Author Topic: Twelve words to convince those who voted for Trump, not to vote for him again..  (Read 1263 times)

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Offline CC27

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Star Member Stuart G (24,475 posts)

Twelve words to convince those who voted for Trump, not to vote for him again..

Why these words?..The last word is one that most of us have encountered in our lives. We hate the word, " ..BULLY.." Bully is a powerful word, and the other words describe a bully..........

MOST IMPORTANT: This is a short, simple way to convince someone that might have voted for Trump before, not to vote for him again. Also: this sentence is the truth. ...................................
... Since this must be repeated over and over again and because it is the total truth, it could work to A) convince the person in question to vote for our side, or perhaps, B) convince that person who voted for Trump... not to vote at all Either way we win. And this is the total truth & most of us know this is the truth.
Here is the sentence with the 12 words: ............................................................

Donald Trump is a lying, mean, corrupt, vicious, crooked, cruel, evil,"BULLY!!".......................

There is one group that will despise this sentence, and only one group...That group is the group of BULLIES....
....The rest of us hate bullies, and this sentence describes Trump honestly and simply. If Donald Trump is asked about these words, and says, "I am not a bully" he will then confirm the sentence. He is lying about who he is, therefore, he loses his chance to be elected again. Please think about this idea. It is simple, to the point, easy to remember, and it is the truth. And it is just one sentence, only one sentence..

This post is why we call you DUmmies.

Offline Carl

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Offline Texacon

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That's it.  I can't do it.  After reading that there's no way I can possibly vote Trump for a second term.  I'm sorry y'all, that was just too powerful.

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Offline FiddyBeowulf

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Star Member Stuart G (24,475 posts)

Twelve words to convince those who voted for Trump, not to vote for him again..

Why these words?..The last word is one that most of us have encountered in our lives. We hate the word, " ..BULLY.." Bully is a powerful word, and the other words describe a bully..........

MOST IMPORTANT: This is a short, simple way to convince someone that might have voted for Trump before, not to vote for him again. Also: this sentence is the truth. ...................................
... S

Donald Trump is a lying, mean, corrupt, vicious, crooked, cruel, evil,"BULLY!!".......................

If Donald Trump is asked about these words, and says, "I am not a bully" he will then confirm the sentence. He is lying about who he is, therefore, he loses his chance to be elected again.
If Donald Trump is asked about these words I am sure that he not only avoid your "word trap" but somehow turn it around, make you look like a kook and gain 2-3 points in popularity.
Fire...BAD!!! - John Fetterman

The policies that are indorsed by this party, that they backer of which are much of the 1 percent, causes a social structure much like the one back before the Revolution.

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Offline Ralph Wiggum

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That's it.  I can't do it.  After reading that there's no way I can possibly vote Trump for a second term.  I'm sorry y'all, that was just too powerful.

Well, he still has my vote for 2020.  But I might hedge on voting for him in 2024 with such a convincing sentence.
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Offline SVPete

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Yawn. Every Dem candidate's name could replace Trump's in that sentence, with greater accuracy.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Offline USA4ME

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"Barack Obama is a lying, mean, corrupt, vicious, crooked, cruel, evil, BULLY!!"

I remember when that phrase was used to convince me NOT to vote for Obama. Of course, it was true of him, and obviously so, and made it easy to reject him.

But with Trump, not so much. Sorry, Stuart G primitive.

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Quote from:
Newest Reality

7. Could anyone convince you...

Could anyone convince you that you are wrong about that?

If you carefully ponder that question, then you might realize what you are dealing with here. First, there are loyalists that are literally immune to any arguments that you can present to them. Convincing them of anything is merely an invitation to reactions and arguments that will tend to devolve into nothing but a blend of their own identification with their leader and a collection of trivial phrases concerning what they have been told, and then believe, to be absolutely true.

Another point that bears on this conundrum is the mother of all biases, the confirmation bias and I think that applies here. People who are unable to see their own biases, (and that is common) tend to look for, and agree with what confirms their biases. It is rather simple. The interesting part is that the drive towards confirmation can make what you say that contradicts their beliefs fuel for the confirmation in some way, shape or form. Thus, your attempt fails in two ways.

