Author Topic: Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her  (Read 597 times)

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Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her
« on: July 09, 2020, 09:33:33 PM »
bluedye33139 (1,142 posts)

Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her

I unplugged from cable television and luckily don't have MSNBC. Reid is extremely problematic. Her antigay history is astonishing.

Looking at the excerpts again, I am shocked. for instance, she once claimed that anti-gay people have a legitimate point when they are concerned about gay men being pedophiles.

Thread - 1/x Joy Reid's homophobic blog posts were far worse than 1st reported.

They also had nothing to do with Republican hypocrisy on gay marriage. Joy also opposed gay marriage at the time. She gleefully accused people of being gay and posted a number of questionable things.

Star Member ProudMNDemocrat (6,856 posts)

1. Joy Reid is one of MSNBC's stars.....People change..

I for one watch Joy. I see her as one who has evolved. She is as progressive as I am, and I have progressed over time. She is also a terrific interviewer.


Tipperary (6,772 posts)

2. "People change."

I will remember this the next time someone else is called out for something done in the past.

Star Member uponit7771 (68,688 posts)

9. Like Biden? tia

Star Member Mosby (11,297 posts)

22. Biden was never a homophobe.

Some of his political positions have changed, that's hardly the same thing.


Star Member dsc (48,671 posts)

25. she literally called gay men child molesters in the 2000's. I doubt you can find a single example of a Democratic politician doing that in the time frame she did. It would be damn hard to find examples from the 1990's. If that isn't homophobic, what on earth is?


Sympthsical (203 posts)

27. And she never took responsibility. Claimed hacking and never followed up.

She's a problem. I'm not sure why she gets a pass that sure as hell hasn't been extended to others.

Homophobes still get passes that we would never let fly for virulent racists.

Star Member Demsrule86 (44,843 posts)

147. I think you should stop using this OP to bash Biden...clearly that is what you are doing.

He is the Democratic nominee.

Star Member PatSeg (31,824 posts)

107. There was an African American minister

who was a Trump surrogate that was totally off the wall. He did the whole fast talking filibuster thing that republicans are known for, saying outrageous stuff. She quickly put him in his place and everyone applauded her, but then she kept bringing him back and it all came across as premeditated and scripted. That was when I quit recording her show and rarely watched her afterward. I really think she should be better than that. It was really tacky, almost Jerry Springer like.

Yes, she can learn and maybe being on weeknights in a prime time slot, she may rein it in a bit. Meanwhile, I find myself avoiding watching her when she guest hosts the same way I avoid Steve Kornacki. The news the past few years has been exhausting and stressful enough, I really appreciate a more measured and professional pace from cable news hosts. The person delivering the news and commentary should not be a distraction from the material. When you start to notice the person and not hearing the story or reporting, they aren't doing their job.

Yes, I wish her luck as well and hope she becomes more seasoned.

Drunken Irishman (31,497 posts)

77. Biden has not come anywhere near saying the hurtful things Joy has about gays.

Biden has changed. He also acknowledged that change. Joy said some really awful things about gays just over a decade ago. Biden was an advocate and ally by that point.

The only change Bidin is doing is his depends...

bluedye33139 (1,142 posts)

3. She claimed she didn't write the blog posts.

I don't believe that.

She no longer makes anti-gay statements in public. I don't look upon that as a win. She lied about her anti-gay history.

Star Member dsc (48,671 posts)

7. what evidence do you have of her having evolved

She still, to this day, doesn't even admit having said this stuff. Then look at her behavior to Buttigieg's campaign vs how she treated Bloomberg's on a similar issue. She had a huge segment on Buttigieg's problems with the police in South Bend, including a journalist who literally called Buttigieg a lying mother ****er, and refused outright to let a person from his campaign appear (she would only accept him) then when Bloomberg's history with the police in NYC came up she let a spokesman for his campaign on for the discussion. Her treatment of Buttigieg was biased and unfair.

And BTW why is Buttigieg still not in DU spell check?

JonLP24 (25,886 posts)

4. Joy Reid reminds of how Democrats reacted to LGBT rights until Obama evolved on the issue

Truthfully Obama signed something in 1996 indicating his full support for marriage equality so he evolved back to his original position.

Tipperary (6,772 posts)

11. But President Obama never lied about his original stance.

He was honest throughout.

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:

Sympthsical (203 posts)

29. I remember some Democrats blaming us for Kerry's loss

They were vocal, nasty, and had no qualms about the LGBT community's "part" in his loss. If only we'd have sat down and shut up, Kerry would've won.

Yes, some Democrats said this. They've never apologized. They just pretend they were always the staunchest allies ever. I know better, and I remember the bullshit.

Reid intimated gay men are pedophiles. She spread that poison. Until she reckons with that, I will always have disdain for her. One cannot be forgiven unless one understands one needs forgiveness and seeks it out.

She figured and figures she can brazen through it. Newp. And her coverage of Buttigieg fired off all kinds of warning bells.

I do not think she's quite as reformed as she would have us think.

Star Member Hortensis (39,663 posts)

91. Boy, is that not true for many of us. I haven't changed

my position on sexual orientation issues since I was a teen.

Yes, what jokes I would sit quiet for, or even not chuckle at, have changed -- the line not to be crossed in any era was meanness. Of course, most were mean and/or rejecting. And references mostly to homosexuality have changed to LGBTQ over those decades.

But commitment to equality and tolerance of every individual's right to pursuit of happiness don't change. It's the essence of what it is to be liberal by nature and principle.

