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Offline BamaMoose

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DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« on: May 02, 2021, 05:10:47 PM »
Does Caitlyn Jenner think she is a biological boy?

She is in favor of banning trans girls from sports. She said, "Biological boys shouldn't compete in girl's sports" Does she consider herself a "Biological boy" That sounds so bigoted coming from an actual trans person!

In the article they go on to explain some of the science that suggests that a girl that is born with male genitalia is not necessarily better at sports because of it. In my opinion this would be especially true if the child is being treated for the condition while young and before hormones take over.


"Now, for some numbers -- because this isn't as black and white as it may seem. While some argue trans girls would naturally perform better in athletics because of higher testosterone levels ... that's not entirely true, at least not across the board, anyway -- so say scientists.

There are studies examining this topic -- and they suggest that while, yes, trans women have tended to perform better against their cisgender counterparts in certain activities -- running events appear to be the big one -- it's not conclusive that their testosterone levels alone are the sole cause for that ... and it's not always the case either.

More importantly, the studies suggest that once trans girls start getting hormone therapy ... their performances tend to level out across different sports -- and by and large, all things end up being roughly equal. It also appears most athletic orgs require trans athletes to be on hormone therapy.

So in other words ... the data is a bit of a mixed bag. But, either way -- Caitlyn is leaning right on the issue. Republicans are usually the ones who support these types of bans.

I think this is what triggered RockHead's post about how male and female athletes should be allowed to compete as whatever sex suits their fantasy.

5. Is she not, technically, a biological boy (or more accurately, man)?
What am I missing?

Some uber-PC terminology I missed out on coming into play here?

Rut-roh, someone didn't get the latest marching orders from the LMNOPQ+ brigade.

10. NO. She is a woman. She identifies as a woman. Genitals do not determine
what sex you are. If that were true what sex would a hermaphrodite be? Or all the babies born with ambiguous genitalia?

Your sex is determined by your brain.

12. Umm .. thanks for cluing me in, but I didn't ask whether she was a woman
Other than some rare exceptions, people do have a 'biological' sex, dictated by whether their 23rd chromosome pair are XX (female) or XY (male).

Are you familiar with all this?

15. Prior to gender transition, she competed as a man.
Are you claiming that didn't happen?

Hugh_Lebowski (21,152 posts)

37. Thank you. But, see, I have this feeling at a certain point everyone will decide that it's rude

To even refer to someone having particular genitals, or some combination of X and Y chromosomes.

I.E. that the physical reality of these things will become anathema to even speak of.

Which would then, in turn, dictate that the term 'transgender' would pass from polite company. We'd switch to LGBQ+ because there would be no trans people. No such thing.

So the reason I was asking in the first place is because I was wondering if that has happened yet, and nobody told me?

RobinA (8,063 posts)

38. Yes, But

we aren’t allowed to say that.

LisaL (40,507 posts)

24. She was born a biological male.

Women athletes generally aren't competitive against male athletes.
If you take someone like Jenner, who was a superior male athlete, and allow that athlete to compete against biological women, none of those women would stand a chance of winning.

Maraya1969 (17,916 posts)

27. You are being transphobic and bigoted. She was born with male genitalia.

That is the accepted way to speak of a trans person now. Just like we do not used older non-sensitive words to describe certain races or religions now we also do not refer to trans people as being "born male" or "born female". They are people who are born with "Male genitals" or female genitals"

This is not a forum for bigotry. It is a forum of inclusion and compassion especially for people that are different from you. I ask kindly for your respect in this area.

janterry (3,802 posts) (in reply to Maraya1969's above post)

56. you are being intersex phobic

and that behavior is bigoted. I know you don't realize this, but intersex people don't want to be used this way

Star Member Maraya1969 (17,916 posts)

68. And trans people don't like being referred to as 'being born male of female"

But people throughout this thread have been saying it and demanding that that label should be used throughout a person's life no matter what sex they are. Bringing up intersex is just showing that people are born with all sorts of varying degrees of male/female/non binary

Maraya1969 brings up the various chromosomal abnormalities which can affect the X and Y pairings.

Star Member Maraya1969 (17,916 posts)

23. And yes, unless she shares it we do not know what her chromosomal makeup is.

LisaL (40,507 posts)

25. You might be the only one who doesn't know.

Name a chromosomal abnormality which results in a fertile male with superior athletic skills, then maybe you will have something.

Maraya1969 (17,916 posts)

28. XYY

LisaL (40,507 posts)

29. Really?

Would someone with hypotonia (weak muscle tone) and delayed motor skills become a superior athlete?

Star Member Maraya1969 (17,916 posts)

31. Yes.

Yep, she's arguing that delayed motor skills and weak muscle tone are keys to becoming a superior athlete.  I always wondered why I never made it to the Olympics.  Now I know.

TraceNC (49 posts)

39. Orwell would have loved this.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

And, finally, Maraya1969 deletes her OP after not getting the feedback she wanted.  When you're so far out in left field that even the DUmmies can't figure out how you got there, it's a sign that you need to rethink your position.

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2021, 05:40:51 PM »
 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Good grief! They are stupid!

