Author Topic: I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.  (Read 579 times)

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Offline dutch508

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I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.
« on: August 31, 2020, 06:11:53 PM »
rustysgurl (434 posts)

I lost my sister tonight.

I didn't lose her to COVID-19. Nor to a car accident, a fatal illness or to a bullet. I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.

I shared a very thoughtful essay on FB which was written by a Christian woman, and previously shared by a progressive friend. It said so many of the things I had longed to say to my sister (an evangelical Christian), but couldn't find the words. I'm a pretty smart person, if I do say so myself, with a good vocabulary. But when I try to talk to my sister about Donald Trump, emotion takes over and my brain freezes. So anyway, this essay was spot on. It basically said that God doesn't just care about gay marriage and abortion, and Christians are throwing away their morals when they ignore Trump's character (and all the other flaws he has). Here's the last few paragraphs from her essay:

"Somewhere along the line, political masterminds decided that evangelical Christians could be manipulated into believing abortion and gay marriage are the only two things God cares about. Friends, that is a lie. You have been hoodwinked. Obviously, you don’t have to vote for Joe Biden. But you can’t use our Jesus and the Bible to defend your support of Donald Trump."

Well, my sister, who is pretty smart herself (Masters in Chemistry & Biology) read the essay, and responded thusly:

" I wish very much that President Trump spoke with more dignity, but his actions follow higher ideals. Mr. Biden also has his moments of hostile speech, usually when confronted or provoked, but my real problem with Mr. Biden is that his actions don't follow his spoken ideals. So, pretty speech, but willing to kill babies or rough speech and willing to stand up for what is right. I truly wish we could have a candidate with both dignity AND Christian actions. If I can only have one, I pick Trump."

I was gobsmacked. His actions follow higher ideals?? I responded and flatly told her she was wrong. I listed the Commandments Trump has broken (that we know of). I told her that we couldn't be farther apart on this issue, and that although I loved her because she was my sister, I disagreed with her in the possible strongest terms, and that it distressed me that Trump is tearing apart friends and families.

She responded, " I do not think my conclusions are wrong no matter how much emotion you bring to the discussion."

So there you go. I don't know this person anymore. We were raised by Democratic-voting, progressive, open-minded parents. Our grandparents were Democrats as well. However, my sister, who purports to be a kind and giving soul, has lost her freaking mind. We're supposed to travel together next month -- not happening. We talk regularly on the phone -- pretty sure that's not happening either. She seems to think we can have a relationship despite our differences, but I cannot be that hypocritical.

So, I lost my sister tonight. She thinks she's going to Heaven because she stands against a woman's right to choose, and laments that we will not be together in the afterlife because I think differently.

How ****ed up is that?


Star Member raging moderate (2,940 posts)

2. They say Trump has paid for several abortions, too.

I always wonder why the Fundies swallow that particular camel, while straining at Joe's gnats of tolerance.

Star Member littlemissmartypants (13,111 posts)

4. I'm sorry, rustysgurl. I'm in a similar situation.

I can only listen to my half-sister and self-disclose very little. She's a possible convert so I can only hope that your sister may see the light soon. I think there's still hope. I am not very close to my SS so I don't miss the sisterly stuff that you two share. I'm sorry you are losing a friend.

❤ lmsp

Star Member Maraya1969 (16,142 posts)

7. I know exactly where you are. My pastor evangelical brother and his wife are Trump supporters

We have actually had a few decent email exchanges recently but they are still nuts and I don't see a relationship with them.

But I told them both that Trump's allegiance to corporations and hence his stopping the environmental laws; for example clean water is going to put toxins into the water systems and it will end up in their grandkids bodies. And then I told them that they are responsible for that because of their vote and support.

I told them they are also responsible for the thousands of children taken away from their parents at the border.

I threw a couple bible verses about how God and Jesus said that you are supposed to welcome the foreigner. And then I added something about laws, (because my brother will say something like "they have to come in the right way" So I brought up Harriet Tubman and how she broke the law to free the slaves and how she is a hero now.

(We've been going back and forth for years....I know the shit he comes up with)

But I think making them realize that they are responsible for all the bad things that Trump does if they support him is important.

