be balanced. The public debt must be reduced; the arrogance of the authorities must be moderated and controlled. Payments to foreign governments must be reduced, if the nation doesn't want to go bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.”

        -- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 55 BC (106-43 BC)

The unobtainable is unknown at

"Practice random violence and senseless acts of brutality"

If you want a gender neutral bathroom, go pee in the forest.

Offline Karin

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2021, 08:08:37 AM »
“I offered Joe Biden a penny for his thoughts. I received change back.”

Star Member ZonkerHarris (20,101 posts)

16. It's cute how these fascists think they can take us without a fight. I know a lot of liberals

just waiting for a chance to defend themselves against some of these assholes.
A lot of Trumpers are going to be very surprised that all these "peacenik hippies" will gladly plant them in in the ground. in self defense.

So now self-defense is a legitimate thing? 

Anyway, stolen elections have consequences.  They piss off an enormously lot of people. 

Offline jukin

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2021, 10:58:31 AM »
I am also lucky that I live in a very blue area of a blue city in a blue state in a blue region and do not witness this kind of thing in my daily life, but if I even caught a whiff of it, I would find it very disturbing. I don't know how any concerned liberal/democrat puts up with it. It's really hostile and unacceptable.

You will be one of the first casualties but not by the hand of any conservative. It will be from your fellow communists. I will laugh until I pee my pants.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline Tess Anderson

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2021, 05:09:36 PM »
whoa, I had dummy blm living in Michigan for years now. Guess not, turns out the dummy lives in Henderson (sorry), just like that other dummy she references, NewHendoLib, who lives:

the "church" she is babbling about is probably:


Offline SVPete

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Re: A neighbor just put up a large black flag on his porch.
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2021, 05:39:10 PM »
It's probably been quite a few decades since the U-Us had more people who believed in some sort of god who is a person than who believe in UFOs. Nowadays the U-U church might have more people who believe they are UFOs than who believe in a god who is a person. :greet: Isaac Air Freight.

If that U-U church really is vandalized as claimed in the DU OP, it's probably by some of the less sane among the sacred homeless they probably try to help.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.