We are dealing with some people who are prone to believing what they think, no matter what it is and their operant conditioning is a habitual, reinforced and automatic set of reactions that they may have little or no control over in that respect. They have x posters pasted up all over the walls of their conceptual shells and that is their "truth" and the wallpaper paste is ignorance.

I am not saying nothing can be done to persuade people, (especially those who do not fall into the above description fully) but it should be clear that conventional means and intelligent, sound, logical, or even factual, evidence-based means will not necessarily have any effect. They might continue to cling to their cherished notions even as the charred remains of their world shudder and fall around them.

This primitive just described Democrats/liberals. If only this primitive were intelligent enough to look in the mirror.

Because third world peasant labor is a good thing.

Offline Happy Fun Ball

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Do you idiots even know what a bully is? You think by labeling anyone you don't like as a bully that you will automatically convince people to abandon them? That will never happen. And do you know why? Well, let's see here...

First of all, a bully is someone who uses intimidation, coersion, and violence to get what he or she wants. Yes, women can be bullies too. They also tend to humiliate and persecute those weaker than them for personal gain or just to make them feel superior. Now then, let's see who this sounds like:

1. Global Warming: When you have people wanting to arrest those who disagree with the hysteria that OH N0ES! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BY 1990 1998 2001 2010 2012 2020 2050, that sounds a lot like bullying.

2. Gun Control: Trying to confiscate guns by force (i.e. Virginia) and label those who still believe in the Constitution as deplorables, bitter clingers, gun nuts, terrorists, etc. sure sounds a lot like bullying.

3. LGBWTF Agenda: What happens when someone speaks out against this? Well, they get harassed, doxxed, persecuted, and maybe even sued into oblivion. That sure sounds like bullying.

4. Violence and Intimidation: Incidents like the massacre attempt in Alexandria when a Bernie supporter tried to shoot a bunch of congressmen, only injuring Steve Scalise, or the assault on Rand Paul, or the antics of ANTI FIrst Amendment, or the many, many incidents where people are just minding their own business and in come a bunch of protesters yelling and screaming at them for no other reason than for supporting Trump, all sound a lot like bullying.

5. The most recent case where another Bernie supporter wants to put Trump supporters in gulags.

All of these things and more are what liberals, socialists, communists, etc. do all the time. You are the bullies. You want to silence anyone who even hints at disagreeing with you. Whether it be by banning them from DU to driving them from public life, to outright violence against them. You justify it by labeling them the most vile, detestable things. You dehumanize them, call them Nazis or racists or worse...far worse just to justify and fuel your abject hatred for anyone who would dare to defy your agenda. How long will it be before we see more incidents like with Scalise? How long will it be before you attempt to literally try to put us all in gulags? Well, you won't right now because you know there is too much opposition. You are in the tiny minority and you know it. You try to convince yourselves otherwise and make yourselves out to be this all-encompassing force, but you know very well that you are unimportant and irrelevant. Just like how a bully acts.

Offline Texacon

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Well, he still has my vote for 2020.  But I might hedge on voting for him in 2024 with such a convincing sentence.


  Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day.  Set a man on fire and he will be warm for the rest of his life.


Offline Ralph Wiggum

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Do you idiots even know what a bully is? You think by labeling anyone you don't like as a bully that you will automatically convince people to abandon them? That will never happen. And do you know why? Well, let's see here...

First of all, a bully is someone who uses intimidation, coersion, and violence to get what he or she wants. Yes, women can be bullies too. They also tend to humiliate and persecute those weaker than them for personal gain or just to make them feel superior. Now then, let's see who this sounds like:

1. Global Warming: When you have people wanting to arrest those who disagree with the hysteria that OH N0ES! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BY 1990 1998 2001 2010 2012 2020 2050, that sounds a lot like bullying.

2. Gun Control: Trying to confiscate guns by force (i.e. Virginia) and label those who still believe in the Constitution as deplorables, bitter clingers, gun nuts, terrorists, etc. sure sounds a lot like bullying.

3. LGBWTF Agenda: What happens when someone speaks out against this? Well, they get harassed, doxxed, persecuted, and maybe even sued into oblivion. That sure sounds like bullying.

