Author Topic: 120 retired generals wrote to Biden appearing to back a false election conspirac  (Read 260 times)

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choie (3,436 posts)

More than 120 retired generals wrote to Biden appearing to back a false election conspiracy

What the ever loving ****??? This country has jumped the shark...


More than 120 retired US military leaders have signed an open letter appearing to advance a false conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was rigged and questioning President Joe Biden's mental capacity to serve.

"Without fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the 'will of the people' our Constitutional Republic is lost," said the letter released Tuesday by "Flag Officers 4 America," and signed by 124 former admirals and generals.

"The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020."

On its website, Flag Officers 4 America says it is a collection of "retired military leaders who pledged to support and defend the Constitution of the US against all enemies, foreign and domestic."

more of this crap at:


Star Member PortTack (18,989 posts)

2. Retired white privileged flynn types!! Who cares

what the hell are they talking about? SCOTUS must act swiftly..they did. There were 60 cases brought..the deposed idiot king lost 59!!

Republican and dem SOS across the country repeatedly stated they found no voter fraud, no irregularities, counts were done 2 and 3 times..audits. Whining assholes

Star Member zaj (3,008 posts)

12. This is how military coups happen.

Don't dismiss anything legit crazy like this as "who cares".

Star Member zaj (3,008 posts)

13. 120 Generals have become radicalized nutjobs.

If 120 supported Trump it would be comparable, but this is 120 believing bat-crap crazy BS Conspiracy theory garbage. They have become radicalized.

everyonematters (2,847 posts)

6. Is this a reliable news source?

Star Member GP6971 (19,624 posts)

10. The most notorious signer is

LTG (Ret) Boykin...he's executive VP of the Family Research Council. And if I recall correctly, at the beginning of the Iraq War stated that "Our God is stronger than your God".

RegularJam (180 posts)

14. Business Insider is not a legitimate source.

Not saying that this isn’t overall accurate as 120 is a very small number. But BI is a no go.

RegularJam (180 posts)

26. They have a history of printing false stories, have given sponsors direct editorial control,

Do not vet or corroborate sources, intentionally omit facts in order to promote what they want, and use inflammatory headlines as a means of getting clicks.

It’s well documented.

It really is a shit show.

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Star Member niyad (77,589 posts)

20. Just a tacky little question here. WTEF are we doing with all these retired generals and admirals?

How many of them are there? How many active duty? And can we verify all those supposed signatories???

I keep thinking about the Bing Crosby song from "White Christmas", "What DoYou Do With A General?".


The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!