Author Topic: Democrats feel boxed in on strategy for Barrett confirmation fight  (Read 478 times)

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Democrats feel boxed in on strategy for Barrett confirmation fight
« on: September 27, 2020, 01:55:19 PM »
Democrats feel boxed in on strategy for Barrett confirmation fight

Democrats privately fear that going too hard on Judge Amy Coney Barrett in her confirmation hearings could wind up backfiring if senators are perceived as being nasty to an accomplished woman.

Driving the news: Yesterday afternoon, NBC posted a video of Barrett outside her house in South Bend, Indiana, loading four of her seven children — two of the seven adopted from Haiti, and another with Down syndrome — into her Honda Odyssey minivan, then driving them all to her Air Force ride to Washington. "Good luck, Democrats," a Republican tweeted.

Between the lines: Senate Democrats recognize the danger. A top Democratic strategist pointed to three pitfalls: "liberals mishandling this by boycotting or treating her with disrespect; [Sen. Dianne] Feinstein [top Democrat on the Judiciary Committee] screwing it up; someone looking like a religious bigot."

"One more fear on Barrett: the adoption thing," the strategist added. "Gotta avoid that."
Some liberals (not elected officials) tweeted slurs about adoption yesterday and were slapped down.
A top Senate Democratic aide said the party has a three-part plan for avoiding those traps: "Health care, health care, health care."

How the Dems treat Amy Coney Barrett is going to make them look bad.

The Democratic base is pressuring senators "to go as far as boycotting the confirmation hearing," the WashPost reports.

But there won't be much of that. The top aide told me that would just speed up the hearing process and give Republicans a free platform to promote Barrett without scrutiny.
When Graham was asked on Fox about the possibility of Dems boycotting the hearings, the chairman chuckled and said, "Well, it'd make 'em quicker!"
Some Democrats on the committee may refuse the traditional courtesy calls with Barrett, however.

"The more things Democrats do that confer legitimacy on this process," a leading progressive operative said, "the less patient progressives will become with them."
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