Author Topic: StarfishSaver: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest  (Read 423 times)

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StarfishSaver: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest
« on: May 05, 2021, 07:54:33 PM »
Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

NBC: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest in Mississippi

wait for it...

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

2. Think anyone will have the nerve to claim this poor baby brought this on himself?

Star Member Demovictory9 (18,273 posts)

3. they will blame the father

Star Member marble falls (39,196 posts)

14. I blame the cops.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

6. Of course.

Hey, shish happens, right?

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

18. When do we start blaming the people who keep killing innocent people?

Star Member Devil Child (1,866 posts)

21. How about now? Blame the murdering father and you have become the change you asked for

The child, mother, and family member are dead as a result of the actions he initiated. The blood of three innocents is clearly on Mr. Smith’s hands.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

25. The "murdering father" didn't kill the baby. The cops who shot him did

The baby is dead because a cop shot him. Period. If the cop had not shot him, that baby would still be alive, no matter what his father had done.

Interesting how people just can't seem to bring themselves to ever blame cops for killing innocent people, which NEVER seems to be their fault. A couple of weeks ago, people insisted that a cop who shot a 13-year-old who had his hands in the air wasn't to blame but it was the kid's fault because "he shouldn't have been out running around at 2 in the morning"

Now, a cop kills a baby and since even the most fervent defenders of cops can't bring themselves to blame the baby for getting himself shot blame the father because someone else shot his baby.

It's also interesting how these same people are so quick to jump to the defense of the cops based on the police initial version of what happened, assuming everything the cops said is the gospel truth - usually while warning us not to "jump to conclusions."

 :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

28. The baby would be alive if the cops hasn't shot him. Period.

"His dad was a bad guy" is not a defense to killing children.

Star Member nolabear (38,339 posts)

41. I blame the cops ALL THE TIME. What is with you?

Yeeeeees, the cops kill many innocent people irresponsibly or with malice. YEEEESSSSSSS they get away with horrendous things. YE-YE-YYYEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS I despise the criminal and irresponsible behavior of the cops.

From this article we only know they knew the baby was there, they tried many times to slow him and stop him, he fired at the police and they fired back. And that poor, innocent baby died. It doesn’t say if he was holding him, if he was in the car, if he was shot by the guy, if (as the article said) it was shrapnel, it says none of that.

I will decide what I think if this case based on this case, not on the horrific acts of other police.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

50. I guess the part where you said "This time I’m not going to condemn the police. This is absolutely terrible, and the man was a monster" left the impression that you weren't blaming the police because you believed the baby's father was "a monster" and that you had already decided the police "in this case" were not at fault before you had actually gotten more facts about it.

Obviously, your words didn't mean what they mean.

 :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright:

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

60. Of course you'd want to know more

We all should. But your lack of information didn't stop you from concluding that the police shouldn't be criticized but the father is "a monster."

You are indeed defending the police. Accepting what they said as fact before you got any other information besides what they said is a defense and it's one of the reasons police get away with killing innocent people time and again. The police are no more entitled to a benefit of the doubt than the dead baby's father. In fact, they are entitled to less, in my view. They killed a child. They need to justify it before I will assume they did the right thing. And giving an initial narrative that favors them doesn't even come close to a justification.

BGBD (2,471 posts)

70. Both of these things can be true

He was a monster. There was an eye witness, a young girl who fled the home during the shooting to alert neighbors. She witnessed him kill the infants mother and adult cousin. News reports also say he was holding a gun in his hand while holding the baby against his chest. You might disagree, but that sure sounds like "human shield" to me. Those things qualify as monstrous.

It's also true that the cops fired in a situation where hitting the baby was almost a certainty, because of the whole human shield thing. We've already established that cops, on average, are terrible shots. Their aims aren't going to get better in highs stress situations like that. This is also at least the 2nd time in the past few years where a child has been killed in Louisiana when police shot into a car. You're responsible for the rounds you fire, and if you aren't sure you can shoot without hitting someone you don't mean too than you shouldn't shoot at all. If the investigation shows that a cops bullet hit the child then they should be held to account

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

7. If he had posed a serious threat when he got out of the car

for example, if he had a gun or had tried to charge the cops, the statement probably would have led with that.

Since when is an infant a "juvenile"?

