Author Topic: Colorado Dem Campaigns as a Moderate, Obscuring Radical Record  (Read 434 times)

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Colorado Dem Campaigns as a Moderate, Obscuring Radical Record
« on: October 07, 2020, 06:48:16 PM »
Colorado Dem Campaigns as a Moderate, Obscuring Radical Record

Colorado Democrat Diane Mitsch Bush has backtracked on her past support for Medicare for All and the Green New Deal in an effort to win over voters in a highly contested swing district.

When Mitsch Bush ran for Colorado's Third Congressional District in 2018, she pushed for a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. Bush now condemns both policies, removing them from her current platform in order to campaign as a "pragmatic progressive" on the trail.

"You’re creating jobs and helping to protect our environment and prevent climate change, so it’s a triple whammy," she said of a Green New Deal in 2018. Mitsch Bush now says otherwise, claiming the radical environmentalist legislation "does nothing."

"[The Green New Deal] shows remarkable insensitivity to the kinds of issues we face in rural Colorado," she told Colorado Public Radio on Friday.

Diane Mitsch Bush ran as a radical and now as a moderate.

She further pledged to never accept any corporate PAC money for her campaign to demonstrate her commitment to Colorado residents. The longtime state lawmaker's record, however, does not hold up to her claims of bipartisanship and pragmatism, nor does her previous campaign financing. Her last congressional bid netted thousands from liberal groups such as Swing Left, EdPAC, Emily’s List, and the Sierra Club. In April 2020, federal filings showed that Mitsch Bush took donations from Planned Parenthood Action Fund—the political arm of the billion-dollar abortion provider.

Mitsch Bush lost her 2018 race to Rep. Scott Tipton (R., Colo.) by 8 points. She is now running against political outsider and pro-gun mother Lauren Boebert, who edged out Tipton in the GOP primary. Cook Political Report rates the race, "leans Republican."

Let's hope Lauren Boebert wins.
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