4. Violence and Intimidation: Incidents like the massacre attempt in Alexandria when a Bernie supporter tried to shoot a bunch of congressmen, only injuring Steve Scalise, or the assault on Rand Paul, or the antics of ANTI FIrst Amendment, or the many, many incidents where people are just minding their own business and in come a bunch of protesters yelling and screaming at them for no other reason than for supporting Trump, all sound a lot like bullying.

5. The most recent case where another Bernie supporter wants to put Trump supporters in gulags.

All of these things and more are what liberals, socialists, communists, etc. do all the time. You are the bullies. You want to silence anyone who even hints at disagreeing with you. Whether it be by banning them from DU to driving them from public life, to outright violence against them. You justify it by labeling them the most vile, detestable things. You dehumanize them, call them Nazis or racists or worse...far worse just to justify and fuel your abject hatred for anyone who would dare to defy your agenda. How long will it be before we see more incidents like with Scalise? How long will it be before you attempt to literally try to put us all in gulags? Well, you won't right now because you know there is too much opposition. You are in the tiny minority and you know it. You try to convince yourselves otherwise and make yourselves out to be this all-encompassing force, but you know very well that you are unimportant and irrelevant. Just like how a bully acts.
Great post!  Think we can safely also add that the left bullies public figures for not bowing to their will.  The Salvation Army for not being "inclusive" enough for the trans community.  Ellen DeGeneres for being seen socializing with President Bush. And last night Vince Vaughn for shaking hands with President Trump.
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Offline Happy Fun Ball

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Great post!  Think we can safely also add that the left bullies public figures for not bowing to their will.  The Salvation Army for not being "inclusive" enough for the trans community.  Ellen DeGeneres for being seen socializing with President Bush. And last night Vince Vaughn for shaking hands with President Trump.
And then there's that one cancer organization that didn't fall into line with the abortion agenda, at least until they were harassed until they caved.

Offline jukin

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Another great reason to vote for Trump again, Megercale Sparkle the slut that married former prince harry won't live in the USA if Trump is president.
When you are the beneficiary of someone’s kindness and generosity, it produces a sense of gratitude and community.

When you are the beneficiary of a policy that steals from someone and gives it to you in return for your vote, it produces a sense of entitlement and dependency.

Offline DUmpDiver

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Here's 12 words:

Dow Jones average
Record low unemployment
Stop illegal immigration
Better trade deals

Offline Ptarmigan

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Do you idiots even know what a bully is? You think by labeling anyone you don't like as a bully that you will automatically convince people to abandon them? That will never happen. And do you know why? Well, let's see here...

First of all, a bully is someone who uses intimidation, coersion, and violence to get what he or she wants. Yes, women can be bullies too. They also tend to humiliate and persecute those weaker than them for personal gain or just to make them feel superior. Now then, let's see who this sounds like:

1. Global Warming: When you have people wanting to arrest those who disagree with the hysteria that OH N0ES! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BY 1990 1998 2001 2010 2012 2020 2050, that sounds a lot like bullying.

2. Gun Control: Trying to confiscate guns by force (i.e. Virginia) and label those who still believe in the Constitution as deplorables, bitter clingers, gun nuts, terrorists, etc. sure sounds a lot like bullying.

3. LGBWTF Agenda: What happens when someone speaks out against this? Well, they get harassed, doxxed, persecuted, and maybe even sued into oblivion. That sure sounds like bullying.

4. Violence and Intimidation: Incidents like the massacre attempt in Alexandria when a Bernie supporter tried to shoot a bunch of congressmen, only injuring Steve Scalise, or the assault on Rand Paul, or the antics of ANTI FIrst Amendment, or the many, many incidents where people are just minding their own business and in come a bunch of protesters yelling and screaming at them for no other reason than for supporting Trump, all sound a lot like bullying.