U.S. Department of Justice:
A "juvenile" is a person who has not attained his eighteenth birthday, and "juvenile delinquency" is the violation of a law of the United States committed by a person prior to his eighteenth birthday which would have been a crime if committed by an adult.

It's a legal term, you ****wits. There is no term 'infant' in the USDOJ system.

Star Member Solly Mack (82,514 posts)

8. I know! Since when? You hear juvenile in a police story and people think young criminal.

Without a police connection, people think young person - not infant. Never infant.

And, yeah - had he come out firing or armed, the police would have been quick to say so.

TheProle (71 posts)

9. He was armed

And exchanged fire both during the chase (while holding the baby) and after he was stopped.

The baby’s death is absolutely heartbreaking and sickening for myriad reasons, not the least of which is that his father murdered his mother and her family member, then engaged in a shootout with police.

Star Member Hoyt (48,659 posts)

12. To be fair, I've read reports he was sitting in car when shot. If true,

there might have been ways to avoid a shootout. He was surrounded and out in the open, so he wasn’t getting away.

If he came out of car shooting, well police are going to shoot back.

Clearly, this is not a case of a completely innocent, unarmed man getting shot. But I’d like to read a complete account.

Um... if he's sitting in the car and shooting at police the police are going to shoot back.


Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

26. Why are you so quick to believe and repeat the cops initial version of what happened?


Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

30. Those "media accounts" are qualified with such language as "according to the police"

They are not reporting first hand knowledge but are repeating the story the police have them. And police have lost all right to the benefit of the doubt given the history of Bill Barr level manipulation of the truth in order to get their version in front of the public so that gullible people hear it, believe it and repeat it, and then refuse to budge off of the false narrative they swallowed.

I'm amazed that anyone would accept a face value in anything the cops say about a police shooting.

And you just said you can't trust the cops so don ';t listen to what they say.

Good ****ing Jesus H Christ, you are a ****ing idiot...

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

48. It's not up to me to disprove the "official narrative." It's up to them to prove it beyond just

saying it's so.

The willingness of people to just accept the police "official narrative" as true at this early stage, after all we've seen and heard and knowing that cops frequently lie in these situations is pretty sad.

 :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright: :thatsright:

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

61. Whatever

Enjoy your stay.

Star Member hatrack (52,990 posts)

10. "Shots were fired" . . . "The gun went off" . . .

Doncha just LOVE passive voice?!?


Arazi (4,621 posts)

16. The baby didn't get his hands up fast enough..err, baby turned the wrong way

Oops! That toy in the baby's hands looked like a weapon.

Parent is a baddie so baby must die too right?

Guessing the baby is black or brown ammirite?

Gotta give the police some reason for murdering this baby.




Star Member nolabear (38,339 posts)

17. This happened exactly where I grew up. Here's local news.

My God. This time I’m not going to condemn the police. This is absolutely terrible, and the man was a monster.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

19. Now being related to a "monster" is a capital offense

The baby shouldn't have been out running around with the wrong people at all hours of the night.


Star Member Hoyt (48,659 posts)

24. I agree, but that is not what poster is saying.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

37. Actually, that's just what they were saying

Star Member nolabear (38,339 posts)

38. OFFS. You might want to check your assumptions at the door.

I’ll condemn the police when I find out what happened. If you read the article, they haven’t determined. Stop spinning my comment to fit your narrative.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

42. Lol

Lecturing about "checking assumptions" and not condemning the police until you "find out what happened" ... while pronouncing the dead baby's father "a monster" based on what the police said is pretty rich.

A narrative is being spun, but it's not I doing the spinning.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

47. You have no idea that he murdered anyone or that he is a "monster"

You are making assumptions based on what the police said without waiting to hear more. But God forbid anyone make assumptions about the cops who killed an innocent baby.

The fact that people are so willing to give cops the benefit of the doubt without "waiting to hear more," no matter what they do is a major problem.


Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

57. I agree

But my point was that you didn't wait to understand evidence. You went straight to "the father is a monster" without knowing anything about him or the case other than what the police told the press. Do you know he really killed anyone? Do you know that it wasn't mistaken identity or a frame-up or self-defense? Do you believe that anyone who murders anyone thereby justifies the police killing any of their family members, regardless of the circumstances?

You don't know any more about the father or the circumstances that led him to be in that car than you know about whether the cops were justified in killing the baby. But you made assumptions and were willing to condemn the father based on those assumptions while refraining from making any negative assumptions about the police under the guise of not having enough information.

