Author Topic: Network blackout on ‘gender fluid’ rape claim in Loudoun school  (Read 334 times)

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Offline Muddling 2

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"he three biggest national TV networks ignored the national outcry yesterday over a Virginia father’s charge that a dress-wearing, gender-fluid boy sexually assaulted his ninth grade daughter.

As parents gathered before the Loudoun County School Board in the Washington, D.C., suburbs to demand the resignation of the superintendent of schools, news cameras from ABC, CBS, and NBC were nowhere to be found.

That prompted conservative media critic Brent Bozell, who heads the Media Research Center, to decry the media’s double standard of playing up favorite issues such as mask and vaccine mandates in schools but not the potentially harmful impact of liberal school policies.

In a tweet responding to the news blackout, he said, “SHAME. How can one call itself a news organization when it blacks out coverage of a story like this, which has such broad impact on the safety of our children and education? And they wonder why ratings and trust of the media continue to tank.”

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Robert A. Heinlein