Good luck. Hopefully he will be gone soon and arrested and they all with have to face a hard reality. Although I have a feeling he will leave the country instead.

Jeebo (903 posts)

9. I don't understand how she could not see what a con man he is.

If she is intelligent and perceptive, she should be able to see that. Tell her to look at how he responds to people who criticize him, and contrast that with how he responds to people who praise him. The latter are the greatest, the best, etc., and the former are nasty, the worst, the most corrupt, etc. The same kinds of attitudes he has toward himself. "I'm the only person who can fix it." "I know more than the generals do." That kind of arrogance. Tell her to notice how vindictive he is. All of these are powerful indications of his megalomania, his lack of character. Tell her about all the people who have done work for him, contractors and caterers and the like who have worked on his hotels and casinos, for example, and then he would refuse to pay them. And when they complained, he would dare them to sue him. If that arrogant greedy SOB is rich (and we don't know that without seeing his tax returns) he got that way by stealing it from people he owed money to. Biden, on the other hand, shows NONE of these kinds of traits. I could go on and on. There are a million signs of how corrupt, cruel, manipulative, dishonest, hypocritical, megalomaniacal, this sorry excuse for human DNA is. Tell your sister to simply OPEN HER EYES AND EARS and if she is as intelligent as you say, she should be able to see that. Joe Biden, on the other hand, is a good and decent and honest guy, that is clear and obvious to me as the nose in front of my face.

-- Ron

dawg day (5,763 posts)

47. I agree- one thing I've noticed is that Trumpers do have to close their ears

They refuse to hear 90% of what he says.

They make sure not to read his tweets where he showers hate on everyone. They don't listen when he makes his fascistic statements.

They know they wouldn't like it, so they just make sure they don't hear it. So they just don't understand why we're so mad at him, when there he is, "dealing with the Covid, cutting taxes, helping the workers, saving pre-existing conditions!"

Awsi Dooger (13,912 posts)

12. She doesn't have opinions or conclusions

She has breathtaking levels of ignorance and stupidity. That's how I always approach this topic. I have excellent memory and I know numbers, so I can rattle off one category after another with what Republicans believed, like 51% thinking Obama was born in Kenya, etc. It serves glorious purpose to depict right wingers as marvelously stupid, and I enjoy every second of it, especially as their face and voice explode. They never have a threat of competent counter. Granted, I had decades of practice of this in Las Vegas.

Another terrific supplement is Trump's approval rating in other countries, like 16% in Canada and low 20s throughout Europe. I matter of factly mock them, saying other countries regardless of language barrier have no trouble identifying a lying lowlife as a lying lowlife, but only right wing Americans are brainwashed and gullible and remarkably stupid enough to vouch the other way.

And so forth. Again, this is Las Vegas sportsbook mode so you may not want to try it with a relative, although I have many times, including with a right wing sister who was mesmerized by Michelle Bachmann. That earned special tribute.

But she was never a close sister. Mostly the opposite. I didn't mind losing her. She has stolen from me numerous times including trying to break into my online accounts. She actually launched a drunken tirade at me because I had the audacity to set passwords that she couldn't guess: "I tried everything!"

myohmy2 (1,758 posts)

19. this is...

...what we're up against...your sister's views are shared by many people...

...I think you're wrong to give up on her...keep engaging her and keep trying to change her direction of thought...

...I have a daughter with similar's easy to throw your hands up and write them off...

...I'm convinced they truly believe trump wants to do good but is somehow being stifled by the evil around him...

...we must try to show them that trump is not a victim but the cancerous evil around all of us...

...not sure exactly how to do that, but I keep on trying...

Star Member WA-03 Democrat (512 posts)

20. Trump is the Anti Christ

Trump says he’s never asked Jesus Christ for forgiveness of his sins. We are born with original sin and are sinners and must be reborn through Jesus‘ love, forgiveness and mercy. God so loved the world that begot His only Son. Jesus died on the cross for our forgiveness. Asking for Jesus’ forgiveness is step one of Christianity. Follow Jesus not a politician.

I would hope that one day you both can heel from this and find a space for the love you both shared. I am going through a similar situation with my Dad. They are following an evil man. An obviously imperfect man who claims he’s never sinned. Sin is all Trump does all day and night.

