Author Topic: DOJ is not charging the police officer involved in the shooting of Jacob Blake  (Read 356 times)

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Offline Muddling 2

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Interesting development.

"Another high-profile case that was cynically exploited by the left is revealed to be what those of us who had looked closely into the facts at the time have long known it to be: a case in which the police’s actions were not out of line and not actionable under the law.

People who have forgotten some of the details might be forgiven, because there have been so many of these cases that follow the same sad and sorry pattern: the killing by police of a resistant and violent offender who happens to be black (it happens to white people too, but those cases don’t make the headlines). The rush to judgment of Democrat politicians and presidential candidates, as well as BLM and attorneys such as Ben Crump, is abominable and fans the flames of interracial rage. The riots in Kenosha were the result.

Here’s one of many posts I wrote about the situation, a little over a year ago. In the meantime, local authorities have declined to prosecute, and now the DOJ has done the same. That tells you how incredibly weak the case against the police was, because the present DOJ is not in the habit of caving to the right:

State prosecutors decided not to file charges against Sheskey earlier this year after video showed that Blake, who was wanted on a felony warrant, was armed with a knife.

The U.S. Department of Justice launched its own investigation days after the shooting. The agency announced Friday that a team of prosecutors from its Civil Rights Division and the U.S. attorney’s office in Milwaukee reviewed police reports, witness statements, dispatch logs and videos of the incident, and determined there wasn’t enough evidence to prove Sheskey used excessive force or violated Blake’s federal rights.

“Accordingly, the review of this incident has been closed without a federal prosecution,” the Justice Department said in a news release."

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