Author Topic: ‘F*cking Torn Apart Again In 2022’ — Virginia Democrat Allegedly Lights Up Caucu  (Read 606 times)

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‘F*cking Torn Apart Again In 2022’ — Virginia Democrat Allegedly Lights Up Caucus Call On Election Performance

Democrats in the House of Representatives reportedly voiced their concerns about the future of the party with Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi as they lost a number of seats they were hoping to win Tuesday night.

In a Thursday caucus call, several Democrats reportedly shared their concerns about the election results in the House, as Democrats did not expand their majority, losing many seats polls showed Democrats winning. Virginia Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger was reportedly the most vocal, saying Democrats should never say the word socialism again and that she almost lost her race because of the Defund the police movement.

“We lost races we shouldn’t have lost. Defund police almost cost me my race because of an attack ad. Don’t say socialism ever again,” Spanberger reportedly said. Adding that the party needs “to get back to basics.” Spanberger then reportedly said that “if we run this race again we will get ****ing torn apart again in 2022.”

Pelosi reportedly then disagreed with Spanberger’s comments, saying she is happy they kept a majority in the House: “We have a mandate!” Pelosi reportedly said before getting off the phone call.

The Democrats in the House are melting down.

Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell reportedly was crying on the phone call, saying people can’t pronounce her name and mentioned people being mean to her on Twitter. (RELATED: ‘I’m Furious’: DCCC Chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos Reportedly Blames Polls For Democrat Losses In The House)

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) chairwoman Rep. Cheri Bustos reportedly slammed polls and turnout models as the reason Democrats did not do as well as expected. (RELATED: House Democrats Have Disaster Of A Night)

The polls did not help them much.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du

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Centrist Democrats talk leadership changes after negative election results

Stung by their party’s dispiriting showing at the polls Tuesday, two moderate House Democrats say they and other centrists are privately discussing a plan that was unthinkable just 24 hours earlier: throwing their support behind a challenger to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

The two Democrats told The Hill on Wednesday that they were reaching out to their colleagues about backing one of Pelosi’s top lieutenants, House Democratic Caucus Chairman Hakeem Jeffries (N.Y.), for Speaker in the next Congress.

“He’s the only one prepared and positioned” to be Speaker, said one of the Democratic lawmakers. “He bridges moderates and progressives better than anyone. And most importantly, he’s not Nancy Pelosi.”

The idea was immediately shot down by Jeffries, who says he's focused on keeping his current spot. Yet the grumbling reflects a remarkable shift in internal Democratic thinking in the immediate wake of Tuesday’s elections.

There was no blue wave. Instead the Democrats lost more and Republicans gained.

A Biden triumph would bring a jolt to disheartened rank-and-file members, while providing some measure of vindication for Pelosi's election-year strategy. Still, the early results in the House have been nothing shy of a profound disappointment for Democrats who'd entered the week hoping that a resounding blue wave would be a repudiation of Trump.

While Democrats will keep their majority and many races remain undecided, the party suffered the defeat of at least seven front-line members — the sitting lawmakers in the toughest districts. And the spate of Democratic losses were not limited to any one geographic region.

In rural Minnesota, Rep. Collin Peterson (D), a 15-term veteran and chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, was clobbered by the state’s former lieutenant governor, who linked him to Pelosi. 

In the suburbs of Oklahoma City, Rep. Kendra Horn (D), a first-term moderate, was defeated by Republican Stephanie Bice, a state senator, in one of the country’s most contested races.

On New Mexico’s southern border, Rep. Xochitl Torres Small (D), a 36-year-old centrist also in her first term, fell to Yvette Herrell, a former state legislator, in a rematch of 2018.

And in South Florida, Rep. Donna Shalala (Fla.), former health secretary under President Clinton, fell to a former broadcast journalist, Maria Elvira Salazar, whom Shalala had defeated two years ago.

Many Republicans made gains.

At the time, some moderate Democrats balked at supporting the San Francisco liberal, fearing reprisal in their battleground districts. Others, largely of a younger generation and itching to climb up the leadership ladder, thought it was simply time for Pelosi and her top lieutenants to pass the torch to a fresh crop of leaders.

Still, Pelosi methodically picked up support from her detractors, who failed to field a challenger, and she won accolades from all spectrums of the caucus over the cycle, which included the historic impeachment of President Trump and Congress’s emergency response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Fifteen Democrats bucked Pelosi and voted against her on the House floor after that 2018 fight. But she still secured 220 votes — two more than what she needed to win the Speaker’s gavel.

There is a schism in the Democratic party.
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du

Offline thundley4

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Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell reportedly was crying on the phone call, saying people can’t pronounce her name and mentioned people being mean to her on Twitter.

It's the bitch's own fault for hyphenating her name. Does any woman but a liberal or a politician do that?

Offline Ptarmigan

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Let Them Fight: AOC and Tlaib Fire Back at Dem Colleagues Questioning House Losses

The infighting within the House of Representatives has already begun, but it’s not among Republicans. The latter saw an unpredicted red wave flow in their direction, picking up what looks to be 10+ seats and nearly taking over. While the GOP is positioned to retake the whole chamber in 2022, Democrats are offering recriminations of who is at fault for Pelosi’s strategy crashing and burning.

Here are some tweets showcasing the anger being thrown at the socialist wing of the Democrat party:

Behind closed doors, House Dem Allison Spanberger (who nearly lost her seat) says about the Dem Party, "We need to not ever use the word socialist or socialism ever again."

— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) November 6, 2020

Rep. Clyburn also got in on the act:

>@WhipClyburn on Dem caucus call, per @heatherscope and @sarahnferris

"If 'we are going to run on Medicare for All, defund the police, socialized medicine, we're not going to win’” GA sen races.

— Jake Sherman (@JakeSherman) November 5, 2020

Now, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and Rashida Tlaib are firing back, letting it be known that they won’t go quietly and just accept the blame for what transpired. Of course, their radicalism is likely the actual cause, but when has a Democrat ever taken responsibility for being too left-wing?

There are folks running around on TV blaming progressivism for Dem underperformance.

I was curious, so I decided to open the hood on struggling campaigns of candidates who are blaming progressives for their problems.

Almost all had awful execution on digital. DURING A PANDEMIC.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 6, 2020

The Squad is upset at the Dems who are whining.

My prediction: Chaos.

I do not think this is a balancing act that the Democrat leadership can manage. AOC is more outspoken and emboldened than ever. With Pelosi announcing she’s going to run for Speaker again, the far-left of her caucus isn’t going to just accept that. Hakeem Jeffries is being floated and backed by some, but regardless of who it is, a serious challenge to Pelosi’s Speakership is forthcoming. That’s going to be a brutal fight, and not one as easily won by the establishment as in the past.

In the end, the Democrats lost seats because people hate their agenda. That’s not going to change in 2022. So while the infighting will continue, I don’t suspect they’ll find some magic solution that fixes all this. Embracing defunding the police, the Green New Deal, blocking stimulus, etc. were losing positions, but they are positions shared by a majority of the Democrat party. Buckle up.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du
Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
-Napoleon Bonaparte

Allow enemies their space to hate; they will destroy themselves in the process.
-Lisa Du