Social media is one hell of a drug. Putin is trying to divide us. The noise signal is overwhelming. This is coming down for us in United States - the battle between good and evil. Light and darkness. They are flooding the zone. Sanity returns the day a real Christian, John R. Biden is sworn into office. Hang on and I wish you the very best.

Get out the vote and let love rule!


Star Member leftyladyfrommo (13,598 posts)

23. You can't talk to those people. Don't even try.

i live with lots of people who think like that. I don't discuss religion or politics.

I have close friends that are atheists. I don't agree with that but it's ok. Nothing I say is going to change anything.

I don't have close friends that are Evangelicals. I can't stand to listen to that stuff.

I always treat them with kindness. They don't know how to deal with that.
Star Member lunatica (49,566 posts)

24. Talking on the phone with my born again Christian sister she told me that she has to hate what god hates and that he hates gay people and that god is a jealous god. I argued with her that if she believes god created everything then she must believe that he created gay people too. That pissed her off and she accused me of trying to tell her what to believe. I gave up and hung up on her.

She wrote me a three page letter in which she went into gruesome detail of how god was going to punish me and send me to hell and how I would suffer for eternity. I could swear that she enjoyed writing that letter, relishing my punishments. I realized she didn’t care about me and we’ve not spoken since. That was close to twenty years ago.

It wouldn’t surprise me One bit if she loves Trump.


Star Member Mariana (10,872 posts)

28. The majority of Christian voters cast their ballots for Trump in 2016.

He may not get the majority of them this time, but if not, we can be sure it will be close. Your sister has plenty of company.

Star Member Wawannabe (2,717 posts)

30. Lost my long time boyfriend to the same sickness!

I effing feel ya. I love him and do not understand wtf he is thinking!


Star Member LenaBaby61 (4,420 posts)

31. You're better off without her ..

The toxicity (racism), hatred and lording herself over you just isn't worth it. Life is short and getting shorter once you pass a certain age.
A good buddy cut her racist, tRump loving kin off who live in a deep red part of Ohio when in 2014 they disrespected her black husband (A doctor) and their daughter at a family gathering for the LAST TIME (They'd gone to these family reunions for about 7 yrs). The only heart break is that her sweet Aunt lives with the fascist, fat ass who married her brother--a dimwitted clown who goes along with everything she says and does of a racist, non mask-wearing way.

Count your blessings that you aren't in your sister's filthy, ignorant, toxic orbit.

She's felt sooo great about life since then. She and hubby masked-up and marched in various rallies here in LA County in support of BLM, and plan to start phone-banking for Biden/Harris in a few weeks, and they also will donate to Dem candidates all across this country to see if they can help get rid of as many thuglikkkans as possible.


Star Member roamer65 (21,624 posts)

34. Religion is poison.

Especially when it gets intertwined with a cult.

Sorry to hear of your loss.

Star Member Martin Eden (10,166 posts)

52. How often did Jesus rail against abortion?

On the other hand, how often did he exhort his followers to care for the poor and the sick, and to welcome the stranger?

Donald Trump and the Republican Party profess to be Christians, but their actions reveal that to be a LIE.

One cannot be a Christian while rejecting the most important lessons Jesus taught.

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

Offline SVPete

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Re: I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2020, 07:11:32 PM »
Wow! So pious LPC Noob rustysgurl is totally OK supporting Hillary, who defended and enabled Bill's sexual predations and attacked Bill's victims. Family Foundation ... Benghazi ...

Pious LPC Noob rustysgurl is totally OK supporting Biden, whose affair with Jill broke up her first marriage, and then married her. Who sniffs the hair of and paws young girls. Who threatened the Ukrainian Prime Minister with withholding aid if he didn't get the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter's employer Burisma fired.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Delmar

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Re: I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2020, 08:48:38 PM »
So, I lost my sister tonight. She thinks she's going to Heaven because she stands against a woman's right to choose, and laments that we will not be together in the afterlife because I think differently.

How ****ed up is that?

