Author Topic: DEMS are debating right now whether they have Cap Police drag the GOP out SCIF  (Read 2618 times)

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demmiblue (22,687 posts)

DEMS are debating right now whether they have Cap Police drag the HOUE GOP out of the SCIF for shutting down the impeachment inquiry.

There is a fear that this would play right into the GOP’s hands. Maybe the resched and put Cap Police there to guard it next time

Rachael Bade

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According to @GerryConnolly the GOP members who protested the COOPER deposition have essentially SHUT DOWN the impeachment inquiry for a time.

Cooper has not been able to start testifying bc members stormed the room.

They’re currently consulting Sargent at Arms.

having a secret trial = perfectly OK

grumpyduck (1,142 posts)

2. Sure, act like a bunch of spoiled brats in grammar school.

That'll get you a lot of respect at election time.

You think that the average american is ok with secret trials and the opposition party locked out of the room!? It worked so well for the ACA...

RAB910 (480 posts)

5. The GOP is GUILTY of obstructing justice

don't just drag them out, drag them to prison

oh, why waste the time in that- just take them out in the yard and shoot them.

Star Member StarfishSaver (5,755 posts)

14. MSNBC reporter just referred to this as a "stunt"

And then went on to discuss Cooper's and Taylor's testimony.


A few weeks ago, they would have let this distract from their coverage of the substance and would have referred to it as some kind of "both sides" situation. Instead, he called it out for what it is.

Blue_Tires (54,447 posts)


Some "secure" room that is...

Star Member Hermit-The-Prog (9,131 posts)

24. they'll do it as long as it's a net gain for them

Lock 'em up.

Oh, yes- lock them up. That will look wonderful for the political press. Dems arrest opposition on... eh... **** it... we don't need a charge.

gratuitous (66,904 posts)

37. Saw-ree!

But having seen naked Republican lawlessness overrun so many governmental forms over the last 50 years (from Nixon's "secret plan" to end the Vietnam war; the original -gate, Watergate; Ford's pardon of Nixon; the Reagan campaign's interference in Iran; Iran/contra cut short by Poppy's lame duck Christmas Eve pardon parade, the 2000 election fiasco where every Republican machination was reported as being on the up and up - including the Brooks Brothers riot - while Democrats' insistence on following Florida election law then in place was relentless reported as the height of suspicious activity; the gaslighting of the American people so that the Bush II administration could launch two invasions and occupations; to the relentless law-breaking of the Trump administration and now watching these bumbling nincompoops compromising a secure area, I thought a price should be paid at long last. But instead, let's hold hands, sing Kum Ba Yah, and hope that these bomb-throwing back-benchers will suddenly and spontaneously decide to behave themselves.

Or did you have something else in mind?

The irony of the left crying about 'violations of security'...  :bird:

lagomorph777 (10,880 posts)

23. Cooper must have testimony that will implicate them all criminally.

Very important to get these criminals locked up ASAP.

Star Member George II (43,886 posts)

41. I'd LOVE to see them all marched with their hands cuffed behind their backs like they do...

...with mass arrests at demonstrations.

Then lock them ALL in that cell in the basement of the Capitol and don't let them go until all their attorneys show up.

Who wants a Police State? [hint... it's DU]...
The torch of moral clarity since 12/18/07

2016 DOTY: 06 Omaha Steve - Is dying for ****'s face! How could you not vote for him, you heartless bastards!?!

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Is it time yet for the Constitutional remedy regarding a tyrannical government? Just asking for a friend.  :censored:
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Offline Happy Fun Ball

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Is it time yet for the Constitutional remedy regarding a tyrannical government? Just asking for a friend.  :censored:

Asking for a whole lot of friends, like millions even.

Offline BadCat

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It's about time some of them grew a spine and put a stop to the dims shif show.
Help keep America beautiful...deface a liberal.

The Democrat and Republican parties are simply the left and right wings of the same bird of prey.

The road to freedom is paved with dead liberals.


Offline DLR Pyro

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Blue_Tires (54,447 posts)


Biden is an illegitimate President.  Change my mind.

Police lives matter.

Basking in the glow of my white privilege

ProudDad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Wed Mar-09-11 08:50 PM
64.I'd almost be willing to get a job in order to participate in

Offline DUmpsterDiver

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demmiblue (22,687 posts) DEMS are debating right now whether they have Cap Police drag the HOUE GOP out of the SCIF for shutting down the impeachment inquiry.

I want to see the debate when they consider advancing up the many rural driveways to confiscate arms.