One of the things that lets these things happen is the extraordinary deference given to police in these cases by people willing to accept the early narrative given by the police and to give them a benefit of the doubt that, in my view, they squandered any right to have long ago.

 :banghead: We really need to out this ****stain.

Treefrog (1,130 posts)

32. This man was responsible for numerous deaths.

Thanks for posting that article.

Star Member MoonRiver (35,201 posts)

40. Sickening! Why do cops have to fire before they even know what's going on?

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

43. Because they know they'll probably get away with it

Just look at the comments in this thread from progressives jumping to their defense.

That culture of giving the benefit of the doubt to police no matter what they do is one of the primary reasons they keep engaging in this behavior. It's not only permitted, it's encouraged even by people who should know better.

Star Member mcar (36,031 posts)

66. Baby should have followed police instructions

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline Delmar

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Re: StarfishSaver: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2021, 08:18:43 PM »
Response to TheProle (Reply #29)Tue May 4, 2021, 11:49 PM
Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)
30. Those "media accounts" are qualified with such language as "according to the police"

They are not reporting first hand knowledge but are repeating the story the police have them. And police have lost all right to the benefit of the doubt given the history of Bill Barr level manipulation of the truth in order to get their version in front of the public so that gullible people hear it, believe it and repeat it, and then refuse to budge off of the false narrative they swallowed.

I'm amazed that anyone would accept a face value in anything the cops say about a police shooting

Primitive wisdom:  Never believe anything that the cops say...unless they are from the FBI--then believe every word.
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
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Offline BamaMoose

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Re: StarfishSaver: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2021, 03:57:45 AM »
This threat to the police isn't too subtle:

48656c6c6f20 (6,364 posts)

31. Hi ho, hi ho

in a hail of bullets another one goes. Someone's got a Woody. Thin blue machine gun line whaaaahhoooo.  They can keep testing citizens with their shoot to kill, kill, em all tactics, people will find the solution. Then it's all See how they run like pigs from a gun. 

And I can't figure out StarfishSaver.  I initially thought she was the reincarnation of Bravenak, but Brave couldn't put four words together without one of them being a swear word.  Then I assumed she was a mole, but 15,000+ posts, most of which are borderline insane, seems like way more effort than even the most dedicated mole would put forth.  So I'm forced to believe that this a real person who, much like Bravenak, has such a bizarre view of the world that I don't understand how they function with other people.  She thinks she's clever in her arguments, but everyone else, even the DUmmies, know she's a complete fool.  And, if the DUmmies think you're one of the stupider members of their board, well that says a lot.

Offline DUmpDiver

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Re: StarfishSaver: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2021, 04:39:24 AM »
Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)
30. Those "media accounts" are qualified with such language as "according to the police"

They are not reporting first hand knowledge but are repeating the story the police have them. And police have lost all right to the benefit of the doubt given the history of Bill Barr level manipulation of the truth in order to get their version in front of the public so that gullible people hear it, believe it and repeat it, and then refuse to budge off of the false narrative they swallowed.

I'm amazed that anyone would accept a face value in anything the cops say about a police shooting.

Just get to the point: It's Trump's fault because he appointed Barr.

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Re: StarfishSaver: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2021, 07:11:35 AM »
Disband the police.

Leave us alone with these ****s for 6 weeks.
According to the Bible, "know" means "yes."

Offline ADsOutburst

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Re: StarfishSaver: Baby boy killed during attempted arrest
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2021, 11:14:02 AM »
Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

18. When do we start blaming the people who keep killing innocent people?

We are. When criminals, gang members, or the inhabitants of CHAZ/CHOP/CH-whatever-the-**** kill innocent people, we blame them.

Star Member StarfishSaver (15,118 posts)

30. Those "media accounts" are qualified with such language as "according to the police"

They are not reporting first hand knowledge but are repeating the story the police have them. And police have lost all right to the benefit of the doubt given the history of Bill Barr level manipulation of the truth in order to get their version in front of the public so that gullible people hear it, believe it and repeat it, and then refuse to budge off of the false narrative they swallowed.

I'm amazed that anyone would accept a face value in anything the cops say about a police shooting.
The police are manipulating the truth? How about acknowledging the media manipulate the truth and create fake accounts of police killings? Hence why you think that police keep engaging in murderous behavior and getting away with it.