It's never too late to repent. 
"I sat down, and I said, 'America's back' and Mitterrand from Germany — I mean from France — looked at me and said … "Well, how long are you back for?"
Crooked Joe Biden

Offline Tess Anderson

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Re: I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2020, 11:24:26 PM »
this AGAIN??? Mary has been trolling her sister for months now:

Fri Apr 17, 2020, 06:30 PM
rustysgurl (434 posts)

I lost it on my sister .. she hung up on me.

Last edited Fri Apr 17, 2020, 07:43 PM - Edit history (1)

Well, it finally happened. I don't know how to feel. Angry. Sad. Bereft.

My sister, while progressive in some ways (care for the poor and other similar social programs), is a die-hard, Faux News watching, Kool-Aid drinking Trump defender. She is extremely intelligent, well educated and well read. But, she is a one-issue voter ... abortion. She said she admired Obama in many ways, but she couldn't vote for him because of abortion. She hated Hillary Clinton, and spouted Benghazi talking points ad infinitum. Politics aside, she has been very kind and giving to me, inviting me on vacations with her, and talking with me every day on the phone. As long as we didn't discuss politics, we did pretty well.

She called today, and was talking about a friend of hers who complained about the extended stay at home order in our area. Being a retired medical professional, my sister understands what is going on, likes Dr. Fauci a great deal, and has admitted that Trump hasn't handled the pandemic well in some respects.

Well, I stepped right in the middle of it, asking her what she thought of his tweets today, basically inciting insurrection. As per usual, she didn't address anything Trump did, instead responding with her usual, "...but the Democrats" response. For the first time I called her on it. I told her this was not tit for tat, and that unless she could come up with examples where Democratic politicians had asked the people to rise up against the local elected officials, she needed to respond to what Trump did. She kept saying "but the Democrats, but the Democrats." I told her it didn't matter, and that the President of the United States was asking citizens in Democratic states to rise up against their governors, citing the 2nd Amendment.

So what did she do? She hung up on me.

I'm sure she thought I was rude, was talking over her, or that I had, in some way, lost my mind. She will probably, in all her gracious aura of religious benevolence, call me back later after giving me time to "calm down." Maybe she won't .. I don't know. Frankly, I'm not sure I will be taking her call today, or anytime in the near future. It pains me to consider not speaking with her because in all other ways she has been a good sister to me. I just can't get past her unrelenting need to defend the abomination currently in the White House, especially when she agrees he is a "less than honorable" person ... but. I mean, how bad does he have to get before one finally realizes he is horrible for this country?

What would you do?

just leave Patricia alone

Offline hillneck

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Re: I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2020, 11:44:36 PM »
Boy, they are really winding themselves for the big fall come election night when President Trump wins. 
In battle you have to show no mercy for mercy comes after the war when you still have the freedom to ask for it.

"Montani Semper Liberi"

Pray as if God will take care of all; act as if all is up to you.

Offline SVPete

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Re: I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2020, 09:01:50 AM »
... But, she is a one-issue voter ...

Yeahhhhhhh ... I doubt the sister is that one-issue, though it is possible. The Dems have been working for two or more decades to drive Pro-Life Dems out of office and party leadership positions. My WAG is that rustysgurl and sis were raised Catholic or conservative Lutheran, and rustysgurl is now a Biden-style CINO or an ELCA Lutheran (the US Lutheran body Martin Luther would denounce for being unfaithful to the Bible).
« Last Edit: September 01, 2020, 09:21:28 AM by SVPete »
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline Zathras

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Re: I lost my sister to the cult of Donald Trump.
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2020, 09:09:47 AM »
rustysgurl (434 posts)

I lost it on my sister .. she hung up on me.

No DUmbass you didn't lose your sister to the "cult" of President Trump. You and your ilk have driven her away from the Democrat Party with your hatred, bigotry, intolerance and your support of violent riots. Don't worry though. She'll be in good company with people who have joined the #walkaway movement because of their disgust of the actions of the Democrat Party.
Solve a man's problem with violence and help him for a day. Teach a man how to solve his problems with violence, help him for a lifetime - Belkar Bitterleaf

If racist dog whistles are meant to be only heard by racists, then it is quite interesting how progressives seem to be the only people who can hear them. - Leonydus Johnson

What makes a good soldier? The ability to fire 3 rounds a minute in any weather. - Major Richard Sharpe