Over 40 years ago I immediately threatened to take two fellow employees to HR ("Personnel" for trying to make trouble for a woman in another department whom I barely knew by sight. I'm only unusual in being a bit more willing to cause trouble in return than some. There are many, many millions of us.


bluedye33139 (1,142 posts)

21. If she were the Democratic nominee, I would vote for her.

But I won't willingly watch someone who shrieked anti-gay talking points for years.

It wasn't mere opposition to same-sex marriage, it was about 15 anti-gay talking points. Including the pedophilia one. Including the lesbian cabal conspiracy theory.

Star Member Wounded Bear (37,432 posts)

17. A generation ago, the black community was pretty anti-gay in the aggregate...

Between the evangelical wing and the celebrity wing, most black leaders were pretty anti-gay.

Perhaps they came to realize that suppression of some is the same as the suppression of all and that maybe those who are discriminated against should band together instead of being divided and conquered.

demtenjeep (27,602 posts)

32. STOP

all things are raining on FU45's parade and this is what you are worried about?

this is what we always do-eat our own-

TRUMP is the target

it is up to US to get him the **** out of OUR WHITE HOUSE


bluedye33139 (1,142 posts)

33. When someone says that I'm a pedophile, I will address that.

Thank you very much.

As I stated earlier, if she were the Democratic nominee for president, I would vote for her. But I would not fall silent because it is convenient for others or because my existence and dignity are bothersome to people.

Star Member dsc (48,671 posts)

55. Honest question

If we found out tomorrow that Chris Hayes, posted in 2003 that Black men rape White women on a routine basis and thus it is quite understandable that White men hate Black men, and when we found out he said he had been hacked and provided no evidence, was forced to 'apologize' and said in that 'apology' I still don't think I posted that stuff but understand why you think I did; would you be OK with MSNBC having him on the air nightly at 8pm? If not, why should I and others be OK with Reid?

 :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

Star Member Demsrule86 (44,843 posts)

120. It was 17 years ago...maybe he or (Reid) can not remember what they posted then.

People evolve. I see no anti-gay bias in Joy Reid today. She annoyed the shit out of me during the primaries with, I stopped watching. Now, I watch again. I do like her in general.

 :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:
 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Star Member Hortensis (39,663 posts)

47. MSNBC is helping the Republicans and those they serve retain as much power as possible.

Their middlin' LW audience is where they're focused on peeling and shaving. After all, it worked well in 2015-16. They were so pleased with Chuck Todd's deceiving and demoralizing Democrats in 2016 that in 2020 you almost can't turn on MSNBC without running into him.

So, knowing that all along of course, and since you're apparently paying attention, surely you've picked up on what Reid's been pushing on the Saturday show they chose her for?

The RW powers are desperate to break, or at least splinter, the great alliance of Americans gathered against them behind the Democratic banner.

So, imo, if you want to attack her, you'd do best to scrutinize her her new show to see what she's been put into that slot to push each evening, not into the distant past that she's formally denied, renounced and denounced. And I wouldn't wonder at that at all.

It's only what we should all be doing. Who knows? Maybe it'll show that the new management has somewhat different goals this election in spite of their plugging Todd in wherever and whenever they can and the continuation of 2016 behaviors in other MSM.


Captain Stern (1,653 posts)

64. Let's round up that firing squad, and put it in a circle....FIRE, ready, aim.

Why do we do this?

Why do we go out of our way to actually **** ourselves over?

This is an election year. The goal is to win. That is the only goal.

There's not a secondary goal of shitting on other Democrats.

Joy Reid will still be around in 2021. How about complaining about her then?

The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Re: Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her
« Reply #1 on: July 10, 2020, 11:59:56 AM »
I wonder what percentage of DU are pillow biters and rug munchers?     Must be 4X the national avg?

Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Re: Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2020, 01:10:35 PM »
I wonder what percentage of DU are pillow biters and rug munchers?     Must be 4X the national avg?

Frank probably knows the approximate numbers that DUmmies have self acknowledged in polls and threads in that petri dish.

But the overwhelming takeaway is that the DUmp is older than average, whiter than you think, and mostly heterosexual.  If any of them actually have sex.

They are all just down with the cause, supporting LGBTQ causes.  Because liberals are sheep.
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Offline freedumb2003b

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Re: Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her
« Reply #3 on: July 10, 2020, 06:23:25 PM »
Frank probably knows the approximate numbers that DUmmies have self acknowledged in polls and threads in that petri dish.

But the overwhelming takeaway is that the DUmp is older than average, whiter than you think, and mostly heterosexual.  If any of them actually have sex.

They are all just down with the cause, supporting LGBTQ causes.  Because liberals are sheep.

The ones that claim LBGQTREWSZ are mostly lying for cred, which is all drving in their pathetic lives.
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Offline landofconfusion80

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Re: Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her
« Reply #4 on: July 10, 2020, 09:56:38 PM »
I wonder what percentage of DU are pillow biters and rug munchers?     Must be 4X the national avg?
Does anyone remember the liberals claiming that gays were to be trusted with leading cub scout dens? Where would scouting be now if they'd ignored those idiots?
One Who Grows (244 posts)
20. absolute bullshit. the cave is unspeakably vile.

I don't know how any of you can live with yourselves.


Offline SVPete

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Re: Joy Reid's history is so problematic. I can't watch her
« Reply #5 on: July 11, 2020, 08:37:14 AM »
 :rotf: Quite a few DU-members were singing a rather different tune some 2 1/2 years ago, . One of the first replies refers to there being at least one other DU thread about the story (Hint! Hint!). So what has Reid done/said recently that got DU-folk riled up? The only thing I'm aware of - I don't follow her doings and sayings - is that she now has a weekday evening show.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.