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2021, 07:09:51 PM »
This is getting interesting.  Normally the primitives will bend over backwards to recognize any guy with a stubbly chin who puts on a wig and a muumuu  from Goodwill and goes and hangs out in the women's restroom at the Target store to be every bit as much of a woman as a genuine woman.  Caitlin Jenner running for governor has them melting down.  They're getting all worked up over, what Rock Head tells us, is just a very very small number of people.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
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Offline Drafe Hoblin

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2021, 08:21:02 PM »
Jenner's from a weird family and he literally hasn't done anything meritorious for decades.  Just like most of DU. 

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #4 on: May 02, 2021, 09:30:40 PM »
Basic trouble with liberalism: What is considered progressive thoughts and action today becomes SOP tomorrow. The only thing left to do is to continue to push the envelope further and further away from what basic social construct and common sense have proven through time to be normal.

As history has shown, over time it all comes crashing in on itself, but not before much damage has been done and lives have been ruined.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline BamaMoose

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #5 on: May 02, 2021, 10:38:23 PM »
This is getting interesting.  Normally the primitives will bend over backwards to recognize any guy with a stubbly chin who puts on a wig and a muumuu  from Goodwill and goes and hangs out in the women's restroom at the Target store to be every bit as much of a woman as a genuine woman.  Caitlin Jenner running for governor has them melting down.  They're getting all worked up over, what Rock Head tells us, is just a very very small number of people.

It's hilarious watching them twist and turn trying to trash people like Tim Scott and Jenner while trying to stay in their PC lanes.  They dance all over the place trying to justify hurling racist and offensive language toward people thy don't like.  And their justification is always the same.  If you're black you can use any racist term you want, if you're female you can use any sexist term you like and if you're in the weird universe of sexual/gender identity then you get to define terms as you go along.  So any term that was acceptable yesterday may be offensive tomorrow.  As long as it suits their politics, they will continue to find ways to divide people at every opportunity.

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2021, 05:17:00 AM »
It's telling how their quest for "fairness" just makes everything more confused, contentious, and angry.

It truly is Cultural Marxism.
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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2021, 11:13:21 AM »
Standard proggie/moonbat procedure.  Group X is sacrosanct and cannot have anything negative said about any of their membership....unless one of those members steps off the plantation.  Then it's open season.  See any number of black conservatives and how they are called tokens, house fill in the blank, sell outs, see Milo Yiannopoulos, see conservative women, ect ect. 

There's an old proverb, before removing a fence, you should see why it was put up.  The Left just wants to tear down fences about family, religion, gender, government, ect with no concern for why those fences were there to begin with.  We've seen those effects in more kids without parenting, more people with no moral foundations, more reliance on the government, and we will see/are starting to see if you dig deep enough, more people suffering mental and physical issues because they are told it's ok to not be "limited" to a binary gender.  But the Left doesn't care.  They don't care when kids get sick from their hormone blockers.  They don't care about the women who change their mind after getting their boobs cut off and can't breastfeed the children they decide to have.  They don't care about the depression and suicides of people who don't want to feed the LGBTQXYZWTF thoughts in their heads, but aren't allowed or are bullied out of getting treatment to fix those issues.  All the moonbats and proggies care about is power, and as blacks and hispanics who are paying attention can tell the moonbats, the homosexuals and the rest, as soon as their usefulness in that pursuit of power is gone, the proggies will toss them aside like a used kleenex, if not actively work to eliminate them in some way, shape or form. 
Romans 6:17-18 But thanks be to God, that you who were once slaves of sin have become obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which you were committed, and, having been set free from sin, have become slaves of righteousness.

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #8 on: May 03, 2021, 11:30:53 AM »
I see they are using the single example/outliers attempted arguments.

I looked it up - XXY or true hermaphrodites are 1/83000 births and 96% of all cases are in Africa (probably inbreeding).

So when they say "what about XYZ" I then ask "what about conjoined (Siamese) twins?  Why have we not changed all of sports to accommodate them?  They are just as rare as hermaphrodites."
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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2021, 02:34:36 AM »
10. NO. She is a woman. She identifies as a woman. Genitals do not determine
what sex you are. If that were true what sex would a hermaphrodite be? Or all the babies born with ambiguous genitalia?

Your sex is determined by your brain.

A hermaphrodite is a naturally occurring biological anomaly. It is not a choice that a person makes.

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2021, 05:41:41 AM »
The simple facts. My brother played high school basketball. He was 2nd string. He was friends with the school's star female basketball player. The played one-on-one often. Evenly matched and always close games. She got a scholarship to play college ball. All my brother needed to do was "identify " as a female and maybe he'd get a scholarship as well. Right? One less slot for a biological female.
It ain't that damn hard to understand!

Offline DLR Pyro

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Re: DUmmie wonders whether Bruce Jenner was a real person
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2021, 10:40:37 AM »
10. NO. She is a woman. She identifies as a woman. Genitals do not determine
what sex you are.
If that were true what sex would a hermaphrodite be? Or all the babies born with ambiguous genitalia?

Your sex is determined by your brain.

Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

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