5. The most recent case where another Bernie supporter wants to put Trump supporters in gulags.

All of these things and more are what liberals, socialists, communists, etc. do all the time. You are the bullies. You want to silence anyone who even hints at disagreeing with you. Whether it be by banning them from DU to driving them from public life, to outright violence against them. You justify it by labeling them the most vile, detestable things. You dehumanize them, call them Nazis or racists or worse...far worse just to justify and fuel your abject hatred for anyone who would dare to defy your agenda. How long will it be before we see more incidents like with Scalise? How long will it be before you attempt to literally try to put us all in gulags? Well, you won't right now because you know there is too much opposition. You are in the tiny minority and you know it. You try to convince yourselves otherwise and make yourselves out to be this all-encompassing force, but you know very well that you are unimportant and irrelevant. Just like how a bully acts.

Well said!
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Offline DUmpsterDiver

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>Star Member Stuart G (24,475 posts) Twelve words to convince those who voted for Trump, not to vote for him again..

12 / 4 == four(RETARD *foryou);  ...
ESAD :-) 

Offline Karin

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Response to Stuart G (Original post)
Tue Jan 14, 2020, 12:47 PM
 Pacifist Patriot (22,035 posts)
12. Hate to break it to you, but I have had no less than three Trump supporters...

(one extended family, the other two co-workers) use the word to describe him and mean it as praise. They love the way he bullies Democrats. I mean orgasmically love that he's a bully. That is what they want from him and they do not shy away from the word. As long as he's bullying folks they disagree with, it's a selling point with them.


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Do you idiots even know what a bully is? You think by labeling anyone you don't like as a bully that you will automatically convince people to abandon them? That will never happen. And do you know why? Well, let's see here...

First of all, a bully is someone who uses intimidation, coersion, and violence to get what he or she wants. Yes, women can be bullies too. They also tend to humiliate and persecute those weaker than them for personal gain or just to make them feel superior. Now then, let's see who this sounds like:

1. Global Warming: When you have people wanting to arrest those who disagree with the hysteria that OH N0ES! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BY 1990 1998 2001 2010 2012 2020 2050, that sounds a lot like bullying.

2. Gun Control: Trying to confiscate guns by force (i.e. Virginia) and label those who still believe in the Constitution as deplorables, bitter clingers, gun nuts, terrorists, etc. sure sounds a lot like bullying.

3. LGBWTF Agenda: What happens when someone speaks out against this? Well, they get harassed, doxxed, persecuted, and maybe even sued into oblivion. That sure sounds like bullying.

4. Violence and Intimidation: Incidents like the massacre attempt in Alexandria when a Bernie supporter tried to shoot a bunch of congressmen, only injuring Steve Scalise, or the assault on Rand Paul, or the antics of ANTI FIrst Amendment, or the many, many incidents where people are just minding their own business and in come a bunch of protesters yelling and screaming at them for no other reason than for supporting Trump, all sound a lot like bullying.

5. The most recent case where another Bernie supporter wants to put Trump supporters in gulags.

All of these things and more are what liberals, socialists, communists, etc. do all the time. You are the bullies. You want to silence anyone who even hints at disagreeing with you. Whether it be by banning them from DU to driving them from public life, to outright violence against them. You justify it by labeling them the most vile, detestable things. You dehumanize them, call them Nazis or racists or worse...far worse just to justify and fuel your abject hatred for anyone who would dare to defy your agenda. How long will it be before we see more incidents like with Scalise? How long will it be before you attempt to literally try to put us all in gulags? Well, you won't right now because you know there is too much opposition. You are in the tiny minority and you know it. You try to convince yourselves otherwise and make yourselves out to be this all-encompassing force, but you know very well that you are unimportant and irrelevant. Just like how a bully acts.
Yes. And yet, Conservatives have played the game on hard mode by refusing to hit back at the left. Until now, that is. The left is unaccustomed to an opponent who doesn't take their shit and who punches back. That is part of the appeal of Trump, and why the left thinks he is a bully.

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"Bully is a powerful word.........."
"Bully" USED to be a powerful word, but then people like you DUmmies started slinging it left and right, stretching its definition, and using it to define everything you want it to define (i.e. I've been working in public schools for years now, and I've lost count of all the times that a student being simply hit with a mild smack- talk insult from another student led to the first student whining to me "SIR, HE/SHE'S BULLYING ME!"), and now that word has consequently lost nearly all of the gravity it used to have.
It's similar to what you leftists have done with words like "Obesity," "Racist," and "Nazi."